Hurts!'s Blog (9)

My very first time kicked and when I started to get into the fetish

I wrote this story it looks like 5 years ago, a lot has happened since then I thought I would do a remastered story with more detail about it and not so rushed. This all led up to my fetish all from this story. So this will be long and have some back story that led to the moment. 

First of all when this almost happened. I was only a a few days after I turned 11 at a School Camp, I wasn't exactly a popular person at school got teased a bit I had only changed schools in a month…


Added by Hurts! on April 23, 2018 at 10:50pm — 4 Comments

One of the rare but first Knees I got

I am a big fan of knees, I find them sexy to watch videos of but sadly I have hardly received many knees for a bust. Here is the story of my first time getting a knee. 

So with my girlfriend at the time who was drunk. we were at this Hotel  she was Asian cute but actually a lot older then me at the time, she would have been early 30s me mid 20s.

she had no idea about my fetish at all, but would always make threats and stuff like that which I enjoyed and turned…


Added by Hurts! on August 15, 2017 at 9:40pm — No Comments

getting my balls squeezed for no reason

A short and fun story to share.

I was 17 years old and my GF at the time was 16. she was my first ever GF and the one I lost virginity too,

What used to happen was in the middle of the night we used to sleep in separate rooms, at her parents place, at 3am I would hear a slight knock knock knock on the wall next to me, that was the sign for me to sneak into her room for 'fun '

I was young and shy and nervous with all the first moves stuff, so i was only…


Added by Hurts! on June 4, 2017 at 11:38pm — 3 Comments

Lined up boys

Another one of my many school stories. 

As you do in school you play boys v girl games, but this one was a little unique and I reckon this is where my fantasy of this started of it being my favorite scenario, it would be way to hard to get it organised for this to happen again at a adult age, but this was pure gold and a memory that stuck with me for a long time. Let me tell you I did NOT want the lunch bell to ring this day.  it was the first year of high school all of us…


Added by Hurts! on March 8, 2017 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Teachers Rules

This was a interesting true story that happened to me, I doubt any teachers would get away with it these days though. It's only a short story but sweet 

in primary school being times of chasing girls and doing silly kid things us boys would get stupid things and go over the top, their was this one girl one day in the Playground that I kinda had a crush on so I began chasing her around, she would do some playful kicks to each other just in the shins only light. she had blond…


Added by Hurts! on February 22, 2017 at 1:54am — 6 Comments

A Couple of recent short summer stories

Love telling real life stories on here the ones that happen out of nowhere!

First story is short

I have been away on holidays for 2 months while I was away at a friends house he had a lot of people over, this young 18 year old of his family was over this day.. I played a trick on the phone where I would put this number in hang up the phone and it would ring. then the person wold pick it up and it would hang up..

I did the trick and I…


Added by Hurts! on February 3, 2015 at 5:25am — No Comments

A high School busting

so far I have shared with you my first time getting busted, and 2nd time both in primary school.

Now I move on to the stories of High school.

Into Grade 8 the beginning of it one February in Summertime, the girls are in their school uniform skirts, and it's one hot day.

my and my best friend at lunch he had a girlfriend at the time called Gemma, she had a friend called Lisa, we also had another friend with us called Mark, (at the time we were friends but later we…


Added by Hurts! on December 21, 2014 at 7:21pm — No Comments

Kicked at School Camp

Alright thought I would share this story, I have shared my first time before here is the 2nd time!

It was about the 3rd day into this school camp we were on, this was for about year 7 to year 9s, so 13 to 15 year olds,

I was in year 7 13 well into pubity stage. during the day out of nowwhere this girl named brook took my hat off me she was a older girl so she would have been 14 or 15, I chased her around trying to get it back

she would pretend to hand it to me and move it…


Added by Hurts! on December 2, 2014 at 10:40pm — 2 Comments

The first time I was ever busted

some of you would have got some of this story in chat but here I will tell the entire story in detail.

I've been busted about 4 or 5 times in my life NEVER have I asked for it this was the first time it ever happened.

I was in year 6 would have been I think 12 and a half years old/


At this age is when I started to get curious about girls beating up guys and was always thinking of it, I was thinking about what it would feel like to be kicked in…


Added by Hurts! on August 11, 2013 at 5:01am — No Comments


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