I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Haha, glad you like 'em both, that way neither gets neglected, haha. :P And coming from the other side, I can attest that a manscaped sac looks and feels good. :)

I guess I was mainly asking because it's more common (from a kick especially) that one nut is hit more than the other. Wondering if your bb buddies confirm this. Of course, a wider shoe plus your accuracy could very well mean you hit both testicles every time, haha. :P

I didn't know that about a kick, i figure it's all the same. I never ask them, nor have they came forward with that sort of information. See, i learn something new everyday.

Hi Suzy. Speaking of your bust buddies and their leftys and righys; did you ever get to play around with one of them (or both...lol) in the way we had talked about previously? I had sent you a message asking about it a few days ago.....not sure if you noticed it. ???

Ballbusting, that's the game we play. I didn't see the question about "playing", if you're referring to fondling, i do squeeze them anyway. 

It was a private message to your inbox. ????

i have  experienece in ego ballbusting, get busted by a woman in karate class, roundhouse instep in nuts, light kick, i keep fighting and beat her, anyway balls still sore for a bit, and in part i feel beated, beated for that kick, if bothers me

But that's still a controlled environment, it's not her really acting out on a public arena, i'm not sure it's the same. Maybe it is since you experience it.

If I may, I think you are talking about similar things that are not quite the same.

Volcan's ego felt bruised because he felt like he was (sort of) beaten by a woman in a sport that men are "supposed" to be better at.  She accomplished this with a good kick to his testicles, but I think his ego would have felt similar if she had landed kicks in other places that hurt, or scored her points.  The main point is that she won the match (or nearly did).

Also, as Lil Suzy said, it's a controlled environment where the two people are supposed to be sparring.  The woman is (I presume) supposed to kick her opponent in the balls if she can.  It's not breaking a taboo here (although I guess it depends on the rules of that particular match).

Lil Suzy was talking about a woman kicking a man hard in the balls in a regular life situation, where she's "not supposed" to do something like that, but she does it anyway, usually because the guy deserves it.  And her kick is effective, and the guy falls to the ground with his testicles in extreme, incapacitating, humiliating pain.  That is a serious ego (and ball) bruising for the guy, to be overpowered by a woman like that.

But that's what also makes it so great.  :)

what an explanation, you should write stories, probably would be quite hot.

Lil somo detail that i forgot, in the sparring kick the balls was an illegal move, having so much trouble to beating her, sucks, not avenge the injury even more

was my first kick in many ways, first kick by a martial artist, first kick no requested, first time a barefoot get so accurate

i normally get busted by people who "love me" or at least think well of me, she was neither one, feel in her the intention of hurting me, in levels the others didnt have.

want to avenge the injure, also want to feel that foot well placed in my nuts again, harder.

she was controlled, but you also control yourself while busting others. so i get curious

how do you feel when you start kicking hard, 

what are your feelings where you go for dropping your buddy

I assume the people that love and bust you are mutually into bb ? a gf/wife? friends? 

Good job Tender, you hit it right in the balls and out of the park.

Thanks for the kind words Lil Suzy and Volcan.  :)



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