Oh wow. This was one of those situations where I was going into a session when I was no near ready for her. On a lot of these I will get a decent pain tolerance going and be ready by giving her something to work with. Today I was in kind of a funk from the weather, and she has such an ACCURATE intuition that it is scary. She “knew” without giving me any signal that she was going to be able to really hurt me at will on this day. And the moment she does feel this? Oh my God, she’ll taunt you. After she starts hurting you. Gets me on my knees across from the throne. A standing up kick will start the session. The oh-shit style “oooohhh boy!” feeling courses through me. And it was justified. She landed a solid opener and I crumbled forward. None of this “did that hurt” or anything else. Just “Up!” I wiggle my way back up, knowing she was serious, and yet again those patent leather heels found their target. A few more of these and the “rules of engagement” started to become clear. Never verbally communicated, but clear. I was doing whatever I could to avoid these kicks, and she finally reached down, grabbed my face and held me right where she wanted me. “Count to 5.” I count One, and a crumbling kick comes screaming in. She picks me back up. The deal was, and I was so off that I didn’t pick up on the rules, that I was to count out 5 kicks before the next source of pain was revealed. I kept crumbling and she kept starting over. She finally got me to understand, and I BARELY got there, and was rewarded with more of the slapping with her leather implements of painful destruction. She decided to get me facing the throne by this point, and she was back to kicking, just letting me have it. I was getting kinda noisy, and OF COURSE, she had to put this to a stop. So, it was turn around and face the mirror in front of the throne. “Watch what you look like with this (the red tape) on you.” The merciless application of the tape, and then standing kicks from behind. She was in SUCH a cruel, relentless mood on this day. High impact kicks hitting their marks and me getting just delirious with pain. To see yourself being broken down like that and knowing she is nowhere near done is a scary feeling. Any time I thought I was doing even a little better, she would just up the ante and steal that feeling away. Now, she leaves me taped up, and “attaches” me, laying down, to the foot of the bondage bed, and has me slide forward so the right things just dangling. Next were powerful, accurate standing snap kicks. Nothing is more erotic than watching her do this despite the intense pain. Then she quashes ‘em under the sole of the pumps with me freaking out. Then we have all kinds of other pain from various leather pain implements she has around the dungeon. Now she goes in for scratching down the sides and asks, “are we sensitive today?” as I squirm completely out of control. Then she walks away and snickers something like “that was cute”. I had been observing her and she was really focused on my vulnerability today. She got in front of me again and unloaded more kicks, more squashing with those pumps, and stinging slaps. This mixture of pain had gone out of control. I am Completely broken down and helpless by this point. A short respite and then yet a few MORE really stinging leather slaps and I allowed in front of the Throne again. We had to knock out 5 more kicks and I finally got there.  So, it’s finally over now and she rips the tape off. As usual, I was completely disoriented, and woozy as I stood up. I also have an assignment now….she wants a set of Steve Madden Awwsome Spiked platforms, presumably to pulverize me with. Yes Goddess, I am looking for them now.

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Comment by bbandstuff on March 23, 2019 at 8:01pm

I love seeing the progression on your stories, every single one of them is fantastic!


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