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greg m's Discussions

is ballbusting illegal? :-)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bryce Jowett Oct 28, 2015. 11 Replies

Just curious about the legal aspects of ballbusting..recently I was told that a ballbusting session is illegal..I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but is this really true? :-)..I'd love any…Continue

Does age play a factor in your decision to bust a guy??

Started this discussion. Last reply by WilburWood Feb 19, 2018. 43 Replies

I totally get it when you bust for fun but would there ever be a time when you might stop and think that maybe the guy is to young or to old to bust?Continue

your thoughts

Started Sep 4, 2010 0 Replies

ladies, what thought is going through your head just before you ballbust a guy?

is it more erotic to kick and hold or to quick kick the balls?

Started this discussion. Last reply by michelle Aug 27, 2011. 9 Replies

To me it is extremely sexy when a women will kick and hold her foot there for a while. Especially if she is wearing nylons. to me it just speaks volumes of a womans power over a man.


greg m's Page

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**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
I found this site as i was surfing the net for people with similar interest. what caught my attenetion was this was a way to interact with like mided people.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I have been into ballbusting/cuntbusting since I was ten. My first experience came from my female cousin who was practicing self defense. She needed a partner and told me she could beat me up. I laughed and told her to give it her best shot. Although she was older than me she was smaller but when she kicked me in the nuts i quickly realized that I was the weaker sex.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I have the urge to be busted weekly. In my life time I have been busted several times by women and I have busted a woman a time or two.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I become aroused and empowered knowing that the women who bust me are now in total control of me and that some so small and beautiful can overpower a bigger stronger man. Ussally this occurs when I can find a woman that wants to practice self defense by kicking/kneeing my groin or have her groin kicked. I hope this web sit can put me in touch with some more practice buddies
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
There is nothing better than a straight on front kick to the groin. A knee is good too
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I have fallen after several kicks and then made some strange noises.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
My best momenet was when I was with a female wrestler that wantedto practice her martial arts/self defense fetish. She wor.e a one piece leotard/body stocking and her main kicking target was my groin. She did this lightly and repeatedly and soonwe were both turned on. She want me to also lightly kick her as well. Needless to say we were in heaven
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
sneaker kick, boot kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, wheel-barrel kick, barefoot stomp, footwear gas-peddling, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, footwear v-stomp, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick hard thigh, thigh hard & hold, punch hard & hold, squeeze and hold, quick hard elbow, other

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Greg m's Blog

I love this site

Posted on August 13, 2010 at 5:16pm 0 Comments

Although I have only been a member of this site for a short time< I can honestly say that this is THE best site if you are in to ballbusting/cuntbusting. The members are like a whose who fo the ballbusting world. Such experince and contributions! You guys are truely the pillars of our community. greg

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 8:36pm on January 5, 2015, April Castro said…

Hello Greg,

You are welcome re; the response and the expression my feelings on bb. Although, (as stated in my profile) the fetish as such, is of relatively minor interest. Rather, I have a strange "fascination-with-castration". This is MAINLY in regards to fictional accounts of feminine self-defence and or retribution for violation. BTW, thank you for praising my articulation of my opinions re; "martial arts", "career choice" and "second guessing".

Yes, (occasionally) I have been required to employ my "unarmed combat" training. I do not know that, I was instructed to loose my "wrath". Yes, you are correct in your comment "And, you have clearly stated in your profile your mixed feelings about the act of the bust itself.". Yet, many people seemingly (yourself included) want to share their enjoyment of being kicked in the testes, with me. Or failing that, the pleasure of seeing some woman do it. Can you not "see", the cross purposes present?

Once again, I find nothing humourous about human beings in pain. Particularly, in so much pain; an individual can not stand or speak. So much pain that, even breathing is stressful!

Thank you, for the vote of confidence in my professional abilities. Perhaps, other men are a bit mad? Then again, they may simply lack confidence in me. As I did fail to protect someone in my care, fairly spectacularly. After all, if I failed to protect a child, how can I be trusted to "look after" an adult? Then again, the few other female colleagues I have, said they had the same experience. That is, with men not wanting them as personal security.

