So, Avengers 3 is coming out this weekend and it's already generating a ton of hype.  I must admit I've never seen a full (of the current MCU) Marvel movie.  Ive seen the last half of Avengers and breif clips and bits of Age of Ultron and Civil War but thats all.

It does make me curious though what are some other people's favorite comic book movies?  Old or new, doesnt matter!  Lets say, your top 3 or top 5 comic book movies...

As for myself, Id have to say
1) X-Men Days of Futures Past
2) Blade II
3) X-2: X-Men United
4) Batman (Tim Burton one)
5) Not so sure about this, might have to say Logan.

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Live Action:

  1. Captain America: Civil War
  2. The Dark Knight
  3. The Avengers
  4. Kick-Ass
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy

Animated(so much harder for me, but just because I mix them up with series):

  1. Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal (not sure if anime counts, but this was amazing to me as an avid kenshin fanboy)
  2. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
  3. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
  4. Big Hero 6
  5. Lego Batman

That said, Batman: Sub-zero, Batman vs Dracula, and Wonder Woman animated movies all have excellent busts in

*So* many props for including Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker in your list! I was gonna include Phantasm for sure in mine, and probably Return too, but I wanted as little overlap as possible. =)

Ooh, nice! Thanks for finding that! =D

For ballbusting, Batman: Subzero has a fantastic one where Batgirl is defending a woman from two muggers and she smashes this one guy's balls in with an eye-watering kick.

For just great comic book movies, I'd say, in no particular order:

1) Guardians of the Galaxy (this film has zero drop-off when it comes to rewatches, it's like it's fucking magic)

2) Captain America: Winter Soldier

3) Captain America: The First Avenger (I like Cap a lot, okay? xD)

4) Thor: The Dark World

5) Wonder Woman (this film would be amazing even if I didn't fancy Gal Gadot, but it helps a fair bit =P)

Honourable Mentions:

- Avengers: Age of Ultron

- Batman: Assault on Arkham (the Suicide Squad movie that we all deserved, check out Killer Frost ballbusting King Shark at the beginning)

- Thor

- Thor Ragnarok

- Spider-Man: Homecoming (you *will* believe that Michael Keaton can scare the shit out of you)

The Incredible Hulk is my all-time favorite.

Suicide squad featuring Margot Robbie is definitely up there

I feel like RB Riddick should have a shout out along with Summer in my own imaginary world of Fire-Fly finally making its return through animation, LOL

For the last lot it’s really tough but I have to go with Professor Xs Son. With dead pool sliding in last. Definitely love the antiheroes.

Like when Batman went dark in the later Frank Miller series. Became much more relatable



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