100 % true story. Acctually.

I was once at a Martal Arts seminar spanning several days in Stockholm
and some of us slept in one of the training halls. (I was living in
another town then.) One evening there was an advanced Self-Defense
course for Women, meaning it was just one evening of a cource that
spanned many months.

Anyway, I was staying there and I got invited to practise as some guy
had to leave and one of the women attending didn't have a training
partner. The cource was advanced because it was run by a woman and
a guy with a 7 dan Black Belt. I never got the picture clear if those
two were partners or not, but about half of the pairs attending were
partners for real.

Anyway, I got my gi (training uniform) on and stepped on to the mat
and was introduced to my training partner, a very fit and good looking
brunette lady, that was only as high as my shoulders.

All the guys attending were Black Belts and the techniques used were
clearly advanced. There was a no nonsence, serious feeling about the
practise and none of the guys would go down without a good reason.
The women had to use proper technique or the moves wouldn't work.

One technique that was studied was a finger gouge of the eyes, where
the defender acctually puts her finger into the socket, above the eye
and presses down on the eye bulb. This makes you hit the ground instantly.
If the finger is pushed a fraction on an inch too far it makes the eye
plop out, so you really have to trust the person you are training with.

The same appied to many of the other techniques, where you were maybe
an inch from seriously damaging the hip joint, throat or neck.

Naturally there was a lot of attacks on the balls. The women were taught
how to "scoop" up the balls when grabbing them through the trousers, by
using a special method. Then they got to do it on us. My brunette woman
grabbed my nuts and held them firmly. It hurt, of course, but so did all
the other techniques. I can safely say that it takes a lot of trust from
a man to let an unknown woman grab his testicles like that.

My lady training partner practised grabbing my nuts again and again with
both left and right hand. It was fun to look out in the training hall,
because there were guys all over the place taking small walks with their
hands between their legs, jumping up and down and putting their balls back
where they should be. Some laughter, but overall the same seriousness

Then there was a technique where she's got the balls in her grip, pulls
them out using her wrist, locks her elbow straight and drops her body
down, so the balls gets pulled towards the ground. I can assue you that
you hit the ground instantly with that one as well...

Next was the controll grip, where she grabbed my nuts and slowly increased
the pressure until I couldn't take more and tapped her on the shoulder.
That was the strength she'd have to use to control a male attacker.

The different ball techniques wasn't taught all at once, but I choose
not to write about the other techniques.

After that came the fearful nut pinch, where only one ball is grabbed
and pinched. While doing this my partner managed to grip my dick at
one point and I told her -"Now you've got my willy and pinching that
won't have any effect, no matter how hard you do it."  She laughed
a little and started to feel around in my groin, before finding and
siezing a nut.

There wasn't much groin kicking this lesson, but the ones that were
used were done very slowly, with focus and contact, so that we could
tell the women whether they connected as they should or not.

Many of the techniques we practised involved the defending female
grabbing and lifting the legs above the knee of the attacker, making
him fall to the floor and onto his back. It is a super easy take down
that works very well. If she gets the correct angle she can lock his
legs by placing her knees on the inside of his. This locks the hip
joints solid and you get totally immobilized, with your balls exposed.

The follow up is a heavy punch to the balls that follows the abdomen
and forces the balls into the ground, probably snapping the cords.
It was awful laying on my back, helpless, and see her winding up and
punching straigt to my balls and felling her fist stop right on my
balls. And she did it time after time...   

This level of seriousness I have never seen in any other Self-Defence
for Women course I have attended. We also only practised in the same
pairs the whole evening.

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Comment by ElTioDelCasco on December 29, 2014 at 2:24pm

nice post man!

Comment by Lars V on November 18, 2014 at 4:57am

<Hey man, how old were were the two people teaching, and what

<was the age range of the people taking the class?

I'd say the age span was 20 to 35. The guy instructor was 27 but very highly

graded in several Martial Arts. His partner was possibly a few years younger.

All the women there were good looking in my opinion.

<Did you see the male instructor in nut pain from any of the demonstrations?  

<If so, what was everyone's reactions?  Were the guys in the class nervous?  

<Girls laughing?  Or more serious than that?

Of course the male instructor was in pain, and during every single technique

that was being taught. And so was every single man there, but these were

tough mofo's that were used to pain and receiving a beating.That's one

thing years of MA training teaches you, to recognise injury and know to

what extent one has been damaged. Pain itself means very little to guys

like these, so none of them was in any way even remotely nervous.

