What Are Some Movies That Didn't Have A Ballbusting Or CB Scene That You Wish Did

I wish the movie 'Heartbreakers' starring Sigourney Weaver, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Gene Hackman and Ray Liotta had a ballbusting scene. It has some really funny physical comedy scenes but no kick, knee or grab to the groin scene. 

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I'd have been all in on MCU's Black Widow character being involved in BB and CB scenes.

Didn't Scarlet bust a guy in the first Avenger's movie?

Yes. I totally agree.

Anything with a dragon in it. The dragon being the target of course.

Like I know Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon is a girl, so it wouldn't be quite the same, but it'd be funny just to see her reaction.

For us guys old enough to remember "the scene", I wish Phoebe Cates had busted Judge Rhinehold in Fast Times at Ridgemont High when she caught him masturbating (or anyone for that matter).

Home alone 3 missed Rya Kihlstedt getting hit in the pussy by some trap, like some karma for that rat scene would be awesome

I know, right? I was also wondering if the new, god awful remake had any busts but apparently there are none.
There are a lot of different fetish videos online that use Home Alone style traps, but none of them of course in a big, Hollywood movie (yet). I can see Melisa McCarthy getting busted for some reason, she seems to do a lot of slapstick stuff, lol.

Yeah Melissa McCarthy have a thing about cb for sure, don't know if you saw "Life of the Party", she directed that movie, and it contained two very good cuntbusts. I wish she will direct some slapstick comedy movie in the future like "Home Alone" or "Baby's Day Out".

I haven't seen that one, but I've heard it contains a bust. I did watch The Happy Time Murders and Thunder Force, and strangely they both had a bust involving her pulling her groin muscle, and it makes me think she either wrote the gag herself, or it was written with her in mind. Heck yeah, I'd love to see her and others in a Home Alone or Baby's Day Out remake copping busts, lol.

(not a movie but) I kinda wish Panty & Stocking had some. The over-the-topness and lewd nature of it would really lend itself to some creative busts.

Dark Angel...Jessica Alba.



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