This was a interesting true story that happened to me, I doubt any teachers would get away with it these days though. It's only a short story but sweet 

in primary school being times of chasing girls and doing silly kid things us boys would get stupid things and go over the top, their was this one girl one day in the Playground that I kinda had a crush on so I began chasing her around, she would do some playful kicks to each other just in the shins only light. she had blond hear school dress unirform and black shoes. her name was Vanessa

But this one day I went a bit to far I kicked her in the butt firstly, she turned around gave me a little kick in the shin, so I returned one back, then she returned another, then for some reason I thought I would try something different and well. kick her right in her crotch. just to see if it would hurt... which it did she went down crying. 

This female teacher seen it all came up to us, you aint gonna believe what she did next,

She said I seen all that, that isn't very nice! I think you should make her feel better, she gets 3 kicks back at you then you gotta say sorry. 

teacher said turn around, so I did, next thing I felt a kick to my butt, and it went right up the crack, it actually hurt! pointy black school shoes went right up there, and she no doubt kicked me harder then I kicked her. 

teacher then said turn around, 2 more kicks like you did to her. 

Next was a hard kick to my shin which hurt.

Then the one moment I will never forget her final kick Teacher says good now 1 more and your even. she went to kick at me aiming for you know where but I moved and she missed.  Teacher said no no doesn't count you stand still this has to be fair. 

I seen her eyes stare straight at my balls they lowed down, and this little cheeky smile, so i just stood their and took it and watched that black school shoe go straight into my balls.  as I groaned and slumped to the concrete.

she just looked at me smiling the whole time., the teacher then said 'see now you know how it feels and your even now she made me say sorry to her, and that was that. 

These days no way a teacher would ever allow anything like that. but I heard later stories this same teacher would allow  those sort of things happen if a boy was to hit a girl, she would also make it that the girl would hit back to be fair.  I LOVE that tactic and I wished I would have used it more in front of that teacher, but the embarrassment I felt, I didn't wanna try it again LOL. this was the early 90s no way would you see that happen in 2017 law. 

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Comment by Hurts! on September 18, 2017 at 7:41pm
Only time really seen it happen, I assuming it's from which ever body part got hit and how it got hit the girl got to rerun it.
Comment by Alan S on September 17, 2017 at 11:41pm

Great story! Did the teacher always let the girl kick or hit the balls? Or was it based on where the guy hit them?

Comment by Ermac Zed on July 15, 2017 at 11:43pm

I enjoyed reading this, thank you Hurts!

Comment by Thomas on July 15, 2017 at 5:28pm
Comment by Hurts! on July 15, 2017 at 6:47am
If you guys think it's fake then get fucked, and fuck off and read other stories and keep it to yourself, and it's not fucking English class I spent enough time and effort writing it, tonne fucked with checking grammar, if I wanted s fiction story then I would have written it in there.
Comment by Adrian Nuspun on June 1, 2017 at 11:04am

One day some guys in high school complained to a teacher that some girls kick them in the balls and the teacher replied that they probably deserved it in a very serious tone. She did ban girls from wearing very pointy toed shoes from that day on though, much to the girls complain and protesting(which is exactly what the most  kickers would wear).


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