Hurts!'s Blog – December 2014 Archive (2)

A high School busting

so far I have shared with you my first time getting busted, and 2nd time both in primary school.

Now I move on to the stories of High school.

Into Grade 8 the beginning of it one February in Summertime, the girls are in their school uniform skirts, and it's one hot day.

my and my best friend at lunch he had a girlfriend at the time called Gemma, she had a friend called Lisa, we also had another friend with us called Mark, (at the time we were friends but later we…


Added by Hurts! on December 21, 2014 at 7:21pm — No Comments

Kicked at School Camp

Alright thought I would share this story, I have shared my first time before here is the 2nd time!

It was about the 3rd day into this school camp we were on, this was for about year 7 to year 9s, so 13 to 15 year olds,

I was in year 7 13 well into pubity stage. during the day out of nowwhere this girl named brook took my hat off me she was a older girl so she would have been 14 or 15, I chased her around trying to get it back

she would pretend to hand it to me and move it…


Added by Hurts! on December 2, 2014 at 10:40pm — 2 Comments


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