Allison Wechsler & DB
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Welcome, Allison & Max

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Tommy T down in cali commented on Allison Wechsler & DB's video


"This video was rather interesting, because you can see that she’s kicking rather hard. He probably has a cup on, but the look on his face severely suggests he’s not a fetishist. In such self defense videos, instructors traditionally…"
Nov 28, 2020
Allison Wechsler & DB posted a video


#lowkick #selfdefense #streetfightUsing the cat stance, a person can execute destructive low kicks.This video shows four of the most destructive low kicks to...
Nov 26, 2020
Allison Wechsler & DB commented on Jack ENVY's blog post #1 Hottest Female Ballbusting Celebrity Tournament: Season 1 - Round 1
"the Like appears to be Down..."
May 29, 2020
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Exotic Ebony Ballbusting's discussion HAD A SESSION THIS MORNING...DAMN THAT SHIT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!
"Blaming you for being an undercover police officer is a great way to avoid you asking her how old she was... I hope she was 18 Bro "
Dec 21, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Mrs Dominatrix's discussion Ballbusting event
"This reminds me of that poor guy in South America who thought it would be fun to play ‘Kick or Kiss”"
Dec 3, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Gretel Wayward's discussion Magic the Gathering. in the group Geeks, Nerds and Dorks
"Any and All games that would offer People who are a bit hesitant to the Fet yet curious enough to participate always makes it 1 million times more fun. Anyone who’s into BB, Would be incredibly dedicated with learning those rules, lol. Anyone…"
Nov 7, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Smoo's discussion RIP Carrie Fisher in the group Geeks, Nerds and Dorks
"he was definitely seen with him and her going back-and-forth about committees and walking carpets. I really thought it demonstrated the differences in their existence and yet through communication bridge the gaps with humor The other one was win…"
Nov 7, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Smoo's discussion Star Wars quotes for BB in the group Geeks, Nerds and Dorks
"This might be a touch off, about a third way through the first movie, “ Soon you too will feel the full power of the Darkside“ squeezing his fist. Are used to fantasize about Leah demonstrating to Vader exactly how she Might interpret…"
Nov 7, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Smoo's discussion Comic Book Movies in the group Geeks, Nerds and Dorks
"The Incredible Hulk is my all-time favorite. Suicide squad featuring Margot Robbie is definitely up there I feel like RB Riddick should have a shout out along with Summer in my own imaginary world of Fire-Fly finally making its return through…"
Nov 7, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Mrs Dominatrix's discussion Ballbusting event
"I also, think that if a girl fails to drop her subject then perhaps her BF of date for that night will have to step up and receive one shot from each girl still in the running. I have noticed that I actually get jealous when another girl racks D.…"
Oct 9, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB joined Elizabeth's group

Martial Artists

If you are a martial artist, were a martial artist, are interested in a martial art, or just want to watch, welcome!If you are a martial artist, post a comment saying what you have experience in, and for how long.See More
Sep 4, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB replied to Mrs Dominatrix's discussion Ballbusting event
"Both of us would be quite interested, yet would definitely need a lot more specificity on location and cost for beginners.  Also, if it’s being filmed then would it be set up like a public contest which myself or D can play off if need…"
Sep 3, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB commented on dvhour (Site Owner)'s blog post 3 DAY FETISH WEEKEND - BB and Hosiery Workshops Taught by Dvhour...
"How was the event?"
Sep 3, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB posted a video

Women try getting KICKED in the BALLS

Women try getting KICKED in the BALLS. I found this very interesting and hadn’t seen it posted yet...
Aug 12, 2019
Allison Wechsler & DB updated their profile
Aug 2, 2019

