I don't know about you, but I for one love to read all the weird and wonderful, the depraved and awful erotic fanfictions that I can find. Samus x Ridley? You bet. That one huge creature from the lake x the Hogwarts building? Awesome.

At the same time I haven't written any stories in a while and was looking to get some practise in. 

And don't you just hate it when you want to look up some honest to goodness mermaid Transformer rape fantasy but can't find anything?

I'm quite busy with college stuff so I can't promise that it'd be quick or that it'll even be anything but unbridled shit but I would like to write something and making this blog post seems like a good idea at the time. So if anybody has any suggestions for characters/a setting/a series that is seriously lacking much or any fanfiction love, please leave a request here. Ideally but not necessarily include themes/topics/whatever you would like to see in the probably short and awful story.

Views: 353


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Comment by Gretel Wayward on October 27, 2017 at 5:23am
Fun ideas and surprising feedback here! I'll maybe get something written over the next week which I have off, depends how bad the hangovers are. Thanks dudes!
Comment by KiwiBB on October 26, 2017 at 7:44pm

Just chiming in to say that I love this! Speaking as someone who writes bizarre furry fantasy BB, I find fanfiction WAY more entertaining than the average story, because you have a ton of established characters and lore to play with. Also, "fanfiction" often means "fantasy/sci-fi", and that opens up a lot of creative possibilities for ballbusting, including things that would be way too destructive in real life.

If it helps, I receive pretty frequent requests for BB fanfic of Pokemon and Steven Universe. I'm excited to see anything you write, though :)

Comment by Luke Joyce on October 25, 2017 at 9:07pm

I agree, there is a severe lack of fanfiction regarding being kicked in the groin. I have looked, and found very little.

I've actually had a few concepts come into my head, that I may write about. I'm a terrible writer, but half a loaf is better than no loaf, right?

It will have to wait though until the fall term is over. Working full time and going to school full time leaves very little free time.

Comment by Gretel Wayward on October 21, 2017 at 1:23am

That's a fun mish-mash Christian! Thanks for sharing ideas, I'll definitely look into some of these!

Comment by Christian Peterson on October 20, 2017 at 7:08pm

1.) You know, the last time I went looking for something specific it was a centaur (Think Centorea) female really laying in to someone.  It was after reading Kiwi's Against the Hordes of the Bitch Queen which is fantastic.

2.) And your Transformers mention got me thinking, too.  Like, could you low blow a Transformer?  What's there to hit?  What happens (Onomatopoeia like "squish" or "pop" don't work on metal) when you hit?

3.) I've always found the idea of alien races like the Transformers that don't understand earth anatomy to be interesting.  They wouldn't understand why grabbing and pulling the nearest handhold (boobs or balls) causes so much distress.

4.) A Sith going around using the force to punish anyone that looks at her funny... Oooo, maybe piggybacking on number 3, she doesn't want to kill or maim people by crushing windpipes or breaking bones, so she crushes some unneeded organs that will grow back anyway.  It'd actually be funny the way the humans of the Empire seem to care so much about their vestigial appendages.  ....  I really like this one!  Too bad I'm about as creative as a jellyfish. :p


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