Two Girls, One Unexpected Kick In The Balls.

I think I have told this story here on KITG before, but I have never made a blog entry detailing the specifics of a bust. Since this particular kick was unplanned, unexpected and pretty uncomfortable, I decided this would be a good one to post, since unlike most times I get kicked, if I had been asked in that moment if I wanted to be ballbusted, I would have DEFINITELY said HELL NO!

I need to point out that my GF and I have been doing BB together for years, but the third party in this story — I think —- still does not know that BB even exists lol. My girlfriend’s newfound best friend, G, who she had met through me, had come to visit, and there was subtle tension between us most of the time.

Years before, G and I were essentially arch nemeses and had only begun to tolerate each other once my GF came around and they became best friends. Well, towards my “arch nemesis” (lol), I was(am) still kind of a dick, and we have experienced many small battles of pride back and forth over the years. The worst of which happened not long before this event occurred, when I told her to “stop being a bitch”.

The last thing I have ever wanted HER to see was for my confidence (arrogance lol) to be instantly shattered in a highly embarrassing way by another girl I had just insulted.

I know this sounds like a BB Fantasy Wonderland, but in reality it was not as hot at the time as it sounds now.

For us men (excluding ballbusting/fetish sessions etc) few things are more humiliating and catastrophic to the ego than to get kicked in the nuts by a girl at the heat of an argument in front of another girl. Nothing he says afterwards will be taken seriously, because these two women — with almost no effort at all — just put him on the floor rolling around, holding his balls and moaning in pain, temporarily the ultimate laughing stock of the room.

It is essentially the exact opposite of getting laid and there remains no chance for him to have the upper hand in any way when he is on the floor, in the aftermath of a hard snap kick to the nutsack.

My girlfriend was in the middle of a furious rant at me because she couldn’t find her phone — as usual. At one point, she began acting paranoid, and she started accusing me of taking the phone. She was also extremely unhappy that i was making fun of her for losing it, telling me “keep laughing and see what happens”.

If this was a hint that she was going to bust me, I didn’t catch it — mainly because G was there with us.

In order to understand how I was left open to get kicked in the balls, I have to go into specifics a bit. During BB sessions, a man’s balls are an easy, wide open target. In spontaneous real life, this is actually a pretty rare thing.

I was sitting on the floor next to our homemade table with my back slouched against the wall directly underneath a thermostat. G was sitting in front of me to the right on the bed and my GF was basically tearing the room apart looking for the phone. G and I joked back and forth about my GF losing her phone all the time, and this got her much more annoyed. Mainly towards me.

She said something I don’t remember, and I snapped back “you’re being paranoid and stupid!”

G got really quiet and just kinda sat looking at me, smiling nervously. My GF said, “G, am I being stupid?”

“No, I don’t think so!” G said.

My GF turned to me like she was going to say something, but instead looked directly above my head at the thermostat and said “Turn the air on. It’s getting too hot in here!”

As she walked towards the thermostat, she took the last step towards me and with ridiculous force, wound back her leg and sent an incredibly hard kick flawlessly, square into my nuts — dead center. I really never expected her to kick me in front of G, and as much as I wanted to play this off and barely react, I have to seriously restate how hard she kicked me. This would have been an unsettlingly hard kick during any BB session I’ve ever had. I was on the floor for easily 10 minutes.

As most of you know, normally this would be great for people in our community. But in that moment, I wasn’t at all interested in BB. For a split second, it felt like both balls had just smashed to a pulp. It was a textbook, perfectly accurate, full force kick, and, to make matters worse, G had basically been glaring intently at me right when the kick landed.

The sound echoed in the room. My GF wasn’t wearing shoes or socks, and I could feel her foot expand widely over both balls before smashing unbelievably hard into the pelvis behind them. Since G does not even know what BB is, she was happily watching the spectacle unfolding as the pain started to set in. Obviously instinct took over and there was no way I could play this off. I began the inevitable squirming and rolling and I involuntarily said, “ow my balls!” — DEFINITELY forgetting the audience.

This immediately caused G to fall over sideways onto the bed laughing harder than before and soon became her default response to almost anything I said for at LEAST the rest of the day.

My GF of course wanted to show off, and as she turned away from the thermostat, she said, “now who’s stupid, numbnuts?”

G sat up, caught her breath and looked at my GF and said “you have NO IDEA how badly I’ve wanted to do that to him. You are so awesome. Thank you!”

To this day if the three of us are hanging out, she will still sometimes ask my gf “remember when you kicked him in the balls and he started crying?” The entire event was one of the most perfect displays of femdom I have ever experienced. It was easily the most embarrassing kick in the nuts I’ve ever had, and tbh that’s what made it so hot.

