Last year I was able to start meeting one of the other site members for some BB session!  Yes, that actually can work out!  :)  She's a great BB buddy and has been alot of fun both during BB and when we've hung out a little bit before or after.  I had initially written this up for one of our other members but they suggested I go ahead and post it for all to read.  It's a general retelling of how our sessions go.

Once we really start, we tend to begin with some hand work. Often, she'll either kneel down or sit on the edge of the bed and I'll get in front of her. I'll shed my pants so that I'm just in boxers. We start with some light hand work. Usually light slaps or perhaps she'll reach in and do some minor squeezes. It helps to ease me in a bit and I've even said "oh yeah, I remember what this feels like now."  A bit of a joke of course as I totally remember how it's gonna hurt, yet at the same time its a unique enough pain that it does take a moment to 'get used to it' as it were.
From there we'll move on to some stronger strikes or squeezes. In our most recent session we decided to do some wall squeezes. I was back against the wall and she was facing me right up close. She had one hand against my shoulder and the other reaching down between us wrapped around my sac. She wasn't brutal with her grip, but she wasn't gentle either. She had me up on my toes and writhing around a bit while standing. As she phrased it "i liked to watch you regain composure, take a few deep breaths, then look at me and smile to let me know you were ready, and clamping my hand down to only catch a glimpse of the happy face before it twists back into an agonized scowl, lol... *surprise!*"
The most intense part of that was when she started pulsing. I don't know why that builds up so fasr but it sure does. At one point she reached down with her other hand and pulsed back and forth left one to the right one and back. That build up way fast. One other benefit for that position was that I couldn't buckle or drop. She would just lean into me to keep me up. As she's a bit shorter (maybe 5'2" to my 5'8") I'd end up partially draped against/over her shoulder. After a bit of crying out, she finally let me sink to the floor.
From there it takes me a few min but we'll both move to the floor. The position we find easiest for her sitting with legs spread in a V and me on my back, legs on each side of her and knees bent. This gives her great access for all sorts of hand work. She'll do all sorts of squeezes and slaps like this. One of the most intense was when she tugged the boys to the base of my bag and just sat there for a few moments debating in her head if she wanted to or not. She decided "yes" and gave them a really good slap just as she goes "surprise!" It was enough to get me to curl up and end up on my side covering them. Granted I was a bit tender already but I could have sworn she punched them and not a simple slap.
After this we tend to move on to some harder busts. We've gotten into knees and kicks. One of our favorite positions for kicks is with me on my knees and forearms, legs spread and her standing behind me. Usually I'll get into boxer briefs for those to keep things held in place for her. These can be all over the spectrum. She'll do some minor ones and then toss in a good solid kick. She's had me curled up several times from those shots. She never goes all out with them, but what she does is still plenty!
I'm usually in need of a good break at this point. One of the nice things she does is we'll get back into the V position and me on my back but instead of busts she'll gently massage them for me and really get me relaxed. She'll cup them, roll them around and give me some good time to get better and recover.
After 5-10 minutes, depending on how sore I was and how much she wants to start busting again we'll get back to it. Sometimes she'll give me no warning and just whack em and sometimes she'll ask me if I'm ready.
There have been times where we've taken a longer break and gotten dinner, but sometimes we'll just continue with the busts.
Our second session had one of the most intense finishes. I got back down on my knees and forearms with her behind me but this time I didn't have boxer breifs on. She started with lighter kicks and then to get me to crumple, drilled me. It was probably only medium but it felt way worse. I drop to my side and start to curl up. Is that all? Ho ho. If you thought so, you're sadly (or is it happily) mistaken. She crouched down and reached through me legs and started squeezing. This got me writhing and as she had gaps between my legs shed slap em. With no time to recover she grabbed again and went right on squeezing but this time hard. I was thrashing and writhing for sure at this point. What ended up being the finisher was a punch. I was pretty much face down, legs spread slightly, sac totally exposed. As per usual, with no warning I feel the impact and am just overwhelmed with pain. Apparently she went for a punch, but instead of into me, she punched directly down, punching them into the floor. She even later commented it made her a bit worried as her fist actually bounced back a bit from the impact.
Once done I always need time to recover. Usually at this point, she'll get me on my back again and go back to massaging them very gently. Sometimes even just a light pressure will hurt em as they're so sore/tender. It'll be anywhere from 15-30 min after a session before I'm feeling good enough to get in my car to head out. Before I leave we almost always talk about the session and what we wanna do next time, what we liked and the best reactions she created.  To make it tougher for me on my drive back, I have a manual transmission. Trying to work one leg back and forth on the clutch with the standard while having VERY sore balls is certainly... uncomfortable.  It's not a turn on or anything, just plenty awkward until I get on the highway and can use just one leg to drive.
So far all of her sessions have had me sore the next day to some extent. We hope to keep meeting up for sure!  She's very good about being respectful but also testing and pushing limits.  For the most part she'll keep going until I say stop but there have been occasions where she both stopped early due to me seemingly in more pain then expected or her going a little extra just to get that last little touch of reaction out of m before giving.  When I genuinely need a break, she always lets me take it.

