I stumbled on this tweet:

"Fun fact: according to EEGs places on BDSM scene participants by the Science of BDSM lab in Chicago, one of the only times a brain “shuts down” more than during an org*sm is a man being ballbusted. It’s like a reverse org*sm. "


If anyone has a link that that study that would be great. The site scienceofbdsm.com now just redirects to a google login sadly. I know Science of BDSM had some great stuff but it looks like it shut down.

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Ooh, thanks so much, this is what we've been looking for

Yeah that is a incredible find thank you, I don't think I ever seen the full study just the summery article, this will be great to review I love how the statistics are broken down in so much detail.  

I looked up that researcher as well, she is still active and looks "young" considering that article is 25 years old lol, she was probably in her early/mid 30's when it was published.  

I remember telling my last bb partner one of the reasons I like it is because it forces you to clear your mind. I don’t mean to speak for anyone else, but usually I have a hundred different thoughts sharing space in my head, but after a solid kick that number is reduced to one, a single thought; “my balls.”

Kick in pants exposes boys to groin pains

 One in 10 boys has been kicked in the groin by another kid, often a girl, a study shows.


While the groin kick is a favorite of Hollywood, researchers say it's no laughing matter. It causes physical and emotional injury.

"Because of the intensity of the pain involved in this kind of act, you can imagine how it may give a child a lot of concern," says David Finkelhor, Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, Durham. "The medical community and educators need to know there may be injuries that need attention and children who need reassurance."


Finkelhor and colleague Janis Wolak phone surveyed 1,042 boys and 958 girls ages 10 to 16 and did a follow-up survey a year later. Findings in today's Journal of the American Medical Association:


Most cases occurred in seventh- and eighth-grades, when children enter puberty and are preoccupied with their genitals.

Boys with a physical limitation, usually eyeglasses or asthma, were three times more likely than other boys to get kicked in the groin.


40% of assaults were by girls who said they were being harassed. The others were usually committed by bullies as pranks or by gangs in fights.


Most boys did not tell an adult about the assualt. But 25% were injured. A year later 25% had signs of depression and 12% had post-traumatic stress symptoms.


Says Finkelhor: "When I was growing up, you never hit below the belt. But today it appears in many movies - either as humor, as in Dumb and Dumber, or as a heroic thing where the beleaguered good guy turns the tables on the evil guy."

Kids are probably getting the message that it's "OK to do this either as a joke or to get even with someone," he says.


By Tim Friend, USA TODAY


Your a star researcher Lars!



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