It was obvious that the group had practised together before and that they

knew eachother. The women laughed a lot during the nut-grabbing, but that's

inevitable I think, and the most striking aspect was the concentration and

seriousness shown by everybody. If you have seen films from or practised

MA at an advanced level you will know what I am talking about.

The techniques are dangerous enough to be compared to loaded guns

and you don't want anyone to play around or be absent minded at the

firing range. That's the trust aspect I mentioned in the first post.

The ladies knew we offered to show our weaknesses and let them practise

on our nuts (among other things) and in return they didn't mock us too bad

or were sloppy about it.

All real Self-Defence is serious business and in particular Women's SD. The

instructor do take on a huge moral responsibility, that does not end when

the course does. The women taught must be able to defend themselves for

real and against virtually any kind of attack.

Some of you might think this must be bb heaven, wresling around with

hot sweaty women who might - as in my case - grab ones willy and balls,

but the reality is totally different. Instead it is as asexual as it can be.

When I was there I represented not only my art, grade and teacher, but

also my home training hall and that teacher. The women were respected as

training partners and nothing else, which they of course felt and enjoyed.

Getting for example a hard on would be completely impossible under those

conditions.There's fortunately a big difference between our fantasies and

reality.   :-)

<What martial art was this?

I won't say, because the swedish MA community is small enough that I might

be identified by comparing my profile and this post. Not that I'm in any way

ashamed of my BB fetish, but it would complicate things in my Dojo I think.

Which MA is was might not be relevant, because the cource was SDfW and

had been adopted for that purpose. I can tell you that is was one of the

traditional Martial Arts from Japan.

Comment by Pik Hansen on November 11, 2014 at 1:21pm

Hejsan Lars, thanx a lot for elaborating. And even more thanks for posting a real life, true story as opposed to all those fantasy-stories floating around, I really appreciate that!

The way you describe the "scoop" was exactly what I imagined. Many have tried grabbing my nads through a pair of jeans, and just like you said it is rather difficult if not impossible to get a hold of anything. I just tried your "scoop" on myself, and it works no matter which way I do it. Maybe I should teach my gf this - although, might be dangerous...... ;-)

And PLEASE share if you have more stories from real life!

Comment by greg m on November 10, 2014 at 8:57pm
Wow. That's what I call a dream come true!! You definitely are the luckiest guy in the world
Comment by Lars V on November 10, 2014 at 10:57am

Belive it or not, but my post starts "100 % true story. Acctually.".

The "Acctually" indicates I didn't expect everyone to belive the story, but it is

nevertheless the truth. I am thoroughly and utterly tired of the bullshit BB stories

that floods the net on every discussion forum, so I wouldn't contribute fiction

here and call it real. I'm an old fart that still like the truth to be just that.

The scoop technique refers not to the crush but to how you manage to grab the

nuts through the trousers. The tip of your four fingers are aligned and pushed

into the groin, either from below or at a 45 degree angle from below and to the

side of the nut sack. This creates a fold in the trousers where the nuts will be

and enables the defender to grab them. Just grabbing through a pair of jeans

seldom gets the nuts, but using this technique makes the grab much more likely

to get one or both nuts in your grip.

I didn't want to write too much in my first post, but there is more to the take down

technique that I wrote about. When the women grabs your legs above your knees and

you fall to the ground, your natural instinct is to break your fall with your arms, so

the attacker will almost always release any grab he has on the defender.

If he holds on to the woman and brings her with him, her defence is a knee

to the balls, reinforced by their fall. This knee would follow the abdomen

and hit the balls just like that punch. Needless to say this was dangerous

enough that we couldn't really practice it and when we did her knee had to

be up on the stomache.

Comment by Pik Hansen on November 10, 2014 at 6:51am

Lars, this course sounds too good to be true. Hence my question: Did all of this really happen? For reals? As in: Seriously?!?

And if so: What was the exact technique behind the "scoop" crush? What's the difference between that and just a normal squeeze?

Last: Where do we sign up for this magnificent class? :D

Comment by Harvey B on November 9, 2014 at 10:34pm

I would love to participate in a course like this one! Unfortunately I am far from being a martial art specialist, and I would probably look weird wanted to do that if I am not training at all in martial arts. Thank you for sharing this great experience !


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