December 2014 Blog Posts (5)

A high School busting

so far I have shared with you my first time getting busted, and 2nd time both in primary school.

Now I move on to the stories of High school.

Into Grade 8 the beginning of it one February in Summertime, the girls are in their school uniform skirts, and it's one hot day.

my and my best friend at lunch he had a girlfriend at the time called Gemma, she had a friend called Lisa, we also had another friend with us called Mark, (at the time we were friends but later we…


Added by Hurts! on December 21, 2014 at 7:21pm — No Comments

I finally just got busted again!

I work at GameStop and I asked this girl that is my friend to kick me in the nuts after we got off our shifts. She said yes! When we got to my house she told me she never kicked a guy in the balls before. So let's begin.

She was barefoot and I told her to just try a kick first. She kicked lightly and missed. I told her to try again I told her to aim up higher and hit with her toe. This time she kicked lights again ,but this time she hit dead on. I didn't drop and just stood there so… Continue

Added by BallbustingBatman on December 20, 2014 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

Tension at Work

So I work at a UPS Store and during the holidays, we are selling holiday stamps to our customers. My boss doesn't want any left over. Mind you, she is a 40 year old mother but for some reason she is kind of cute. Anyways, she told all of us that every time we don't ask a customer if they would like some holiday stamps, she would kick us in the balls, Well I'm a good employee and sell them and I didn't really think she'd ever actually do it. Yesterday, I finished with a customer my co-worker…


Added by Balls of Steel on December 20, 2014 at 12:58pm — 3 Comments

Teaching a new buster

Hi all,

Since my last blog relating to my neighbour now girlfriend went down so well...I thought i'd share one of our experiences we've had since that day. As I mentioned in the last blog true to her word after my girlfriend had found out about how effective hitting me in the balls was and since we both got some form of enjoyment out of it, that she would be doing it far more often now. We had not long got back from an evening out and I was deciding what to make for dinner, when I…


Added by Georgie Lovren on December 9, 2014 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Kicked at School Camp

Alright thought I would share this story, I have shared my first time before here is the 2nd time!

It was about the 3rd day into this school camp we were on, this was for about year 7 to year 9s, so 13 to 15 year olds,

I was in year 7 13 well into pubity stage. during the day out of nowwhere this girl named brook took my hat off me she was a older girl so she would have been 14 or 15, I chased her around trying to get it back

she would pretend to hand it to me and move it…


Added by Hurts! on December 2, 2014 at 10:40pm — 2 Comments

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