I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Hmm, seems hard to not be sexual about it to me. 

I had a friend that I am pretty sure would be in to BB, when we were teens, she always liked to smile real big and go to hug a guy, and punch him in the gut when we didn't expect it. I always thought she really wanted to punch lower.. She'd sometimes fake a knee to get us guys to flinch too.. She was very good looking, and liked to flirt too. 

She's my sister in law now (I married her baby sister, LOL) and she still likes to flirt abit.. She's married as well, and I ended up being in the car once when they were arguing bout once years ago she kneed him in the balls when he was getting frisky with her, and I guess she had played it off as an accident at the time, and she admitted it was on purpose, and he got furious, and was all mad at her about it, years later after finding out she kneed him on purpose, that she'd been teasing him, and gave him a knee, and he lost all his strength, and sexual desire.. 

I couldn't help but think she was probably trying to BB him, and hoping to get him into it, LOL.. I think she is turned on by that.. 

I don't know, not exactly something I'd feel comfortable asking her anyways. Her husband is a good friend, and he's REALLY insecure about her with other men, she's gorgeous, and he's just really insecure and feels threatened, if I'd ask her about anything like that, he'd for sure be upset. 

Not only that, I'd probably not be in very good standing with my wife either, LOL>. 

I think if I ever approached her about this, and we did end up with BB, I can't imagine it not being sexual. I mean, sure, we'd probably not end up in bed together, but for her husband and my wife's perspective I am afraid this would be too close to cheating, and being sexual with her.. I could see it being playful, but it is going to be sexual in nature, since it is in fact my sexual organs she's kicking, and let's face it, the reason I like it is sexual. I also have a feeling she likes it for sexual reasons.. 

I mean, it would be similar if I was grabbing her breasts, isn't it? What do you think about this situation?

That's on you, i can separate having fun with someone and not having sexual feeling towards him after beating his balls.

I think your friend from your teenage years was definitely into having fun with the idea of playful bb, I wonder if she actually ever missed the stomach and got someone lower by accident :)

In my situation, my husband is not into bb either, but I still have my fun and i do short sessions behind his back with a couple of our friends. I'm not suggesting you do the same and sneak around. Each situation is different for everyone else and you may not be able to do that. What's your wife's attitude towards bb?

See, I think that the men you are doing BB with would probably get sexual feelings about it, even if they'd never admit it to you.. Don't wanna mess up a good thing, ya know? I mean, for me, that' the whole point, I get turned on by it.. 

I agree, and I bet she did go low a few times. I mean, she went pretty low on me a few times, but I was flinching, backing away, so I am sure if I'd stayed put, she'd have most likely gotten me at least a few times.. Might have been because she was a taller girl, and at the time, I was a shorter guy. I am taller than her now, but in our teens, I was shorter than her, I didn't stop growing til I was 25, but when I was 16, I was only like 5'2" and she was 5"8, with super long legs, hard to reach down and get me I suppose, but she did try, and she was awfully flirty with me. Liked to embarrass me, and get my face to turn red, because I was pretty shy at that age. 

She'd fake a knee a lot too, but as far as I know, she'd never actually gone through with it. All with that big bright smile on her face.. 

My wife is her younger sister, and has just as good of looks (if not better in some ways ;) ) but she's shorter, with pretty much similar build, not as long of legs, but she's got a bigger chest (34dd :D ) Being 5'4" she looks much more shapely than the older sister. However, she has a lot more low key of attitude, and personality. Much more quiet and reserved, never flirted much, doesn't have the level of self confidence her older sister did. Because of that, she never got the same attention her older sister did. While her older sister would walk in a room, and all eyes were on her, my wife can walk in, and not many notice. I did, but that's a different story.. 

Anyhow, my wife is actually one who prefers me to be more aggressive, and she likes me to be rough with her. (in fact, more rough than I am comfortable with sometimes- I don't want to injure her) so, I've had to kind of work the BB into this in a way that she gets me worked up, and then I give her what she wants.. 

She won't kick me, so far. She will squeeze, and knee me sometimes. I've gotten her to slap them once. She just seems really reluctant to hurt me. I've told her I like it, and even said to her, you know how you like it when I am rough with you, it's like that, and she will still be really timid about it. But, she will bite me, LOL. I can't take my shirt off in front of people, because she leaves bite marks all over me.. 

So, to sum it up, it's a work in progress, but she is never really flirty like he sister was, and is, and she also doesn't like lights to be on with her being naked, because she's self concsious about what, I do'nt know because I find her to be stunningly gorgeous, and she just won't kick me, or playfully hit me in the balls. Best I've had her do, is put her foot up between my legs, and press on my balls while we were sitting at a table on a date. She sometimes seems into it, and sometimes she seems to really be worried about hurting me, and backs WAY off. 

If my bb buddies do get sexual feelings, they know how to behave and not ruin a good thing as you mentioned.

I didn't say i didn't get turned on, I think bb is very sexy and erotic, we just don't get sexual. It's obvious my bb buddies are aroused, you can't hide that :)

wow,,,really intersting .Sounds fun.

I agree with Lil Suzy that you can have non-sexual BB.  I've chatted with other guys here too who meet for bb and it's a non sexual session - not all, of course, but some.  When I meet with my bb buddy, nothing sexual happens.  And she's also into tit busting, so not only is she busting me, I'm hitting and squeezing her boobs as well.  But that's all we've done and all we're doing it for, even after maybe a half dozen sessions.  It's cool for both of us and we're not looking for more.

