Lars V
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  • Sthlm
  • Sweden
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  • Antony Junior
  • aanita
  • Donald Veracrow
  • Myron Cumberland
  • Robert eriksson
  • Dannyboy666
  • Melinda the Ball Breaker
  • Lauren Joy
  • Weak dude
  • Knave!
  • Pik Hansen
  • Tim Bowens
  • Lothar von Richthofen

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Lars V's Discussions

Ladies, do you ever feel stressed or angry at us men? Get some propper stressballs!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lars V Jul 16, 2020. 2 Replies

Ladies, have you seen these stressballs before? (7 pics in an Imagebam gallery.)…Continue

Tags: and, pull, twist, grab, balls

For the women: Ever practised BB before going clubbing?

Started this discussion. Last reply by skyhigh Aug 20, 2019. 1 Reply

100% true story. Acctually.I have some girls that I know that sort of by accident told me that they used to practise groin kicks together for years before they went out clubbing in the evenings. Not…Continue


Lars V's Page

Latest Activity

Lars V commented on Donald Veracrow's blog post Two Girls, One Unexpected Kick In The Balls.
"Awesome blog post! Thanks! Now I'm curious as to why you dislike G? What's the stupidest thing she's done? I also want to know what she looks like. Could you please post a pic of a girl that looks similar to G? Your clips are very…"
Aug 2, 2024
Lars V commented on Melinda the Ball Breaker's blog post Thank you and I love you
"Best wishes from Sweden! I'll keep you in my thoughts and even pray a little for you, even if it might annoy our Lord. Hang in there! :-)"
Nov 4, 2023
Lars V commented on Myron Cumberland's blog post Helen Finale
"Definately one of the best BB stories I've read! It felt genuine! You've got a real talent for writing!"
Sep 5, 2021
Dannyboy666 left a comment for Lars V
"Hi there, Lars, thank you for liking my photos, what suggestions did you have? "
Dec 27, 2020
Lars V replied to Ryan moorehouse's discussion Does anyone have a link to this study?
"Kick in pants exposes boys to groin pains  One in 10 boys has been kicked in the groin by another kid, often a girl, a study shows.   While the groin kick is a favorite of Hollywood, researchers say it's no laughing matter. It causes…"
Nov 28, 2020
Lars V replied to Trent's discussion Shoppping for Ballbusting Shoes Clip
"Is this what you're thinking of? See enclosed pic. Files are: Ronja _ Danny (18_06_09).mp4 GTST Hoogtepunt- Ronja Trapt Danny In Zijn Ballen.MP4 GTST- Ronja schopt Danny in zijn........MP4 I haven't checked YT, but you should be able to…"
Nov 28, 2020
Lars V replied to Lars V's discussion Ladies, do you ever feel stressed or angry at us men? Get some propper stressballs!
"Four more great pics here: :D Smack a Sack-Stress Relief Ball Sack...These Stress Relief Toys by MySack Make Great Gag Gifts for Funny, Funny Mother's Day, Father's Day or…"
Jul 16, 2020
Lars V commented on BallbustingStacy's photo


"Thanks for your great work!"
Jan 24, 2020
Lars V commented on Katkat's photo

Do you like my knee in your crotch?♡

"Thanks for all your pictures! Much appreciated! :-> You are a very beautiful (and hot) lady!"
Dec 7, 2019
Lars V posted a discussion

Ladies, do you ever feel stressed or angry at us men? Get some propper stressballs!

Ladies, have you seen these stressballs before? (7 pics in an Imagebam gallery.) you feel stressed out or angry at men in general you kan take outyour fustrations on these rubber balls!  :-]To be honest, there's plenty of high blood preassure men causes women, fromall kinds of politicians and celebrities to in the news and on television...Buy a…See More
Aug 23, 2019
Lars V replied to Rachel Matthews's discussion Vengeance: The Prologue in the group Erotica
"World class materiel right there! Thanks for all the work you've put into writing this and sharing it with us. "
Aug 18, 2019
Lars V joined Coraline Jones's group


This is a group where you can post your own erotica stories, images or thoughts whether it includes bb/cb, any kink or just plain steamy sexy fun!See More
Aug 18, 2019
Lars V commented on Tim Bowens's blog post Ballbusting chastity
"I can't understand why no one replies to your posts, TB. I find them super hot and I've even saved them and made "presentations" of them so I can enjoy them even more. The pics and clips you post are awesome and easily just as…"
Apr 25, 2019

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
I'm from Sweden. I speak Swedish and English.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
Found it via another BB forum.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
Been into BB since early childhood.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I've been busted by many many women and girls while practising Martial Arts. Both with and witout a protective cup. My girlfriend is highly skilled in Wado Ryu Karate and likes to do sparring more than kata. I'm a Black Belt in another traditional japanese Martial Art and after we met she began discussing groin attacks on men with great enthusiasm.

