Hello everyone, my name is Melinda. I have been into "Ball-busting" for almost ten years, I didn't know it was an actual fetish, or had a name to it. I am glad I stumbled across this website. I am married and yes I do bust him a lot ;) So if you can't catch me online, please come here. Or you can message me If you like.

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Thank you Jax, and thank you for the memorial moment, it was extremely satisfying to hear, especially the drenched in sweat, half crying part. That is exactly what I want to see; a man taken to his limit, and then taken him to a new one :) If I could go ballbusting bitch every time, I would be a very happy woman lol. Unfortunately a busting session like that can leave me ball less for a couple of weeks, while he recovers. I try not to do it often because of that reason lol.

As for qustion one, I am pretty private about parts of it. My friends know I have always been a ball buster, and yes a have busted him in public, usually a quick knee or punch. I don't say anything to him, just a quick hit and I act like it never happened. It's fun. What they don't know is the pleasure I get out of it, and they sure as hell don't know my husband is getting kicked in his nuts repeatedly for my entertainment. I'm sure most would be astonished. I don't think I would want anyone else to bust him but me. My husbands balls belong to me, and only me ;)

Question two, I have never climaxed off of busting alone, that would be amazing lol. It does physically arouse me though, and will shoot my libido through the roof. Basically it makes me unbelievably horney, so maybe :)
That's hot, you husband is a very lucky man. & the next time I'm in TX I'll have to treat every women like it just might be you (I feel like I think something similar about Greeneyed Susan whenever I'm in Jersey). Well i don't want to monopolize your time but I do have one more question. Your hubby sounds like he really enjoys the experience of you being in control and dominating him but it sounds like you are the initiator before busting his balls. Just wondering has he ever asked you for it? Like if it has been a while since the last time would he crave it enough to outright ask you to do it again? And also, I know you mentioned using the males wandering eye as an sort of explanation why he's getting busted but is there anything he knows to say to flip your ballbuster switch... like a particular subject or acting extra cockey, something that's obvious to you that ya know he's actually taunting ya, trying to rev up your inner ballbuster?
You should treat every woman as if they were me :) and your not monopolizing my time . I love answering questions, and this is a good one. My husband has never asked for it, I just give it to him. I usually know when he is in the mood because he does act arrogant and cocky. My husbands inability I keep his hands off me automatically is grounds for getting his balls busted. If he is really craving it though, he will antagonize me, get under my skin, irritate me. He gets rough, if he wants the crazy version of me. He knows how to trigger it, and how far to push me. He knows how to light the fire and then fuel it. Basically he knows how to make me want to hurt him. He can bring out the worst in me, and he does it on purpose.

MISS Melinda,,  I read your profile,, you said some thing like that you would make man pass out,, would that be your husband or a stranger ,, some one that would let you???

My husband would let me do it, all I have to say is that is what I want. If I am going make anyone pass out it will be him. I want him to experience being busted until he passes out. It is a very delightful thought.

I know there are lots of ladies who can become your ballbusting dream under the right circumstances and i know a lot girls love to bust guys for power but i think only for few ladies on world it is sexual fetish in the same way like for most guys here.

So thanks girls and thank to dvhor because if this site doesn t exist we never be sure that few of them exist for sure.

I now seen that this post is for another topic true ballbusting bich but i believe it is ok with u Melinda.

So what thoughts go threw your head when your busting balls?
A lot of things really, obvious the feelings of power and control, actual thoughts very, it depends on my mood really. Sometimes I can't believe that I'm kicking my husband in his balls, and enjoying it. Sometimes I can't believe that he is letting me kick him there, that he is letting me hurt him in such a way. I think about the damage that I'm causing to his masculinity, short term and long term. Sometimes it wonder what exactly we are going to tell the ER if he loses a ball lol.
How does your husband feel about ballbusting, obviously he likes it, but does he worry about the state of his balls? Also out of curiosity what would you tell the ER lol
He loves me busting his balls. He says that it turns him on when I get in that mood, he's said it was me with the restrains off, and he just can't resist me, I'm his drug. He can't get enough of me even when he can't handle it, and he can handle a lot. Does he worry ? You bet your ass he does, he has every right in the world to worry, it's his balls, and the only set he is going to get. I have asked him many times if he wanted me to stop it, or if he wanted me to not bust him so hard. He told me he was my man, I can do what ever I wanted to him, that's why it is so exciting and hot to him, because I am calling the shots, from how much pain he endures, to the actual damage that I could do. He pretty much handed his masculinity over to me on silver platter to play with as I see fit. Letting me bust his balls isn't submission to him, it's respect, love, and devotion to me. :) anyway the ER could be told he had an accident, I'm not going to say yeah I ruptured his ball for my amusement, plus my husband said not to even mention it if that situation were to happen. There are all kind of unfortunate accidents that could result in a ruptured ball. :)

Hi Melinda..I also love the tease before the bust itself...would you call that foreplay..? :-)

I would call it foreplay definitely, teasing is crucial to busting :) if you can make him sweat and nervous before you even begin to actually break his balls, then it makes it all the more satisfying.



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