One of my greatest bb fantasies is to bust the nutts of a sweet and innocent geek.
Intelligence is ultra hott, but I want him to look the part as well--the geekier, the
better. Of course, glasses are a must, as I have a thing for them--and he must wear
them at all times, especially while I am busting his unsuspecting nutts. I can't even
imagine how insanely hott that visual would be in actuality! {purrrrr} I would speak
sweetly to him and kiss him gently while I begin to lightly squeeze his balls over his
nerd-shorts. It would be mind-blowing to him that a real live girl is TOUCHING! HIS!
NUTTS! and while he is wrapped up in that thought, I would slip my hand up his
shorts and amp it up to the 10th power! By then, he would be in love with me and
would be powerless to my bb desires to alternate sensually squeezing his nutts and
brutally kneeing them while he's on the floor, mmmm... And then I'll hugg him, haha :D

So my question is: What is your greatest ballbusting fantasy?? gimme yummy details ;)


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Yay!  A New Question of the Season!  :-P

Damn, that's a great image Mal!  Both sweet and intense!

Lessee - for me..  Well, I'd love it to be an athletic gal, pixie cut hair and wearing sports bra and those spandexy shorts, height doesnt matter - and green eyes!  Barefoot or sox, doesn't honestly matter to me as feet aren't my thing.  Would be great to be in just loose running shorts.  *I do like the idea of naked for both, but there's also something incredibly hot with that workout look*

Starting off with light kicks to get the feel would be good, shortly followed by something with some good power to buckle me over.  Before I have too much chance to recover, being pushed up against the wall her leaning against my shoulders, heads side by side as she starts up with some medium-strength knees.  Nothing like Mal's "10 Knees Hard as Fuck" but something that certainly gets me reacting.  Topping it off would be her whispering 'sweet nothings' in my ear with each hit such as "ooohh, that one had to hurt", "how're the nuts feeling now?" and "a shame they're so tender, huh?".  Hah!  Sounds silly reading it back, but with the right tone it could be sexy.  After the last knee I'm pretty sure I'd be ready to collapse, only still up due to her keeping me there.  Having her slide her hand into the front of my shorts and massaging things VERY lightly would have me very turned on.  Just rolling them around gently as I begin to recover.  Before I get too far, like Mal, she'd clamp down with a solid grip, following me to the floor as the last tiny bits of strength seep out of me and into her grip.  Even on the floor she'd lean over me, half hugging, half pinning and continue to hold as the pain starts to get too much.  Again whispering things like "I hear it can be very painful when someone has you by the balls.  I don't think I'd want to be in that position."  That kinda squeeze, especially after everything else, would certainly finish me.

I got a new fantasy.....thanx

as in the case with most fantasies, mine would be left in the realm of fantasy and not realized in reality.

Ever since I lost my left testicle, I've had an ongoing desire to have my wife kick me over and over again, harder and harder, until my right nut is turned into complete mush.  the thought of her completely castrating me drives me wild. 

having said that, having my left testicle ruptured and the process of having it removed was easily the most painful and least enjoyable event of my entire life.  I have no desire to repeat that process in reality, but it's fun to dream about!

Mal im a guy who had a nearly identical fantasy... And when i read this I was listening to the song "The Geeks Get The Girl" by American HiFi My Mind = Blown

woww the bb gods were smiling, Sean :D

"to bust balls properly they need to be naked" ....gotta agree with your girl, Don ツ

There are many fantasies, equally as good, but definitely the best would have to include getting busted with a variety of shoes by an athletic, attractive girl.  In fact, there would be two girls.  The one, more experienced, and the other it being her first time.  The experienced one would be instructing the newbie on how to bust me.  They would start by examining my balls.  Grabbing them, squeezing them, just getting a feel for them.  The experienced one would explain how the testicles are vital organs, with thousands of nerve endings, explain why it is that so many men throw up, shiver, pass out, or even on the rare occasion, die from cardiac arrest from getting kicked in the balls.  The newbie would be feeling my balls and getting a sense of my reaction when she squeezes them, sometimes slow but hard, other times really sudden and hard.  The two would be laughing at my reactions and saying how happy they are that they do not have balls. 

Then getting down to business.  She would start with flats, which would allow her to really feel my testicles as her foot brutally makes impact with them.  I would not be tied up, so that I would be free to fall to the ground and roll around, causing even more pleasure and humour for the girls.  I imagine one particularly brutal kick where I instantly fall to the ground and rolling all over the floor, and the speed and intensity of it causes her to break into histerics as she points and laughs at me, following me around the room. 