Below are a few of her comments and thoughts from the sessions.  We chat here and e-mail back and forth somewhat regularly and I thought these snippets were pretty cool.  She was also happy to share em so here ya go!

This was from our second to last session back in Nov:
So that was a pretty good session, right? i managed to squeeze and batter all sorts of interesting sounds out of you. the last squeeze i was pretty worried, tho, lol, you made a very unhappy yelping scream, at a note i hadn't heard from you yet. couldn't tell what it meant, other than "ok, i'm done for the day" i wasn't sure if i had managed to hurt you more than i meant to. but after ten minutes or so, you seemed alright

A comment after one of our earlier sessions:
I was pretty worried about you after the last one, lol. you left the house limping and looking weak.... i found that i really enjoyed the kicks and punches, haha, i guess i have a bit more of a mean streak than i first thought.

About the end position of me on my knees and forearms she once said:
"i liked that position too, the one we ended in. if i wanted to, i could have put you through hell, and even just to know that makes it all that more exciting. i'd really like trying a more solid kick from that position, maybe with socks on :)"

This one actually refers to the session I described above "my favorite so far...? well, one of those first times we met up, and were doing our grande finale, there was an intense mixture of squeezes and slaps and a couple of surprise kicks as you were going down, and that was kind of exciting. i got you from all angles, and you didn't quite know what to do with yourself. i personally enjoy the rush from the strikes, like one of our get together's when i held the boys at the bottom of the sack and gave them a light tap with my closed fist. and the kicks from behind are pretty good too, lol. i like delivering the squeezes, but the issue with those is i can't seem to keep 'em from slipping out of my grasp... and that seems to hurt quite a bit too, right? "

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Comment by Michael Reynolds on February 6, 2016 at 4:58pm
She sounds like an amazing busting partner. Lucky you!! Thanks for posting.
Comment by Anthony on July 11, 2015 at 7:26pm

so hot!  i LOVE when she has you up against the hot

Comment by Foo Bar on March 3, 2015 at 1:47am

Awesome, sounds like you guys are a great match. :-)  May this be the first (?) of many happy BB couples brought together by KITG!

Comment by Ballbuster_X on March 2, 2015 at 4:27pm

I'm super happy! Sounds like a shit load of fun haha -- pretty cool that you met her on the site too

Comment by Trevor Swevel on February 4, 2015 at 5:06pm

This is so hot and amazing..I gotta show my girl these and hopefully get her to try it on me

Comment by Lil Suzy on January 31, 2015 at 1:09pm

I think it's so cool you two met on this site. 

Comment by Smoo on January 23, 2015 at 11:08pm

Thanks all!  It's been great fun and plenty painful!  I look forward to next time I get to meet her and see what's in store for the boys! Hopefully next month!

Comment by CG Staurt on January 16, 2015 at 11:44pm

i love dishing out the pulsing busts, the look of wild, over whelming, desperate pain as the body tries to figure out how to manage... lol

Comment by Tender Boy on January 15, 2015 at 8:37pm

This sounds great for both of you.  Thanks for posting and have fun!

Comment by greg m on January 15, 2015 at 9:56am
Awesome blog...I hope there will be more..I'm's very cool that you do this with someone from this site! :-) :-)


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