Well, that does sound like fun, and yes, sure it can be that it doesn't go further than that.. But, don't you end up with a hard on, and doesn't she end up turned on too? 

I mean, the very fact that you are playing with each other's sexual organs, inherently makes it sexual to some degree, no?

I mean, if you can get arrested for sexual assault if permission is not given to handle these areas, that means it is a sexual contact.. 

I mean, I get it, I think it would be fun to have a ball busting/tit busting session with all sorts of my female friends, but I would be lying to myself if I tried to say it wasn't sexual at all, even if it didn't go further than that.. 

This is why I won't do ball busting with guys, I am not in the least attracted to the idea of a man ball busting me. A woman I find attractive though, YES.. 

Sounds like fun, I've always wanted to do a see who gives up first session with a woman. I have a feeling I would lose, and end up kicked.. But, would that really be losing? :D

In a way, I get pretty good action with my wife, I just sometimes wish she'd be into kicking and teasing abit more. It would be fun I think to feel comfortable enough with female friends to have BB, and so forth and not have it get all complicated. Have had too much of that, and tend to keep women at arms length now, because what I thought was just being friendly, giving a hug, or listening to problems, and what I thought was being a good friend to women usually ended up with them thinking they could start a relationship with me, and especially after I got married they seemed to push that more, and get very emotionally attached to me, and feel hurt because I wasn't thinking the same way, just trying to be a friend. I've learned that I have to keep up a bit of a wall to keep from hurting my friends because they thought I was being romantic with them, when I was just trying to be a friend. 

Maybe not all women are this way, but I've had to deal with SERIOUS drama with a few of them when I had no idea they felt this way, or how what I was doing could signal to them I was willing to be unfaithful to my wife with them.. 

I dunno how else to describe it, but I've just learned the really hard, and emotionally draining way where I ended up losing a friend, and having her feel so hurt, and telling my wife she didn't deserve me, and having her go crazy. At first, it was like well that was weird, and SHE must have had some issues.. Then, it happened again, with another long time female friend.. And then, another... 

So, I concluded, either insane women gravitate to me, or I am sending signals I am not aware of. Either way, I guess I can't have any close female friends, other than my wife now.. I've always been the guy girls would love to talk to growing up. I never dated any of them, but they always would confide in me, and tell me all their problems, and they would say I was so easy to talk to, and so great.. I never thought I got sexual with any of them. I never touched any of them in any way that I thought was sexual. I would hug them, or sit with them, with my arm around them, as they'd cry about how their boyfriend treated them, or something. Anyhow, I guess some people can have just friends relationships with women, and I cannot, or I just am surrounded my insane lunatic drama queen women. 

Actually one of the things that attracted me to my wife was that she did not play mind games, no drama, and when she liked me, she just let me know it. 

Like I said, That would be fun to be able to do that, but I am pretty sure, anyone I would feel comfortable with doing that with would end up causing drama. I've kinda drifted from most of my old female friends because of the previous issues.. Do'nt want to ruin more friendships, and bring more drama in my life. Amazingly, my wife hasn't gotten caught up in the drama, and she has just said, it has to do with how caring I am, and it just pulls a woman in somehow.. 

I don't get it.. 

To sum up that long post.. 

With all the trouble and drama I've been through without ever touching, or being touched on sexual organs, I am pretty sure doing BB or titbusting :) with a woman would bring so much more drama I think. 

I think you (smoo) found quite a fun buddy to play with. 

Lil Suzy, do'nt take my thoughts as criticizm, I am just either surrounded by strange women who do'nt feel the way you do, or I am sending signals I don't mean to, and I don't understand how this can work. 

I'm sure it even turns sexual eventually for some, but i know that's not how it's going to go with my bb buddies. I'm not sexually attracted to them, we just share a sexy kink.

You are brave, and it's awesome that you did that, approaching them the way you did.  And they responded positively which is great.

I wonder if they were into BB before they knew you were, or if they just really liked you, and felt your passion for it, and then they realized how much fun BB would be with you. 

I guess they already knew to an extent since you had playfully busted them here and there, but going that extra step and meeting just for the pleasure of busting... how fun.  They are lucky guys.

Do you think your partners are ever a little nervous when you meet, since (I think?) they know of the times you've given really hard knees to jerks at parties, so they know how hard you could kick or knee their balls if you wanted to?   :)

I only approached them because I felt they were open to bb. They made jokes about it in a playful way and i teased them back about it. They even texted me a few days after a hit...joking about how tender they still were. I had some idea at least, it wasn't a totally blind assumption. I'm going to assume they probably were into BB before I brought it up.

Yes, they seem jumpy when we meet for sessions, i guess that pain creates some instincts that they just can't avoid : ) They do know how hard I could go, that's part of the teasing...telling them that I'm only doing this at about 1/2 strength. It's a lot of fun.

Haha, yes even when we guys really want you to bust our balls, our bodies still have reflexes that we have to try hard to suppress and not flinch.

That sounds so hot, how you tease your partners by kicking their balls about half strength but then teasing them about how much harder you could go if you wanted to.  Especially if they're already down on their knees (happily) trying to cope with intense ball pain you've already given them, only to learn this is easy for you and you could make it hurt oh-so-much more.

That's when I guy thinks... OMG!  :)

How do they react to this teasing and the realization you could make it hurt even more? Are they excited? Intimidated? Both?



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