August 2012 Blog Posts (4)

Drunk model assaulted officer after lingerie show

THE start of Lauren Elizabeth Genger's night was spent wearing lingerie as she walked the runway inside a Kings Cross nightclub. It ended with her wearing handcuffs in the back of a police van.

The model was convicted yesterday in the Downing Centre Local Court of assaulting police after she punched an officer in the face and then kicked him in the groin in the early hours of July 28.

The 25-year-old from Chatswood had spent the night modelling in the Victoria's Secret Lingerie…


Added by Andrew R on August 25, 2012 at 3:42am — 2 Comments

just got busted with six inch platform heels

I saw my domme tonight for what would be our third session. Just as my second session was more brutal than the first, this session was more brutal than either of them. Two things to keep in mind when reading this: my domme is a soccer player and she doesn't let me take a break during the session, the abuse is constant. This session she spent half the time kicking my nuts and half the time stepping on them and crushing them. She wore blue platform heels with a six inch pencil thin heel. Since I… Continue

Added by charles stone on August 22, 2012 at 12:06am — 1 Comment


I had been dating this cute, sweet girl now for 5 months. And during the time we used to joke sometimes about ballbusting, or giving pain. She sometimes said she like that, but more as a joke kinda way, so never took it too serious. And then Last week I went to a small beach holiday town with her to have a litle break from the working life. I took my surfboard because there were gonna be some small pretty waves on the Dutch shore.

Pretty relaxed holiday. And one night i was…


Added by Adriaan on August 19, 2012 at 7:17pm — No Comments

Wednesday nights

For about 12 weeks on wednesdays my girlfriend of the time and me had a date night with a twist, she would basically decide over the week if she was happy with me or not, based on things i'd forgotten to do, times i'd been late etc... She wouldn't tell me but after we'd had sex and she was satisfied she would bring me right to the edge, if she wasn't happy it would be announced with a punch or knee or grab, followed by a ballbusting and a blue balling. It was one of these nights she pulled a…


Added by Chris Edgeler on August 8, 2012 at 11:20am — 1 Comment

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