December 2011 Blog Posts (5)

Getting my way.

This is a very silly but true BB story coming from yours truly. :)

Philip visited with me for a few days this past week and I was very fortunate enough to do some ballbusting with him. We were a bit bored and since my mum was present we couldn't shoot any videos so we decided to play some video games. Philip is very fond of the game COD: Black Ops which I like, but wasn't in the mood for. So I slipped my hand into his pants and squeezed his balls really hard and told him that…


Added by Nadz on December 20, 2011 at 10:20pm — 18 Comments

'X' Marks the Spot... The Groin That Is

Another story from a female martial arts instructor... I'm sure she did not intend it to be read as a BB story :-)

Chris, my dojo's other instructor, was recently asked what the main difference is between his old style of Jiu-jitsu (Shorinjikan) and Can-ryu (our style). His answer was as follows: "It's not Can-ryu if there isn't some kind of groin strike involved." I…

Added by Tali S on December 16, 2011 at 3:24pm — No Comments

Office Diva Kelly Blackmails a Co-worker into Ballbusting Stress Relief Meetings

Not too long ago I had a real life encounter where I kicked a co-worker in the nads.

As I sit here in my office remembering that experience my creative fantasies got flowing and I just HAD to write this fantasy out...


I'm sitting in my private office, legs crossed as I concentrate on the computer screen ahead of me.  As usual, I'm dressed as sexy as an upscale business woman can get away with; a…


Added by Kelly on December 16, 2011 at 10:57am — 7 Comments

Illegal use of the hands

The 4th of December 2011 was a beautiful autumn day in this part of the world, ideal for outdoor athletics. A group of us were playing a pick game of American style flag football (7 on 7). A playful Susan (me) was lined up behind the Quarterback as halfback; the play was to be a wishbone option out to one of the fullbacks and to sweep right, a play from 1900 Yale or Princeton. Obviously I had other ideas and thoughts (he he he). The Quarterback had his back to me, and he was…


Added by greeneyedsusan on December 5, 2011 at 6:15pm — 19 Comments

When Knee Meets Groin

I didn't write this story... this comes from a blog of a martial arts instructor, a 4th degree black belt... and a woman :-)

 In my Jiu-jitsu classes, groin protection is mandatory. When I do my MMA training, however, I don't typically wear my cup. I usually wear a rash guard and a pair of grappling board shorts.

Well last night, I brought along one of my Jiu-jitsu students to my MMA training session so that I would have a partner that doesn't outweigh me by 130 lbs.…


Added by Tali S on December 2, 2011 at 9:16am — 5 Comments

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