My very first time kicked and when I started to get into the fetish

I wrote this story it looks like 5 years ago, a lot has happened since then I thought I would do a remastered story with more detail about it and not so rushed. This all led up to my fetish all from this story. So this will be long and have some back story that led to the moment. 

First of all when this almost happened. I was only a a few days after I turned 11 at a School Camp, I wasn't exactly a popular person at school got teased a bit I had only changed schools in a month so missed my own school. I was about the age when I started thinking about girls beating up boys I knew about the private area and had heard that it hurt being hit down there, but i never really believed it to be as big as what people were saying.

This Girl named Brooke, decided to pick on me and take my hat one day, and I went up to her and punched her on the side of her head. she gave me a death stare and dropped my hat, and me thinking I was smart just picked it up and got it back. she was in total shock that a boy would hit a girl like that and several other people had seen it. I was going through a lot of crap with the change of schools and just had the anger issues on kids really bullying me. 

about a hour later 2 guys  come up to me and grab me and say 'you hit Brooke where taking you to her' So they drag me off to her and say 'we got him for you' she looks at me and says 'open his legs out;' I knew straight away what that meant. and I thought I was ready to feel exactly what it meant to be kicked in the nuts, and to be done by a girl. but I panicked in my head and didn't want to be embarrassed by then, and I managed to fight my way out of the hold of the 2 guys and run.  If i had my time back I would just let her kick me.  Nothing more came of this.

We fast forward to almost a year later, and now we Meet a friend of hers Bridgett, let me also just say BOTH of these girls were the most athletic girls in my year 6 class. they were fit as anything and the best in sports. and would win all the athletic comps for everything. 

So now I would have been just on 12 years old now. and the harmonies starting in my body, and I really had a thing now for girls hitting boys and wanting girls to attack me, and now I started to think, I just want a girl to kick me in the balls now to know the feeling my turn ons were starting. 

one day with the girl Bridget at Lunch I was just being so annoying to her and she would tell me to shut up but i wouldn't so she kicked me in the thigh hard. and said 'that would hurt that be a cork'  and she was right and I got a bruise it really did hurt. but in my mind I was thinking I wonder what that would feel like if it was the balls?? so through the months I continued to be annoying to this girl in hope that she might actually decide to kick me in the nuts. 

One day she started punching my arm like a boxing bag and I would fight back and she hit back twice as hard... once again though didn't try for the balls. 

One day on the bus when going home we started kicking each other SOFTLY in the leg, one of her soft kicks got me ohh so close to the balls it grazed my groin, I was thinking of it as a warning shot. each kick got harder as she went so I stopped kicking back and smiled and so did she. and that was the end of that. 

I really felt at this point it was never gonna happen and was going to give up on this. I was getting obsessed with this girl and had a crush on her and would fantasies about her kicking me in the balls. I think I even had my first wet dream about it happening. I would always look at her legs and the shoes she had on thinking how it would feel like. 

We now move to D Day, the day it finally happened only on this day I actually didn't expect it to happen. We are on the bus on the way home from School. there was no seats left on the bus so I was standing on the way home it is about a 10 to 15 min trip home with stops. Bridget had a seat on the bus I had to stand there was no seats left.  and we started punching each others shoulders softly again. Until I stopped. I walked a way for a bit. and one bit of detail into this was she bought brand new shoes black joggers and this was the first time I seen her wearing these this day! she would usually wear the white ones, because I would always perv and look at her I knew these were new and they had a kind of a steel cap at the end. 

Then some brain explosion happened in my head, she was sitting down I walked up behind her and with my fist down and hit her as hard as I could on the shoulder. and laughed, she got up with the serious as hell pissed off look on her face that I had never seen before. if looks could kill I would be dead. i steadied back I thought she was just gonna punch me back. she grabbed on to the seats of the moving bus, and swang her leg back and kicked me right in the thigh. I had moved slightly from a reflex she was probably aiming for the balls, at the time I wasn't thinking about it. so I thought to myself 'oh that is gonna sting I deserve that' but then she kicked again. BANG this time it got the top of my penis. in which case I felt this real stinging sensation, but before I even had to chance to think about that pain. after it froze me the 3rd kick came in about 2 seconds later which got me directly in the balls.  and no doubt she kicked me as hard as she could. and the kicks straight away stopped after that it was like she knew she got the target she wanted and her mission was done.