She wanted to get my views from another traditional arts standpoint and began showing me fearsome kicks, knees, grabs and other techniques. At the time she didn't know I was into BB, and her openness about attacking the testicles shocked me.

Right from the start she said that her intention was to castrate her male opponent! She could probably (or definately, if she uses her charm) defeat me in a fight, so I've made her promise to never, ever, go for my balls for real, no matter what circumstances. This makes me feel confortable when we practise groin attacks together, which she loves.

I can safely say that I never have to worry when she's out alone. Any man who messes with her will most probably end up dead, and I'm not even kidding.

Some of you guys will probably want to know what she looks like. She's a natural blonde with strong scandinvian features, curvy but in great shape. And with long wonderful legs.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I get scared when Martial Arts ladied bust me, even while wearing a cup, because I can only imagine what the result would be if they kicked me for real.

What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
Hard to say, but the helplessness that a good hit induces. You're laying on the floor totally at her mercy and she can do whatever she wants to you.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I've seen countless BB hits in Martial Arts training and Self-Defence for Women, but they have always been more or less controlled, without any serious injuries.

During High School I saw several girls kicking guys with real intent to do damage and I saw lots of crying and even puking at one time.

In 7'th grade we had a male cop comming to our class, talking about all kinds of stuff and at one point he adviced the girls on what to do if a guy gets too persistent in his advances or if he's treatening. "Give him a sharp knee, right where it hurts the most, and he will be in pain for a couple of months." He acctually said that and all the girls laughted and thought it was great, while the boys looked down, really embarressed.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
Hard to say which one was my favourite, but this is one of the more memorable: This was at grading seminar at one of my Martial Arts training halls. A beautiful little blonde girl about 17 was trying for a higher belt and had to show a technique of her choice, which she wanted to be a front bear hug.

The guy "attacking" her was her friend, with a much higher grade. He was built like a roman statue and you could see every muscle on his body. He also had a movie star face and a long thick blond hair, that went past his shoulders. I mean, there was no way a girl could win over this guy...

Anyway, when he attacked he did it with the same intensity as a real attacker, holding her in a strong grip and lifting her to break her balance. The girl just punched him hard in the ribs, which made him release her, and pinch the soft underside of his upper arms. Then she grabbed his shoulders and kneed him firmly in the balls. He was knocked to the ground.

This acctually made the whole training hall erupt with laughter and applause. Not because of the humour, but because she didn't freeze when he attacked so viciously, but continued with good solid techniques. Unfortunately for the guy he was in pain that whole evening.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
knee hard & hold

Lars V's Blog

SD lesson

Posted on March 29, 2018 at 5:30pm 1 Comment

Yesterday I attended a self-defence lesson that ran 8 pm to 12 pm

and that was compulsory to attend for all newly employed at my work.

It was held at the local Kempo Karate school and we were three guys

and well over 20 girls there. Unforunately it was held by the school

headmaster guy, but he did a good job and he's been practising for over

30 years.

The girls were…


Advanced Self-Defence for Women

Posted on November 8, 2014 at 9:00am 7 Comments

100 % true story. Acctually.

I was once at a Martal Arts seminar spanning several days in Stockholm

and some of us slept in one of the training halls. (I was living in

another town then.) One evening there was an advanced Self-Defense

course for Women, meaning it was just one evening of a cource that

spanned many months.

Anyway, I was staying there and I got invited to practise as some guy

had to leave and one of the women attending didn't…


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At 11:21am on December 27, 2020, Dannyboy666 said…

Hi there, Lars, thank you for liking my photos, what suggestions did you have? 

At 9:20am on June 8, 2018, Antony Junior said…

Hi, Lars V! 

I read your profile and I am curious about how did you get into ballbusting. You wrote in "early childhood", but, if you could tell me, what I saw to start loving this fetish! I am a curious about how ballbusting starts to everyone! Could you tell me this?

At 11:34am on February 18, 2012, Weak dude said…

wow, cool girlfriend, i am also from Sweden



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