Before I wrote this, I asked my GF why she did that, and she said, “because you were being a dick to both of us and I knew she’d love it.”

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Comment by Donald Veracrow on August 4, 2024 at 3:43am

Ohhh Lars I also forgot like right before this (a few days or so idk), G and I got into an argument about something stupid and at some point I called her a dumb bitch or stupid bitch or something like that. 
Because I do specifically remember her saying, “that’s what you get for calling me a bitch, numbnuts” during the initial aftermath when I was still floored and she was giggling and being annoying lol

but still, in general it was mostly just the whole getting kicked in the balls by a girl in front of your “arch nemesis” (im exaggerating that, but same idea).

She literally still calls me that btw. We’re friends tho. Idw this to sound like we hate each other or something lol

Comment by Donald Veracrow on August 4, 2024 at 1:12am

In the YEARS since i met her*

i meant lol

Comment by Donald Veracrow on August 4, 2024 at 12:46am

Lars: she is short. Maybe 5'2 at most. Slightly rounded in the face, weight ranges. Maybe ever so slightly above average. She's not BAD, but I wouldn't say she's a knockout. 

Her personality is cool. Maybe a little immature about the whole "I'm cool cuz I'm a criminal" thing but that really has calmed down in the year since I met her.

Comment by Donald Veracrow on August 4, 2024 at 12:39am

Watup Lars. Thanks! I was gonna type this on a phone but I said fuck it and went to PC because there's a lot if you really want to hear the details.

Years ago, G and I ran around the "criminal underworld" (lol) with a lot of the same people and mutual friends. So -- because a lot of that running around involved smoking drugs and getting paranoid about everyone -- she had always not trusted me anyway, listening to a lot of tall tales from some REALLY paranoid old dude who thought I was working for "the cops" (aka dumb and not realistic).

I don't think she thought I was some kind of CIA agent or whatever the fuck that dude thought, but she certainly would not involve me in her criminal schemes, and this was out of paranoia.

I pointed out frequently to her and many others that the only time these idiots ever got caught for anything, it was stuff I have NO IDEA was occurring and I didn't WANT to know anything from any of those idiots, precisely because when they got caught, they'd blame me for "knowing too much". So consequently I started shouting from the proverbial roof tops not to tell me about anything because I didn't CARE anyway.

Well G would use the fact that she was a girl to manipulate the men in those circles, and when I socialized with those guys, we'd talk all kinds of philosophical things, and I'd tell them what I thought about her without much filter. It wasn't because I didn't like her, it's just that I could SEE what she was doing, manipulating some of my friends, and I wanted to make them aware of stuff she didn't want them to know about her MO for using them, etc etc.

These things just objectively came up. I REALLY wasn't gossiping about her. Usually they'd come to conversation when one of these people would ASK me what I thought, and so forth.

Once I got with my GF, my GF LOVED G and G same, and they were and are still really close friends. So this opened up G towards at least socializing around me without all of that paranoia from peoples conspiracy theories. There was always a subtle, underlying tension. I really don't *dislike* her. We really are friends, honestly. And she knows that when she wants to be a shady manipulator, I will hold her accountable. We're cool, but I wouldn't say she is my biggest fan lol

Because of these little bickering things a few years back, I just have pride on guard a little bit. So getting kicked in the balls in front of her after that history just came with a little "baggage" in terms of outside issues. And of course for her it was entertaining because of little petty resentments and all that.

Honestly it's not a tangible reason WHY I don't like her. I do. We're friends. It's more of an energetic reason about why it's humiliating for her to see me get kicked in the nuts. There's no *specific* reason for that, it just is lol

Comment by Lars V on August 2, 2024 at 9:09am

Awesome blog post! Thanks! Now I'm curious as to why you dislike G? What's the stupidest thing she's done?

I also want to know what she looks like. Could you please post a pic of a girl that looks similar to G?

Your clips are very much appreciated at another BB site. Please compile them and start selling them! 


Comment by Donald Veracrow on June 27, 2024 at 3:29pm

Surprisebust1 I try not to remind her to come up with new things to say about this lol.

she also threatens to kick me in the balls in a teasing/joking/possibly somewhat serious but laughing kinda way somewhat often ever since this. She still doesn’t know about BB, and I’m sure if she did think I was cool with her busting me, she’d prob do it all the time, but not gonna cuz of the potential for drama triangle etc u know

Comment by surprisebust1 on June 22, 2024 at 2:47pm

very cool. what other things did G say about this??!


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