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
USA and currently in California
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
My new Boy Friend introduced me to it here and we quietly read and followed for a while. now we have decided to be a bit more involved. I have also rediscovered that I am into CB and have probably been since was in JHS
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I wasn’t until recently. I mean, I had always considered it an unfair way to finish an argument with my brother or male friends which I admittedly took advantage of on a few occasions. When I was 11 or 12 , my older brother’s friend was teasing me. He pushed me into a corner. He was like 14 and I kicked my foot up and out to get him to back off. I was not aiming for anything in-reticulate yet Surprisingly, my foot caught him right between his legs. It was like a Stomp kick so my heel kicked his soft parts hard and to be honest all I felt was my heel kicking his pelvic bone. I guess his nuts were somewhere trapped in between. His reaction was priceless. He like froze as if he was in shock and then turned like seven shades of red as I guess he was trying to fight off the pain for as long as he could.... He lasted about 5-10 seconds before collapsing to the floor in what appeared to be some serious discomfort. Admittedly, It was hella funny. Watching him flop and roll about.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
A few times over the years. My Brother more often. When I first set up this profile it was at my Boyfriends request so I was definitely much more shy about it then I am now. When I was younger, I guess around JHS threw HS I did enjoyed the nervous reaction and respect that boys had when I would threaten to kick them in their nuts and as far as delivering on those threats once in a while they would would only be delivered to the same 5 or 6 boys that were in our tight group of friends. Basically, I was a sort of an EMO Punk In HS so we were pretty tight. This was two other girls there than myself. We all did it, It was definitely flirting and to be funny more than anything else. The boys in our group I would definitely rack more or less consistently only cus they seemed to find it as funny as I did. And They definitely returned the favor on several occasions. Getting a shot to the vagina was definitely on the table as well. DB agrees at that age it was considered attention.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
When I was younger it was a way to get boys to leave me alone. As I got older, as I explained above it was more of a game and to get their attention in a flirtatious sort of way. It continued into early college, yet didn't happen as often as it did in HS. I suppose I sort of grew out of it. Then I met DB about two years ago and he was pretty straight forward about his kink. At first it i have to admire it was a bit awkward yet its growing on me :) He asked me to set this profile up so that I could learn more about it. Now its more or less consistent foreplay for us.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
When I have done it, it has always been for the satisfaction of either ending a never ending argument with a solid simple shot between a boys legs or like I said flirting with boys in HS and my early College years. I personalty like the shock and surprise on the guys face when you connect just right. How their look goes from Shocked to the various ways a boy then has to manage it all. Every boy more or less ends up the same yet how they react is always very entertaining for me.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I've seen it all. Especially from DB over the last year after I spent a few month practicing on how to best deliver shots that seem to be really improving my game. He’s never vomited, yet I did see a few boys vomit after taking a decent shot to the nads during my College years, probably because they had been drinking too much prior to. I have a few stories that I don't mind sharing slowly over time.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
As far as memorable goes, I guess I can go with one from my JHS days. Basically this loud mouth kid who was a on my school bus and was a year older than I. He was a frequent bully to all of us and I guess today I was who had decided he would pick on. Eventually he started to saying rude things to me which were actually hurting my feelings. I told him to shut up or he'd be sorry. He did't of course. I told him to shut up or I would shut him up and he laughed dismissing my second threat then increased his verbal abuse as his friends laughed along with begging him on. I kicked out hard and low at the spot that I new would shut him up, more as a warning for him to back off and just leave me alone already. I missed by a mile as he backed up and avoided my feeble attempt quite easily. This just made him all that more confident and he moved himself a bit closer as if to temp me to try yet miss again. He was safely way out of my range and he knew it. I have always been quite short in stature. Summer, one of my better friends was sitting a seat to my right and one behind where I was standing. She had hit quite a growth spurt that year and was definitely one of the taller girls in our class. He pushed out his hips a little to make fun of how badly i had failed saying vulgar stuff which was now not only incredibly rude but he started saying very cruel personnel things about me and my family and was about to say something else when his voice was cut short in mid sentence and the top of Summers foot shot out in a bluer and slammed hard between the front of his shorts which were fairly loose fitting sort of like basketball trunks. I remember the instep of her foot connected directly and buried very deep between his legs with a clear audible thud that silenced almost everyone on the bus in and instant. The top of her foot sort of froze their as it sank deeper. Both he and I were very surprised at how fast her foot was able to travel so far and so quickly. What made this so memorable was that I never really saw her leg shoot out ,just the impact and how hard it connected which could have probably got him for even a few more feet back which is about where he landed as the confident mocking expression on this face when from "you ant got Sh-t little girl" to "OH FUK". That adorable lack of complete comprehension that seems to be on every mans face when he initially realizes that that something or someone just connected with to his most tender parts. He fell back several feet onto his but and was curled up in the fetal position before he even hit the isle floor of the bus. He pressed his hands frantically between his legs and rocked back and forth making all sorts of hilarious faces and noises as the entire bus, even his best friends erupted in hysterical laughter. He was in a complete state of what appeared to be incomprehensible boy pain as i like to call it of course several kids including me yet i'm not proud of it today, mocked him insistently for the duration of our ride to school which was at least another 35 mins or so. As we departed the bus, he just remained all curled up in a very tight ball with a half conscious tortured expression on his face as I and the other kids had to step over him to exit. He p gagging , wheezing, the shaking and then back to the gasping the occasional inaudible pitchy sounds you all make sometimes when it really hurts for a longer than expected. Needless to say he put on quite a show for us all. When we arrive at school he still was unable to be moved and he did miss the next few days of school. I do recall him not taking the bus for at least another month. And wouldn't make eye contact with either Summer or I for the rest of the school year. Like I said he was in the next class up so we never saw him much other than on the bus and didn't really think much about the incident This description went on much longer than I expected it to be yet, DB asked me to go into more detail so their you go.

uy on the bus was pretty memorable yet it was more scary than a favorite because he looked to be in some serious shape and I was so worried that we had ruined to poor guy. As far as a Favorite....ummmm. let me think on that for a little bit and Ill get back to ya :)
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
sneaker kick, boot kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, wheel-barrel kick, barefoot stomp, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, quick hard knee, quick punch hard, flick with fingers, throwing something

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At 10:31am on November 26, 2017, pete-VA said…
Glad you joined. Pete from VA here.
At 2:07pm on November 25, 2017, Ibrahim Moizoos said…

Welcome to the family!



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