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playfight's Discussions

kicked by sister

Started this discussion. Last reply by Berkey Sep 26, 2020. 13 Replies

many girls kicked her bro at least once but sometimes they bouth find it intersting and then fights become more like bb high school i had friend who was busted by his hot sis often.once i…Continue

some girls don t have problem to kick realy hard

Started this discussion. Last reply by Zwyx Jun 30, 2010. 1 Reply

some girls know that u like it kick u 100 times but always light ormedium,don t want to realy hurt u or even they are angry at u and want to hurt u but hold back(she is afraid to damege u and sent u…Continue


Started Feb 5, 2010 0 Replies

i was kicked a lot and some was realy hard but i was never close to throw upplease tell yours storyContinue


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Sep 23, 2022
playfight commented on dvhour (Site Owner)'s video

Girl At Party Punches Her Guy Friend In The Nuts

"He looks like she punched already once before video"
Aug 29, 2022
playfight replied to Damien's discussion why do guys like to watch?
"some guys love sex but never watch porn, it is the same"
Aug 10, 2022
Cowboy Frank commented on playfight's video
Jul 23, 2022
playfight commented on dvhour (Site Owner)'s video

Ballbusting summer camp Story in english

"Do you think it is real ? Even if it is not there are great chances something similar happened more then once, what is your opinion on that ?"
Jun 5, 2022
playfight replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"When you busted bro last time ?"
Jun 5, 2022
playfight commented on vera tankalson's blog post No Title
"I belive that women in her 70 s if her body is in solid condition can do it but also 12 y old girl and ballbusting is about it. Yes in real fight is not so easy but point is full force kick in balls full on target almost from any person will put…"
May 1, 2022
playfight replied to Scoiattolina e Noccioline's discussion Scoiattolina's Interview
"What was the bet, how hard you go from beginning , if you wanted could u make him quit before 42 sec"
Apr 3, 2022
playfight commented on Smilez-MS87's blog post Ballbusting that made me black out
"And it would be fun to see after some time when that worst experi ence become your greatest fantasy will you visited her again ?"
Mar 12, 2022
playfight commented on Smilez-MS87's blog post Ballbusting that made me black out
"Great adventure, just remember you ask for it and you ask it in way that not leaves no doubt what you ask for. On other hand she used your fantasy to rely hurt you but that make her bb queen , it is easy to see when guy is get more then he wanted…"
Mar 12, 2022
playfight commented on Carlo Schmitt's blog post Balls
"You over thinking it. Ridiculously small number of guys are infertile or lost one nut because of girls busts . Funny thing is that those kind of things happened more often in modern time for numeros reasons and now number of consent and nonconsent…"
Feb 7, 2022
playfight commented on Enzo DeFelice's video


"She had perfect position and enough time, she should take just ONE sec more to aim perfectly and put all strenght in that kick"
Jan 31, 2022
playfight commented on Greed's blog post The Road to Discovering My Fetish
"Great, it was just a game for her and you did not have a chance not to get big bb fetish :)"
Jan 31, 2022
playfight replied to Emma Cook's discussion Interview with Emma
"How he reacted on angry busting, did he cum that time too, was he on floor when you finish ? How long was a session ? How hard it was compare with that hardest kick that ruined his date ?"
Jan 11, 2022

Profile Information

**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, RS
Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian - it is joke, it is same language from former Yugoslavia
and some English
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
I sow link on youtube, i check it right away and see the best bb site ever :)
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
neighbor girl kick me all the time from age 12-15,we were same age playfight a lot and she win all the time with bb but never hurt me bad or even medium i more pretend it hurt so much,favorite stile for bouth of us was stomping and sometimes it was a foot job
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
maybe 20 girls bust me, daily
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
aroused unless it s too hard,but few min latter arouse even more if it was real hard
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
I puked once and was badly swollen and bruised so bad i needed more then month to fully recovered and i m infertile.
Few times i was busted super hard that i was on floor shivering not able to do anything almost in some kind of shock
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
I playfigted with female friend, she always aimed for balls when playfight with male friends or when some of us tease her or even sometimes for no reason just for fun,she busted me few times but never real hard
but once we were drunk,she lying over me in playfight with her knee on my nuts. I finally did it,open my legs wide and said let see how much u can hurt me. That started great adventure
What are your favorite ways to bust or be busted? (Choose as many as you like)
sneaker kick, boot kick, heavy shoe kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, barefoot stomp, footwear stomp, barefoot gas-peddling, barefoot v-stomp, footwear v-stomp, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold, quick hard thigh

