January 2018 Blog Posts (6)

New Shoes, Wedding Edition: Part 2


We arrived at the mall and once we went inside, the sound of her heels on the hard time floor had me more distracted than I already was.  I don't know if I was shaking or drooling, but Stacey saw how crazy turned on I was, and made sure to playfully make fun of me on our way to whatever department store she wanted to go to for a dress.…


Added by KneeMyNuts on January 29, 2018 at 12:36pm — No Comments

A few quick stories

I don't know how but I've always been friends with strong Females growing up. This lead to me and my male friends getting busted quite a lot. Here is a few quick stories.

While sitting in a bar one time, I was talking to my brother when the girls on the other side of the table called me. They called me 3 or 4 times but my brother was deep into a story. So all of a sudden I felt a heel hit me perfectly square in the nuts. Needles to say she had my attention. They both laughed…


Added by Ted on January 23, 2018 at 4:00am — No Comments

Introduction: Self Defense Class

I have had a few people on here ask me to write another story. Sorry about the delay, they just take a bit to write and I have been busy. But here goes the intro to a series. There is some truth to the stories but there is certainly some hyperbole.

A group of us had been friends for years, most of us from school. Six of us; myself, Ben, Roy, Ashley, Amber, and Kendyl. Kendyl was the one of the group we met after school, about 4 years later. This is the story of how we met her.…


Added by Thomas Jones on January 22, 2018 at 9:57pm — 1 Comment

Better be ready....

Oh wow. This was one of those situations where I was going into a session when I was no near ready for her. On a lot of these I will get a decent pain tolerance going and be ready by giving her something to work with. Today I was in kind of a funk from the weather, and she has such an ACCURATE intuition that it is scary. She “knew” without giving me any signal that she was going to be able to really hurt me at will on this day. And the moment she does feel this? Oh my God, she’ll taunt you.…


Added by Silent Warrior on January 14, 2018 at 7:04pm — 1 Comment

The Old Wooden Spoon

In our kitchen stays hidden this ridiculously large wooden spoon we got in a set of utensils as a wedding present. Now when I say large, I mean comically big. I’m talking like the size of a small paddle from school(back in the day when teachers could paddle without fear of a lawsuit). And when I say hidden, I mean, I have to constantly move it around so that the hubs can’t find it and throw it out, because after all, this spoon has bruised his balls more than a few times over the…


Added by Shannon Johan on January 3, 2018 at 12:32pm — 4 Comments

Best BB I ever witnessed

A few years back while at party with my girl (now wife) I witness the best Ballbusting I ever seen.

We hang around with a very close group of friends. We are close since school and still to this day. My best friend since I was 5 was mad about my girl and told me many times if I hurt he would kill me as he knew I hit the jackpot. 

Anyway He was joking with a few people in the kitchen and taking the piss out my girl. She replied with the usual joke about a small…


Added by Ted on January 3, 2018 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

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