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BallbustingBatman's Discussions

Silent Library

Started this discussion. Last reply by Walt White Nov 28, 2018. 2 Replies

What is the one silent library episode where the ballerina kicks the contestant multiple times?Continue

Introducing my Girlfriend to ballbusting

Started this discussion. Last reply by justaboy Aug 1, 2017. 9 Replies

Hey everyone, so I knows it's been a long time, but I recently have gotten into a new relationship. I told my girlfriend about my fetish, but I never asked her to actually try it out because I'm not…Continue

Ballbusting POV Videos

Started this discussion. Last reply by justaboy Nov 15, 2015. 3 Replies

Hello, I was wondering where I could find Ballbusting POV videos much like this one.…Continue

Public Kick challenge

Started this discussion. Last reply by BallbustingBatman Jul 22, 2015. 7 Replies

Hello, I wanted to walk around the city closest to means ask hot girls to play a game (to end up kicking me in the balls). I don't know what method to use ( Flip a Coin, Dice, Spin the bottle). Also…Continue


BallbustingBatman's Page

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
I am from the United States of America and I only speak English.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I found this site by searching ballbusting and when I saw it I loved it so I had to sign up for it.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I have been into ballbusting for a long time.
My first experience was when I was 12 years old and with my very attractive 12 year old cousin. We were alone so I asked her to kick me in the balls as hard as she could. She sounded excited when I told her that. She told me to stand back then aimed her kick by tapping her foot slightly. Then she reeled back her foot and slammed it into my balls. In less than a second I fell to the ground clutching my balls. It hurt so much ,but felt good at the same time. Then I asked her to do it again she did. I fell again and thus my fetish for ballbusting had begun.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I have been busted 5 times by 3 different people. I want to be busted as much as possible.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I get aroused when I get busted and it is for my entertainment. I don't have a busting buddy.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I favorite part of busting is the kick and the inability to breath and the pain. I just love it so much because it makes me feel good inside and even though the pain is incredible I still like it.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I haven't saw that before.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
My most memorable experience was two years after the first experience. My cousin and I were alone again. She was even more attractive than the first time. I told her that she could hit me in the balls whenever and whenever she wanted to (she was into ballbusting too). I was playing video games and she came up to me and turned the game off. What was that for I shouted at her. Then she kicked me in the balls as hard as she could. I wasn't expecting it so I just fell down and I couldnt breathe or talk. My mood changed from being angry to being excited after a couple minutes I got back up. I didn't notice but she had put these boots on that I loved. She said "Get up Now!" So I did and she starting kneeing me lightly gradually getting harder. Then suddenly she slammed her knee into my balls incredibly hard. I feel down and gasped she starting laughing and put her foot on my chest and pushed me on my back. Then she stomped down on my balls and kept pushing. I screamed but she just laughed then she brought her foot up and then kicked my balls as hard as she could. I screamed and then couldn't breathe. The pain was unbearable. The she said you have had enough for now. Then she left the room.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
sneaker kick, boot kick, heavy shoe kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, wheel-barrel kick, barefoot stomp, footwear stomp, footwear gas-peddling, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, footwear v-stomp, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, other

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BallbustingBatman's Blog

Critical Hit!

Posted on February 14, 2016 at 6:15pm 1 Comment

A lot of things have changed since the last time I posted. One, My girlfriend is now a really good buster!

So, it was a couple weeks ago and we both had got back from work. Zoe and I were sitting on the couch watching tv and then she planted her cute foot in my crotch and started rubbing in. I told her that it felt good and she kept doing it while adding the occasional Pump on my balls. I was getting extremely hard at the sight of her beautiful foot crushing my balls.

She… Continue

Kicked by a Celebrity! [True Story]

Posted on March 28, 2015 at 10:45pm 7 Comments

So a lot of things have changed since I last posted. I no longer work at GameStop. I program, Animate, and film Movies and Video Games.

I got to work on the set of the TV show called "The Flash". There is an incredibly sexy actress named Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin on the show). You can google her to see what she looks like. Well anyway here's what happened.

I had just got done recording a part of the episode Out of time and Danielle had just walked away from the set and… Continue

Just one kick!

Posted on January 3, 2015 at 9:00pm 2 Comments

So I am back! Cause I'm Batman! Before I begin let me give some information. This girl that I get kicked by is my girlfriend (the girl that busted me in the last post) and we work at the same place and when she did this she was wearing this long black boots. Shall we begin...

It was Monday night and at GameStop (the place I work at) all of the employees are having our weekly Super smash Bros tournament! There was 14 of us there and I currently hold the title of Champion and my… Continue

I finally just got busted again!

Posted on December 20, 2014 at 11:30pm 2 Comments

I work at GameStop and I asked this girl that is my friend to kick me in the nuts after we got off our shifts. She said yes! When we got to my house she told me she never kicked a guy in the balls before. So let's begin.

She was barefoot and I told her to just try a kick first. She kicked lightly and missed. I told her to try again I told her to aim up higher and hit with her toe. This time she kicked lights again ,but this time she hit dead on. I didn't drop and just stood there so… Continue

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