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Jax's Discussions

Knaves new ballbusting toon subscription site

Started this discussion. Last reply by BB-Roku May 7, 2014. 1 Reply

Hi, I know I'm a couple hours late but since its National Cartoonist Day I thought it wouldn't hurt to make mention that Knave's subscription site is up and running now.  I'm not connected to him in…Continue


Jax's Page

Latest Activity

Jax posted a status
"For some reason i cant read Terry Tepper's blog post titled 'An Education' like its a bad link. Anyone else run into this?"
Dec 14, 2021
Jax replied to SoreLoser's discussion BALL SHOCKER
"I’ve tried a few types of shock toys but I personally didn’t care for it.  Some are more appealing than others but at the end of the day I gravitate more towards a deep/internal pain that you get from kicks knees, squeezes and…"
May 16, 2020
Jax commented on Katie's photo

Kick him hard

"Allen said it first, love the attitude her smile conveys looking down at him.  Dang it, I wish I had a model taekwondo instructor for a roomie."
Apr 10, 2020
Jax replied to Molly M's discussion Does anyone know of/remember a show that was about women in college going after men who sexually assaulted women?
"I'm not sure its what you're talking about because its not on AMC but MTV did a series call "Sweet/Vicious" that sounds like the premise you're talking about."
Feb 27, 2020
Jax replied to Lexeme's discussion Birds of Prey==a whole lot of BB
"The take place within the same fight, actually within a few seconds of each other but the fight carries on, its more like a quick wince then right back to the action sequence."
Feb 15, 2020
Jax commented on Ian Dudgeon's video

Charlie's Angels 2019 Ballbusting and Footsie

"It’s not worth sitting through the movie to see the scenes.  0 audience reaction in my theater too which is kinda what I was hoping for."
Nov 23, 2019
Jax replied to Jan Martinsen's discussion Camp is Hell - Part 1 in the group BB Stories (Fiction)
"Yeah, really like this as well, look forward to the next part.  Also like the pic of the girl, any idea who this model is?"
Oct 25, 2019
Jax replied to Mallory {The Boss}'s discussion What Is Your Greatest Ballbusting Fantasy??
"Just had a ballbusting dream the other night after going to sleep a few nights in a row seeing the KITG page fundraising.  Had a dream that the annual fee was $1000 and they added $500 for a goal of $1,500.  Then raffle tickets were…"
Sep 24, 2019
Jax replied to Smack My Nuts's discussion BallsBounty Epilogue in the group BB Stories (Fiction)
"Hey dude, I don’t comment enough but I always read your stories and they’re always great, this was a particularly large amount of work to put in so just wanted to say it was awesome and thanks for sharing it."
Aug 18, 2019
Jax commented on WeeZ's photo

Stop stealing

"I never understood what the appeal is to getting clicks or views, I guess if you’re on YouTube and not demonetized I can understand a financial motive but even then it’s too niche for me to imagine it being worth the trouble and…"
Jul 1, 2019
Jax replied to johannes's discussion Answer write from me to all women
"I wonder if the language barrier isn’t the reason your intentions are becoming misunderstood when you’re communicating with women.  Just thinking about how challenging it is to speak about sensitive or controversial topics in my…"
Jul 1, 2019

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I found it cuz I often do searches for BB related links. I think I got this one from Knave's BB toon site.
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I'm not into CB cuz I've never met anyone that was into it but ive been into ballbusting since I was a kid. Way back when I was downloading Sophita's website using dial-up internet. I was always paranoid someone would find me using my dads computer. I guess at least by middle school I was hooked. I don't have any girlfriends right now that are into it, actually I'm so private about this that it takes me a long time to fess up. If any ladies on her are on the east coast and they want to get out some frustrations on men I'm a willing volunteer :)
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I have the urge multiple times a day unless I'm over worked. But I've only actually been busted roughly a dozen times in my life, and none of those were consensual or erotic busts, they all took me by surprise.
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
Surprised, then I can feel my face just contort to the pain. The part I enjoy is feeling like someone hot has just taken all my strength away and giggles about it. I definitely like the teasing aspect of this over the physical pain.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I like watching her expression when she sees I'm trying to stay up but that it just isn't going to happen. Since I'm the bustee I really like the taunting that comes after a hit, like the whole "So who did you say was the weaker sex again?" I like that powerstance of the hands on hips or even knealing over when I'm down so her boobs are pushed out :)
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I've lost breath and made mewling noises, I've never seen anyone puke or cry or pass out but I did nail a buddy of mine (not a sexual incident) and he was hurt so bad he was shivering on the ground.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I haven't seen very many busts outside of the session or personal experiences I'm involved in. The few I've seen were mostly just bending over or dropping to their knees. I've never passed out or puked or cried but I've let out funny noises while I was down on the floor.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
This is really tame compared to other people's stories but when I was in middle school i kinda liked this girl but the only way I managed to show it was to tease her a little or even tug on her ponytails at recess. Well turns out she liked me too, and everytime I'd pull on her hair she'd turn around like she was furious and chase after me with murder in her eyes. I was always faster but I got her to chase me around the building, out of view, and let her catch me. We were both out of breath, hot, sweaty and I was grinning just waiting to see what she planned on doing. She almost had an angry look on her face when she marched right up to me and with her grip around my shoulders she pushed my back into the brick wall of the school. I was a lot bigger than her but I wasn't laughing anymore I was actually scared, then with her still holding my shoulders she leaned in and kissed me. My first kiss ever... wet and awkward but my little hormones went into overdrive. It wasn't a long kiss but when she pulled away there wasn't any anger there at all, she was the cutiest girl I'd ever met and standing this close I couldn't see any imperfections. She had a grin on her face when she leaned back in for another kiss but rather than feel her lips I felt a boney little knee introduce itself to my balls. She held it there for a sec and drank in the expression on my face as she giggled. When she withdrew the lithe little leg I went down like a ton of bricks... my first kiss and my first kick in the nuts all in the same day. She stayed with me until I could get up and head back around to the other side of the school with the rest of the kids. She and I did a number of things together but a few more times that year I pulled her pigtails at recess and ran to our spot behind the building to wait for her. I did it for the kiss, but I never left when I knew the knee was coming :) I've had a few experiences with BB but nothing compares to that first time.
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
sneaker kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, barefoot gas-peddling, knee hard & hold, thigh hard & hold

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At 8:19pm on December 23, 2012, Smoo said…

Hah!  Great little "most memorable"!  Amusing and adorable!

Jax's Blog

Friendly warning for those looking into buying the Virtual BB

Posted on February 25, 2014 at 6:46pm 4 Comments

I'm not sure how many guys in this forum noticed that a device was being sold that simulates a kick to the nuts. It's worn similar to a modified jock and the device connects to your computer and runs software that plays any video clips you want and you can program it to initiate the virtual kick to coincide with the kick in the video. As a guy that isn't in a relationship, has had mixed results with connecting with girls online who are into ballbusting I thought it was worth checking out. The… Continue


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