After some recovery, they would practice their soccer kicks on my balls with soccer cleats.  The experienced one would hold me so I couldn't fall down.  One, two, three... the pain would build, and I would begin crying and wailing in pain. This would only cause them to laugh more, and for the experienced one to whisper in my ear taunts like "Oh, do your poor balls hurt?" And "It must really suck having balls!"  After quite a few kicks, she would get a really good one that just causes me to fall to my knees and begin throwing up. 

By this point my balls would be red and swollen.  They would put them into one of those wooden platform things and put on some stiletto heels.  She would at first put slow but steady pressure on them, putting on more and more weight with the front of the foot.  I would scream madly.  The experienced one would then mount me, with her back to me, so she could get a view of my balls.  She would be doing her thing with me (as I would no doubt be hard as a rock, and loving the feeling of her) while the other increased the pressure on my balls.  

"OK, now for the best part," she would say.  First, do the left one.  Before I would know what happened, the girl would have smashed her stiletto heel as hard as she could onto my left testicle, causing it to explode immediately.  I would be screaming wildly, convulsing, etc.  This would cause insane pleasure to the girl on top of me, who just watched a high heel destroy my testicle only inches in front of her.  

"Finish him, now!" she would yell, more excited than ever.  The other girl, also excited, would step with her instep down with all her weight on my right testicle.  The pain would be out of this world, the pressure would make me feel like I was about to explode.  "Come on! POP! POP!" They would be chanting.  The look in their eyes would be ravenous, as if nothing was more important in that moment than the destruction of my manhood.

Then POP!  It would be destroyed.  I would have my last orgasm in the girl on top of me.  They would then play with the mush for a while, taunting me more, and finally I would pass out. 

This is certainly a very hot fantasy for me, though definitely NOT something I would actually want to have happen in realty, as I do in fact like having my testicles.  For some reason the fantasy outlined above is really hot to me though, so long as it doesn't actually happen :) 

The stiletto bit reminded me of this video where the girl is sitting on a bed and the guy is

standing before her, completely nude. She lifts her leg up and plants her pointy heel right

into his nuttsac. He screams :) She pulls his sac upwards with her heel and then proceeds to

dig her heel deep between his balls. He screams some more :) She then adds pressure, goes

lightly, adds pressure, goes lightly--and as he continues to scream, his plump balls turn a

lovely shade of RED :) I'm not particularly into shoes, but that imagery was ultra-hott ;)

Any chance you could post a link to that video Mal?  I like when you can actually see the nutsac changing colors as it's being abused.  I'm not really into shoes either but considering it's stiletto vs bare balls, I wonder if the screams are from the pain or from the fear of how close he is to having his scrotum completely shredded by her. 

It sounds great to me bar the popping part - you want to keep your balls alive for more punishment I would think! Test how big they can swell. See how many you can take before passing out but not destroy them completely.

I meet her in a bar. She's fun, attractive, but most importantly she's intelligent. We drink. We talk about sex. I confess I like women to be rough with my balls. Her eyes sparkle as she tells me she has always wanted to kick a man there. I volunteer. We move to the alley outside, where she puts her hands on my shoulders and asks if I really want this. I don't move away and smile my smoothest smile. I'm in the middle of saying something like "I can handle it" when she knees me hard. I feel the curve of her thigh between my legs. I feel my testicles split on her knee. The pain erupts, and I sag forward. She doesn't move away. My face touches her chest, and I smell her perfume as I slide down to my knees. She arrogantly places her foot between my spread thighs and caresses my hair. I look up to see her smiling down at me. "Let's go" she says. She takes me to her apartment. We make out in the hallway for a time and she undresses me. Remaining dressed herself. Pushing down on my shoulders, she whispers in my ear, "I want to step on your balls" We seperate slightly as I settle to a sitting position and spread my legs. My testicles rest flat on the floor. She lifts her skirt and strides over a me. Placing herself before my mouth. I eagerly accept the unsaid command. Eventually she shifts one foot over to rest upon one testicle. As her pleasure mounts, so does her pressure on my nut. I feel her balancing the pressure against the heel of her pump, but she begins to shake. She cries out and the sole of her shoe presses down hard on my ball. I cry out as well, into her hair. And cum.

I wanna be tied up shirtless and then kicked in the nuts !



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