December 2010 Blog Posts (5)

For Dvhour with love : )

My housemates (two females and one male) and I were out raking leaves last November, 2009. It's a fairly large lawn, one acre with lots of deciduous trees.

We had quite a task ahead of us, but we eventually got it done. About four

hours into the raking my housemate, Robin (the boy) started whining and

complaining about all the work we had to do and that we shouldn't have to do…


Added by greeneyedsusan on December 31, 2010 at 8:30am — 14 Comments

A new take on Birthday Punches

December 20th was Pat's 24th birthday. I'm sure a lot of you know what birthday punches are - the high-school tradition of punching someone whatever number of years they just turned. It was a fun excuse to beat up our friends. I was never huge into celebrating with birthday punches - I mean, I survived my way through it when people did it to me, but, for the past few years at least, I'd pretty much forgotten about them entirely. Then, when mentioning Pat's birthday to someone else on this…


Added by Emma Eat Yo Balls on December 24, 2010 at 3:23pm — 5 Comments

Busting John's Balls - the Start of my Career

I thought you migh tlike to know how I discovered the sexual power of ballbusting.

You need to understand one thing right from the start. I bust balls because of what it does for me. I don’t mind if the guy gets something out of it, but that’s just incidental. I’m not doing it for his benefit.

This is getting ahead of myself. Let me go back to the beginning.

I didn’t really understand what a guy busting his balls meant until one dull Saturday in October. My brother was…


Added by Brendah Moore on December 15, 2010 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

High risk chess

Yesterday my girlfriend and I were a little bored, so we eventually came up with an idea to spice up our evening: chess... with a twist. Well, playing chess was my idea, but my girlfriend came up with the twist, which was in the form of a penalty: whoever lost a piece during the game would be busted, with the number of times depending on which piece your opponent captured: one bust for pawns, two for rooks, knights and bishops and three for the queen. And whoever was caught in a checkmate would… Continue

Added by Transient on December 6, 2010 at 8:48am — 8 Comments

Back on the dating scene

Well it's been awhile since I broke up and I'm feeling ready to start seeing someone again. At the behest of my brother, I've joined OkCupid. It's free, so what do I have to lose except time, right?

I've already hit what I assume is the first of many snags. I don't want kids. Now, don't get me wrong, I might change my mind if I meet the absolute perfect girl with whom I want nothing more than to breed. To date, I have never met such a person. It's a little ironic because everyone who knows… Continue

Added by Knave! on December 1, 2010 at 9:53pm — 6 Comments

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