Well it's been awhile since I broke up and I'm feeling ready to start seeing someone again. At the behest of my brother, I've joined OkCupid. It's free, so what do I have to lose except time, right?
I've already hit what I assume is the first of many snags. I don't want kids. Now, don't get me wrong, I might change my mind if I meet the absolute perfect girl with whom I want nothing more than to breed. To date, I have never met such a person. It's a little ironic because everyone who knows me tells me I'd be the best father ever. That's all well and good but I don't want to be responsible for the health and happiness of another living thing. Heck, I don't even own plants. So I'm pretty sure that's hurting my chances of meeting anyone since every girl on the face of the planet save a few to whom I am not attracted, wants to have like, 86 kids. Either that or they already some and still want more. Criminey!
The second little kink in the fabric is this whole ballbusting/sock fetish thing I have going on. My last girlfriend felt threatened and intimidated by my kinks, which was a totally new experience to me. I'd really only ever had positive experiences with girls and at least one of my fetishes, sometimes both. Anyway, that whole thing now has me feeling extremely cautious about broaching the subject with potential girls, for fear of scaring them away. I mean, I do know that me being a producer of pornographic illustrations, comics and videos isn't exactly normal but up until my last relationship I actually thought they were good things. Now I know not everyone agrees.
I know what you're saying; "But Knave, if a girl doesn't like what you do, then she's not the girl for you. Plain and simple." Yeah, I guess. Still, I think I shouldn't be as obvious about my kinks until I have a better idea of the person with whom I'm conversing. I used to open up pretty quickly because I felt invincible. Now I've got some chinks in my armor so I think I may be a little more timid.
Somewhere out there I know there's someone that resembles my perfect girl. I don't believe in fate or destiny and I don't think there's "the one" for anybody. I do however thing that somewhere there is a girl that shares my interests, both kinky and non, that I would find attractive and vice-versa. The search begins anew.
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