Hello all!  The other day I was telling one of the members about a hit that happened to me that is def up there on the random scale.  It was with a former car.  I was at the back driver side door and swung it open much harder then I expected.  I must have pivoted slightly as I did this and immediately was worried I'd slam the car next to me.  I yanked the door back and managed managed to catch myself in the balls.  Instead of just a straight slope, this car's rear doors had more of a triangle point to them.  Like this:

It wasn't an awful hit, but enough I had to take a seat by the wheel for a moment.  I had a friend with me, but she didnt see what happened as she was already in the passenger seat.  When she looked over she goes "What the hell happened?  You hit your knee or something?"  I told her and we both couldn't help but snicker.  It was just so random and unexpected, and from what I've heard here, rather unique.

So, I was curious what unique ways have you guys taken, or you gals seen someone get busted?  I'm looking for random busts though - anything can be used to bust someone with some creativity - but I want those times where it wasn't at all planned and a total accident.  Anyone could grab a boom box and drop it on their balls - but painting a wall on a ladder, slipping, knocking down a shelf, landing in a char, and having a boom box fall on your balls... now that's uniquely random!

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Comment by Chefda on April 7, 2018 at 11:56pm

@Smoo Yeah, bouncy balls are a lot of fun. =D

@Ellen It's a combination of the bust making it more memorable, and Blastoise being one of my favourite pokémon. =)

Comment by Ellen Toanne on April 7, 2018 at 4:15pm

I like how you remember which pokemon it was, @Chefda lol

Comment by Smoo on April 7, 2018 at 1:39pm

@Chefda, bouncy balls always have the potential to be a hazard.  While i think we lucked out, I remember being with friends and taking a couple each and just chucking the things at walls letting them go crazy.  It probably wasn't as bad at the time as it sounds now, but still!

Comment by Chefda on April 2, 2018 at 3:00pm

When I was a kid I had a few of these transparent, super bouncy balls with pokémon inside them and I threw my Blastoise one as hard as I could in my room to see what would happen. What happened was the ball bounced off of the walls wildly, before smacking into my balls. Which, luckily, didn't hurt too much. 

Comment by Smoo on April 1, 2018 at 7:14pm

@ Christian, amusing that it happened that often for that week!

@ Roomer, I'm surprised a computer cord had enough whip behind it to get you that badly!

Comment by Christian Peterson on March 23, 2018 at 6:27pm

In the same kind of vein as Rooomer, For about a week straight a couple years ago I had this bad habit of accidentally dropping something I was holding and reaching down to grab it and punching or slapping myself in the balls.  Did it multiple times a day but only had to sit down once or twice... Still though, that was a weird experience.

Comment by Rooomer on March 22, 2018 at 10:51pm

I was rushing out to work so I wouldn't be late to a meeting.  Stuffed some papers and my computer in the bag, grabbed the computer cord and quickly wrapped it up.  I was moving too fast and managed to whip myself with the plug end in the balls.  Suddenly the meeting was much less important as I hunched over and cupped myself.   Balls ached a bit right through my commute.  No one saw it happen, but now you can all enjoy it vicariously!

Comment by Eric on March 21, 2018 at 4:37pm

For my own experiences they're pretty lame. One time in 7th grade I think two friends of mine (both girls) had fun throwing rocks at my nuts. Started as pebbles and got slightly bigger, but still nothing crazy or worth a story lol. Another was at a party in high school. My friends and I used to fuck around with a hackey sack like losers despite being fucking terrible at that shit, but we were at a party and were tossing the sack around and drinking and shit, I was sitting on the floor. The sack was thrown to a girl on the couch and she proceeded to aim right for my open legs and missed but we had a laugh. I asked if she'd like to try that again and she said "Of course yeah!" so I tossed it back and she and another girl who wanted to throw as well tried 5 or 6 more times each, only hit me a couple times but both got frustrated at my lack of response so ended up throwing it harder every time. Ended doing like baseball throws from the couch trying to hit my sack with the.. well, sack. 

That's really the only shit I have pertaining to this unfortunately.. twas funny I suppose.

Comment by Greed on February 23, 2018 at 4:36am

Well, I was throwing the football back and forth with an ex-girlfriend. She tossed it to me but the throw was short and landed in front of me. When it bounced back up, it hit me right in the balls. Not a devastating hit, but enough to make me bend over and catch my breath for a bit. We both got a good laugh out of it.


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