June 2024 Blog Posts (4)

An Education

[This is a retelling of a very exciting and genuinely unexpected ball busting experience.  I've embellished a bit and fleshed out some conversations as I can't remember all the details. I hope you enjoy.]

Only about three weeks had passed since I had let my neighbor Alyssa test out her self defense techniques on my most sensitive spot, and after filling my wife in and hearing her excitement at the thought of future experiments, no one had mentioned it at all.  It was a Friday…


Added by Terry Tepper on June 23, 2024 at 1:03am — 1 Comment

My first ruined orgasm, 2016

Along the lines of my previous blog post, let me tell you the story of how — when I was 19 — I got the cum kicked out of my balls while orgasm’ing for the first time.

Since pretty much the start of my association of this kink as sexual activity, I had seen the famous Asa Akira video where she uppercut punches semen out of the guy while he’s…


Added by Donald Veracrow on June 18, 2024 at 9:00am — No Comments

Two Girls, One Unexpected Kick In The Balls.

I think I have told this story here on KITG before, but I have never made a blog entry detailing the specifics of a bust. Since this particular kick was unplanned, unexpected and pretty uncomfortable, I decided this would be a good one to post, since unlike most times I get kicked, if I had been asked in that moment if I wanted to be ballbusted, I would have…


Added by Donald Veracrow on June 14, 2024 at 11:37pm — 7 Comments

BB in Podcasts?

With all the hours of podcasts available; where is the ballbusting content in podcasting?  

If you search the term "ballbusting" or "cock and ball torture" in a podcast app you get a list of the podcasts that have discussed the topic but even the supposed 'authorities' on ballbusting rarely have a depth of knowledge on technique much less origin stories about the kink.

It seems like there'd be an opportunity for at least one podcast or even a few episodes of a podcast where the…


Added by Jared on June 1, 2024 at 11:27am — 2 Comments

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