I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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The power is definitely all part of the memory and being the one that did it, all attention was on me because i kneed a guy in the balls. I don't know what it is, but that seems to make it a very exciting memory too.

I forgot about the negatives thoughts... probably not really being into bb at the time and hurting someone. It was the late 70's so some feeling of being unladylike (though that sort of stuff was dying fast at the time, i still felt some of it from my strict Jewish upbringing) 

Interesting, the attention made it exciting.  Maybe...

When you kneed the shot putter and a moment later he's on the floor holding his aching balls, it was definitely shocking for him but I bet almost as much for you.

Since it was your first time I wonder if some of that power rush you felt was that your knee worked even better than you imagined it would?  Maybe you didn't realize how simple it would be to give so much pain to his balls. 

So it's like in a split second you have these realizations that yes, a guy's balls really are that vulnerable, you can knee them pretty easily, you're actually good at it and this guy is really down on his knees, helpless with his balls in pain from what you did.   Not that you'd be thinking these thoughts spelled out so clearly in the moment, but you'd be feeling them in a general way.

And all of a sudden you're totally empowered and all eyes are on you!  Even though everyone knows that balls are sensitive, it's different when you actually experience it because the result can be so dramatic - a guy totally down and helpless.  You were strong and everyone saw that.  I think you basked in that glow a little bit!  :)

I hope I'm on the right track here about how you felt.  Some of the feelings may have been realized afterward when you had time to reflect.

I'm also really glad that the idea is fading that busting balls is somehow "unladylike", especially when (1) a guy deserves it, or (2) it's consensual play. 

Women expressing their physical and sexual power is very "ladylike" and should be celebrated not shamed.  :)

Heya Lil Suzy.

It's been a while since I've asked a question, and I know you've been asked and answered a million questions, but this one is specifically for your bb sessions.

Because squeezing is different to the instant effect of a kick or knee, how does squeezing usually go about? Do you gradually increase pressure until he submits, or do you squeeze for x amount of time, regardless of his pleas?

Also curious what the bb buddies are usually wearing. Grabbing can he harder/less accurate in jeans for eg. 

And finally, do you go for one at a time, or both? :P Would also be cool if you taunted (and possibly said a ball pun) while squeezing their testicles, lol.

Thanks again. :)

It's how i start all of my sessions, i reach in and grab hold and squeeze. i'll let go when he's at his limit (just like kicks and knees, i keep it to where i'm not going to chase him away) so i respect his well being if that makes any sense for bb. 

The always dress down to underwear initially and with in a few minutes, they expose their balls for me. 

I go for both. I guess i could target one while squeezing them, but i don't know how i could target just one with hits like kicking and kneeing. 

Do you have any suggestions for ball puns?

I have to agree that squeezes are a great way to start off.  That's how me and my bb buddy would always begin too.

Have you played around with squeezes alot to have any favorite method?

I'd go down to bare balls as well, but to some extent it depended what we were doing.  There were many times that for knees and kicks, Id wear boxerbreifs to hold them in place, whereas for handwork, they'd be out.

I figure a grab and squeeze is all the same. It's like picking at a ripe peach on a tree, you reach in and give it a long squeeze.

After about 5 minutes in, my buddies are exposed for the rest of the session.

It's really hot that you start off with squeezes.

I can take full-force kicks and remain standing, but there is something about a squeeze... it takes me to my pain limit faster even than full-force kicks.

You literally have the guy by the balls and he can't get out. You are in complete control over how much pain he's in, and he can't do anything about it.

What a great way to start your session and show him you're the boss, I love it!

It's slow and subtle to just reach in and squeeze, it's a mellower way to get thinks going.

I agree, it's mellow yet also establishes your control so nicely.

When my balls are squeezed I have a keen awareness that I really can't pull away even if I tried.  It's like my balls are designed to fit right into a woman's hand and if I pull back I can't escape because that just makes it hurt even more. 

It's quite a lovely trap to be in.

When i got a grip, if i really wanted to, i could really be in the driver seat :)

Yes, absolutely.  For us guys the pain can be so intense and controlling (and inescapable) that it's a little scary.  You've really got us.  Of course that's also the thrill.



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