For what ever it is worth, you can not "HIRE" me. That is, I am in the employ of my government's security service. However, my spouse wants me to "defect" to America. This is understandable, as he is a

Warm regards,


At 12:26am on January 5, 2015, April Castro said…

Hello Greg,

I regret, not responding to you sooner. Thank you, for desiring my participation in your group. Also, for stating your appreciation for my "Ton of martial arts experience...". Thanks, for praising my "Commitment to excellence..." re; my work. My field is security. I provide personal protection to visiting female VIPs (and their dependents) whilst, they are in the Americas. For some reason, (many) men do not seem, to want to be "looked after" by a woman. I have never "quite", figured out why.

As I stated previously, I think we come at "This fetish", from different perspectives. I read (and reread) your profile, a number of times. Also, some of your comments in the community. As you have noted, I take my pursuit of various martial art disciplines, quite seriously. The same applies to my study and practice of various "unarmed combat systems", such as Krav Maga.

I do not enjoy, visiting violence on other people. Certainly, I would not derive pleasure from causing serious discomfort (or pain) to an individual, in a martial art or self defence, instructional setting. Frankly, this is true for the competitions I have been "steered" into, as well. Yes, I enjoy winning. Seems, I am a naturally "competitive person". Something, other women have pointed out to me, on a number of occasions.

The philosophical underpinnings of most martial art disciplines, stress respect for others and for oneself. The operating goal is (generally) to become proficient in a discipline, so as to master it. Also, many people here (mostly male, or so it seems) fail to appreciate my "mindset". Even though, they claim to have read my profile.

I state repeatedly that, I enjoy injury to the male genitalia in cinema and telly programmes. Specifically, in circumstances involving self-defence or retribution for a violation. In real life, I do not find blows to the male groin entertaining... no matter the circumstance. Yes, I understand there are MANY people here of a different view. Indeed, I accept and try to respect that. Some find voluntary blows to the male groin pleasurable. Yet, others find non consensual blows delivered for some offence entertaining.

Yes, I have delivered blows to a male's scrotum. However, these have all been in defence of someone or myself. Indeed, I have delivered substantial strikes to the sacs of boorish men who, have taken gross "liberties"! Yes, I have experienced momentary satisfaction from "teaching manners". Even in a couple of instances which, resulted in emasculation of deviant sexual predators. However, if one r-e-a-l-l-y reads my profile, one will appreciate the conflicting emotions at play. Some of them quite complicated. Indeed, I tend to vacillate between emotional extremes, over those outcomes. There are days when, I constantly "second guess" myself. Then again, there are times I derive a kind of grim satisfaction from having (likely) "disarmed", a couple recidivist sexual predators. The days, I permit my subconscious free reign... much darker (and deviant) feelings come to the fore.

As (I hope) you can discern, your focus seems quite "different" than mine. My interest (or satisfaction) in this "fetish" or kink, lies within very narrow parameters.

Warm regards,


At 8:30pm on December 26, 2014, April Castro said…

Hi Greg,

I am well, thank you. My best wishes to you and yours, this holiday season. I read your profile and our interests, seem a bit different. However, I am curious re; your "MARTIAL ARTS FEMALES" group. I have studied and practiced a number of martial arts over the years. However, when engaged in Kenpo, Wushu (specifically, Sanda) and other systems, I do not favorite the groin. Although, I know a number of girls (in some of these martial arts) who do. So, I do not know that, your group would be for moi. BTW, I did start out in the more "genteel" disciplines of Jujitsu (specifically, Akido) and Judo. However, my instructors and work (and perhaps nature?) stared me towards the more violent systems. Til, I finished up in Krav Maga!

Warm regards,


At 12:29pm on November 19, 2014, April Castro said…

Hello Greg m,

I am afraid, I do not have the time these days to participate in Karate competitions. My work schedule does not allow me the proper training and tournament prep, one needs.  Unfortunately, this is a busy time for me work wise. There is a good deal of travel involved. I hope  you and yours are well.


At 11:52am on November 15, 2011, Linda Howard said…

Hi Greg.  Thank you for making me your friend.  I joined just yesterday and I'm still trying to find my way around and arranging to post some photos.

At 7:59am on December 12, 2010, dhim said…

thank you for the kind comment!

At 6:12am on October 8, 2010, dhim said…
At 7:58am on August 23, 2010, Angela. said…
very good profile.
At 8:00am on August 19, 2010, Claire said…
For me, i love kneeing my bf, it's very stimulating dropping him at my feet.
At 7:51am on August 16, 2010, greeneyedsusan said…
I’m a member of the Army National Guard, I’m not deployed at the moment so I’m on part time status.


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