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Playfight's Blog

First time puke

Posted on January 1, 2020 at 7:06pm 1 Comment

She is mine old friend, when we were young she always go for balls in playfights or when guy tease her and similar. She got me and all my friends more then once but it was never hard, just for laugh.

10 y ago we become fucking buddies , she busted me all the time in that period and did it really hard. One night she teased some guy letting him and not letting him to kiss her. In one moment she kneed him in balls lightly and tell him she will do it super hard if he go for kiss again,…


kicked by sister

Posted on May 30, 2011 at 3:58am 1 Comment

many girls kicked her bro at least once but sometimes they bouth find it intersting and then fights become more like bb high school i had friend who was busted by his hot sis often.once i was at his home,we were standing and talking when she came.when she was near him she suddenly kicked him extremly hard with top of sneaker aiming for balls but hit him few cm lower in was so hard he seat on flor and i think i sow tear in…


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At 7:49am on January 5, 2020, Raphael Reis said…

Sorry I didn't respond to your message! I was bussy and I didn't see it haha

At 5:46am on June 12, 2016, Esperanso said…

hey can u please add me to your friends list so I can see yoru videos please :)

At 7:46am on August 22, 2010, Aurorah Ginusetti said…
Regarding the puke incident... my boyfriend at the time called me and asked me to meet him somewhere. I got dressed up in a skirt and heels and started walking toward where he'd asked me to meet him. Suddenly, blocks before we were where we were supposed to meet, he walked out of an alleyway and grabbed me by the wrist. He claimed he knew that I'd been cheating on him. (I hadn't.) I told him I hadn't and he called me a slut and a whore and slapped me across the face saying he didn't want to hear another word from my lying mouth. At that point a blind rage set in. I cold-cocked him across the face, knocking him to the cement. I then began stomping on his groin (yes, in heels) with both the pointy toes and heels of my shoes. He curled up into a little ball, but I kept kicking and kicking until he vomited all over himself. I then turned and walked away.
At 7:39pm on June 19, 2010, nolizards said…
There wasn't as much busting, then... but they did like making me kiss their feet and knew I was enjoying it. The groin kicks were sporadic, but a definite reason I developed the fetish. It did make me love martial arts style kicks the most, and also self defense related material.
At 5:22pm on May 24, 2010, Lexeme said…
hey there the question you asked me kind of got cut off somehow mind asking it again??
At 9:17am on March 20, 2010, Sarah said…
My friends and I were walking on the street in NYC, we had one guy that wouldn't leave us alone. i turned around and kneed him as hard as I could or at least it seemed like it was my hardest. I was a little buzzed because I was partying all day so i had no inhibitions to busting him that hard at all. He started gagging the second my knee hit him in the balls. It wasn't the usual 2 second look of shock that guys show when they're hit in the balls. He ran into a cluster of bushes and fell into them holding his groin and started throwing up. All my girl friends were giving me the high five, we laughed the entire night about it, we couldn't stop talking about the bust so a lot of guys just looked at us with fearful looks, lol
At 1:37pm on March 13, 2010, markus bloom said…
At 6:43am on March 4, 2010, Marios Iordanidis said…
she was laughing but when she saw that i threw up she swas saying ''oh my god , sorry baby ,i didnt mean it'' and she was holding me.
At 2:10am on October 21, 2009, NYCboy20 said…
What's the hard kneeing guy's channel name?


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