October 2017 Blog Posts (6)

Duct Tape and Snap Kicks

At the suggestion of a member, I will include the whole visit this time. It makes sense in this particular case because my Domme upped the intensity and had more new tricks up her sleeve. Another visit with the Queen of Pain and she steps up the intensity again. My voice is a little raw from all the silenced screaming. Several new tricks were used in this session to “control” me. I also got in trouble for breaking a rule I was unaware of. Ignorance is no excuse though. She made SURE I…


Added by Silent Warrior on October 29, 2017 at 9:16pm — 3 Comments

Football Funtime

Just wanted to share a little game I came up with last night for the Raiders vs. Chiefs that turned out waaay better than I expected :)

The rule was for every time the score changed, I would get to hit im in the balls once for each point in the new TOTAL score of the game. For example, the Chiefs first FG got him 3 kicks. The Raiders following TD got him 9, and then he got 10 more after the extra point. So i was definitely expecting a high amount of nutshots, but oooooh man. I dont…


Added by Eliza D. on October 20, 2017 at 7:44pm — 8 Comments

Bad fanfiction, and lack thereof.

I don't know about you, but I for one love to read all the weird and wonderful, the depraved and awful erotic fanfictions that I can find. Samus x Ridley? You bet. That one huge creature from the lake x the Hogwarts building? Awesome.

At the same time I haven't written any stories in a while and was looking to get some practise in. 

And don't you just hate it when you want to look up some honest to goodness mermaid Transformer rape fantasy but can't find…


Added by Gretel Wayward on October 19, 2017 at 8:45pm — 5 Comments

More of the PERFECT Domme....

This is getting to be a story I LOVE telling as a practicing masochist. I’ll keep it shorter with the highlights of this visit only. The first mind game and screaming pain was maybe 20 minutes in. I commented that she was doing a good job hurting me and she grabs my face by the chin and head, and says “That was NOTHING! I want to give you an idea of how much this is ABOUT to hurt!” And then lectured me for about…


Added by Silent Warrior on October 16, 2017 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

ad with this girl 3-4 years older than me, we were good friends since a long time,family friends in fact.hanging out in my room causally talking she was sitting on an armchair with her legs drawn up.…

ad with this girl 3-4 years older than me, we were good friends since a long time,family friends in fact.

hanging out in my room causally talking she was sitting on an armchair with her legs drawn up.She makes some joking accusation about me and I moved towards her protesting my innocence.

That moment she suddenly extended out her leg towards me in a playful way but being a tallish girl her legs are pretty long and though not…

Added by Lord Plums on October 5, 2017 at 6:21pm — 1 Comment

SW owned by Queen of Pain again

The moment she was done with me was the culmination of many "Oh My God" moments combining into one. This visit had so many changes in energy, it was like the roller coaster ride that feels like it might snap your neck off on the next sudden turn. There was no mercy, often no warning, and certainly no patience for me to endure what was coming next. And like the masochist I am, I loved every second of it. On arriving, I saw that the dungeon is being re-arranged, and that the cross was…


Added by Silent Warrior on October 1, 2017 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

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