Shannon Johan
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Shannon Johan posted a blog post

Easy Cum, Easy Go

So, I realize it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here and if you’re reading this as the first time seeing any of my blogs then just stop reading now and go back and read the previous ones first because this won’t make a lot of sense without context. You’ll remember how my husband FINALLY after all these years got a vasectomy. And it really did improve our sexual relationship, which I didn’t think it was possible to improve, to be honest. We were great before, but we fucked like rabbits…See More
Apr 5, 2023
2swollen commented on Shannon Johan's blog post Careful what you wish for
"Great story, good for him and great for you!  Keep us posted."
Jul 29, 2020
Shannon Johan posted a blog post

Careful what you wish for

So, I think my husband is finally cumming around(pun intended) to liking my ball busting side. You see he FINALLY got a vasectomy(see last post) and even though I promised to stop busting his nuts if he would get it, I haven’t. Hee hee. In fact I may now bust his balls more than ever(if that’s possible!). It has become a playful thing for me and after 12 years of marital bliss, you start to learn a lot about your partner and their body. In my husband’s poor case, since getting his vasectomy,…See More
Jul 5, 2020
Weak dude left a comment for Shannon Johan
"wow, sounds like a perfect relationship for me!"
Oct 24, 2019
Ryan moorehouse commented on Shannon Johan's blog post Post-Op
"Is it true that you are left with a 'blue balls' feeling in your balls post vasectomy?"
Oct 24, 2019
2swollen commented on Shannon Johan's blog post Post-Op
"It took about two years for my nuts to settle down post snip. Now the missus calls them 'excess baggage' and the beatings continue.  Let us know what your halloween costumes are!"
Oct 23, 2019
Liquid Metal commented on Shannon Johan's blog post Post-Op
"Yeah, I had a vasectomy, and for some reason even a few years later, the one nut has much lower pain tolerance than the other one, and neither of them can take as much as they used to!"
Oct 18, 2019
NatWest commented on Shannon Johan's blog post Post-Op
"Some people will read this and feel sorry for your husband. I read it and I'm jealous of your husband. Thanks for sharing."
Oct 17, 2019
Shannon Johan posted a blog post


When I tell my girlfriends my hubby has big balls, they’re always like, “Yeah, my husband/bf’s are so big too!” And I immediately think, yeah ok sure of course you’re going to say that about him. Then the inevitable hand gestures start as they begin trying to describe just how big his nuts are, and I’m laughing my ass off on the inside thinking: yeah ok, Stacey, you don’t even realize how small Mark’s “like a really big grape”-sized balls are. I swear women will inflate their men’s egos bigger…See More
Oct 17, 2019

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Google searched "ways to get a vasectomy at home" lol
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
um... I've always thought about it since middle school when I saw an older guy in HS get hit in the junk at a basketball game and then we all found out later that he ruptured a testicle and had to have it removed.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
Just one. My hubby. I have the urge daily now that he refuses to go get a vasectomy. smh
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
Pissed off. haha. Not really self defense or entertainment. More like, "if you won't go have this done professionally, then I'm going to try my best to make you sterile"
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
The hope that we don't have anymore children, I guess...?
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
No. Nothing that severe.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
I guess probably the first time I kneed my hubby. I always pick at him and tell him he has "little girl balls"(he has a daughter from a previous marriage and we have a daughter together). I would love to have a son with him, but like there's no guarantee it won't be another girl. I've pleaded with him to go get a vasectomy, even threatened to "cut him off" and he still won't go see the Dr. We got into this huge fight over it, and I said if you don't go get a vasectomy, then I'm going to make you sterile myself!!! And he just kind of looked at me and said, why don't you try! So I rammed my knee as hard as I could into his balls before I even thought about it. OMG I thought he was going to cry!!! At first he would tease me about that time I kneed him and then it just kind of grew into this game where I pretty much am constantly trying to catch him off guard. I really do love my hubs, I know it doesn't sound like it, lol, but I really kind of like our new game where I bust his balls.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
barefoot kick, quick hard knee, quick punch hard, flick with fingers, throwing something, other

Shannon Johan's Blog

Easy Cum, Easy Go

Posted on April 3, 2023 at 10:03am 0 Comments

So, I realize it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here and if you’re reading this as the first time seeing any of my blogs then just stop reading now and go back and read the previous ones first because this won’t make a lot of sense without context. 

You’ll remember how my husband FINALLY after all these years got a vasectomy. And it really did improve our sexual relationship, which I didn’t think it was possible to improve, to be honest. We were great before, but we…


Careful what you wish for

Posted on June 8, 2020 at 2:45pm 1 Comment

So, I think my husband is finally cumming around(pun intended) to liking my ball busting side. You see he FINALLY got a vasectomy(see last post) and even though I promised to stop busting his nuts if he would get it, I haven’t. Hee hee. In fact I may now bust his balls more than ever(if that’s possible!). It has become a playful thing for me and after 12 years of marital bliss, you start to learn a lot about your partner and their body. In my husband’s poor case, since getting his vasectomy,… Continue


Posted on October 15, 2019 at 2:53pm 4 Comments

When I tell my girlfriends my hubby has big balls, they’re always like, “Yeah, my husband/bf’s are so big too!” And I immediately think, yeah ok sure of course you’re going to say that about him. Then the inevitable hand gestures start as they begin trying to describe just how big his nuts are, and I’m laughing my ass off on the inside thinking: yeah ok, Stacey, you don’t even realize how small Mark’s “like a really big grape”-sized balls are. I swear women will…


The Old Wooden Spoon

Posted on January 3, 2018 at 12:32pm 4 Comments

In our kitchen stays hidden this ridiculously large wooden spoon we got in a set of utensils as a wedding present. Now when I say large, I mean comically big. I’m talking like the size of a small paddle from school(back in the day when teachers could paddle without fear of a lawsuit). And when I say hidden, I mean, I have to constantly move it around so that the hubs can’t find it and throw it out, because after all, this spoon has bruised his balls more than a few times over the…


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At 2:47pm on October 24, 2019, Weak dude said…

wow, sounds like a perfect relationship for me!

At 2:29am on January 4, 2018, tsm89 said…

Great blog posts! Thanks for sharing!

At 5:22am on November 21, 2017, OneBalledBoy said…

Hi Miss Shannon, welcome here! I do hope your newfound hobby isn't getting out of hand with you studying up on these do-it-at-home vasectomies? Your hubby probably wouldn't appreciate it. Although with that stunning smile of yours'... as well as the Santa’s little helper dress, he might just cave in!

At 6:27pm on November 19, 2017, 2swollen said…

Ahhhh, nothing like it, the diy at home vasectomy kit.  Might I suggest a mallet?

At 6:51pm on November 18, 2017, Sai said…
Hi and welcome
At 11:41pm on November 17, 2017, Ibrahim Moizoos said…

Welcome to the family!



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