At first I felt a rush of pain.... then the pain from that slight delayed reaction in pain we all get a few seconds later just started to POUND in, and my stomach felt like it had been turned inside out. and a million thoughts went into my head they were......

Don't show your pain you will be embarrassed. 

Don't drop to the ground be a man

OMG I can't believe how much this really does hurt

oh god I regret I did this I will never do it again

I was thinking will this pain never go away and last for an entire day?? how will I hide it from my mother?? what if I have to go to hospital? are my balls still there? 

please pain will you go away, I can't even talk, I can't breathe my ears are ringing, I want to faint and collapse. hurry up and go pain to save the embarrassment! 

Meanwhile a much younger girl about aged 8 or 9 punching me from behind the same way I did to this girl and says 'that is for hitting her, I would kick you but she already has'  all I could do was nod, and continue to hide the pain. (well at least I thought I was) when the pain gradually started to fade away, I walked over to Bridgett and in a sarcastic tone I said 'It really hurt me' I said it just so I could show I was tough in front of everyone that I felt no pain at all. and didn't wanna be embarrassed by a girl, she  said 4 words after that 'I bet it did' It was like she knew I was trying to hide all that pain and knew how much it was hurting me. 

by the time our bus stop arrived the pain had finally gone and I was relieved.  because it was my first time kicked there I had no idea that the pain went away or if the pain would last for days lol/ 

as I am walking home from the bus stop she is telling her friends the story 'hey did you see me kick him"  I went 'wack' (and she did the action of the kick"  but he says it didn't hurt him, guess he hasn't got any balls then hey" as she talks back to me. all the girls giggle 'well he might not have anything there now' the giggles continue' I ignore that all and not say a word and walk home/

I quickly check my package in my room worried about what I might find, and find a red mark on my penis from that 2nd was a red ring mark around the head area. and my balls were swollen and quite black and blue. along with a bruise I got on my upper thigh near the groin from the first kick that missed. later that night having a bath my balls looked even more swallen. I never told my mother anything and never would. 

I also never bothered or annoyed that girl again. one day she tried pinching me but I didn't bite, I was to scared she shut me up good. I since actually have her on friends on my facebook 26 years later so I can always look back at her pics and think of the first time this girl busted my ballbusting cheery all those years ago, later that year was sex ed class when we would joke that we can't hit a pregnant girl in the stomach. then she said 'we will kick guys in the balls if you do that' and the sex ed teacher would explain why you would never kick a guy there. meanwhile I was told I was going red as a lobster in the face during this talk and time, because I knew she was the one that kicked me there and she would have known it too!

I now have a 7 month old baby so thankfully that kick and others I got later in life never stopped me from having kids, but if a Kick was too hers would have come close! I have never EVER hit a girl since then she taught me a life lesson then. and I don't regret it, for the first time and getting me into that fetish and making me wake up and treat girls correctly. thank god she did kick me or maybe I really would have become a arsehole even more until finally a girl did kick me there. I owe her a lot in life!

e he doesn't have any balls

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Comment by Hurts! on May 6, 2018 at 6:47pm

Lol I’ll have a look but we are taking 1993 style shoes ! 

Comment by Jamie Drea on May 6, 2018 at 1:07pm

Great story dude! so detailed, was great :) you should try find a pic of the shoes (or as close as you can find) and post a pic of them in the comments

Comment by Ermac Zed on April 28, 2018 at 12:15am

Amazing. I love all the little details.

Comment by Lelouch Light on April 26, 2018 at 7:32pm

Nice story :)


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