A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Just know: you kick hard enough with those more than once, and somebody IS losing a nut. :p
Can you tell us more about the time you got kicked with steel-toed boots? That sounds pretty serious.
Just wondering, do you usually bust with boots? I haven't ever been kicked with steel toed boots (I know I want to, just to feel what it's like, but that legitimately terrifies me... like, even now, the thought is making me shiver a bit, lol), but I have been kicked by regular leather boots, and it usually hurts significantly more than barefoot kicks (in addition to just being way hotter :P ).
"I don't know, men tend to get a little nervous when it's a hard boot resting underneath his balls instead of a barefoot.
Yeah, though they can both be simultaneously erotic and threatening, there's a fundamental difference between my balls resting on or beneath someone's bare feet (makes me a little nervous, but it's a little endearing) and resting on the head of a leather boot (which places me in evolutionary-survival "my entire purpose for existence is one step away from being putty" mode). One gets me in the mood for a painful game, the other makes me fear for the survival of an internal organ.
1) If it was an unplanned bust, like in public, then usually I feel humiliated. Doubly so if there were other females around to watch it. It makes me feel incredibly small, although later on after I've recovered and I have time to dwell on it, it becomes a turn-on. But if it's part of a session, then it's a turn-on immediately and I have the urge to cum. AFTER I cum, then I'm usually kinda docile. I know for sure that that period after the bust, after I cum, I become a lot more open and compliant; I tend to confess things or agree to things I normally wouldn't if asked. Thankfully, she's only used this to her advantage few times.
2) Honestly, as someone who's in a relationship that includes ballbusting, it's more one-sided, since my gf isn't "into it" per se, but is more into it because she knows I enjoy it-- although every so often she does have moments when she's just in a dominant mood, then she becomes awesome at it. For us, the ballbusting is what she does for me because I like it, just like how me licking and stimulating her nipples is what I do for her because that's what turns her on most. It's a compromise, mainly.
I love this idea of interviewing guys!! Ok here goes nothing...
Ok first question. After your done getting your balls busted, what do you feel like?
For me and my girl, it depends what happens. If she busts me as part of sex or as part of our foreplaying, then I get extra amped up and, at least for me, this sex is generally the best. However, if she busts me outside of sex or it doesn't initiate immediate foreplay and sex, then I pretty much turn into a big puppy...in that I'm completely at her mercy and command, attending to her every beck and call. The physical pain she inflicts can leave me in a curled up ball for 5-10 minutes but eventually it goes away. But it's the mental part that doesn't go away for pretty much the rest of the day. I feel completely in her control and I feel a deep sense of belonging to her. It turns me on like crazy and it's almost an exhilarating feeling, probably because most of the time I'm the leader/go-getter/driving force in our relationship and suddenly everything flips 180 degrees. By night time, she knows that I'm dying to fuck her and a few times she's even teased me that I'll "have blue balls" and strings me along. It's the worst ever haha but the best thing is, to this day I can say that I've never had those "blue balls" (well, that's not completely true but that's an unrelated story). As I'm writing this, I'm realizing that perhaps she actually strings me along like she does on purpose...cuz the one thing that she always asks me to do more of is be more forceful with her, which I have a tough time doing because I'm afraid of hurting her...but I can see in hindsight now that I'm the most forceful and rough with her on those days and she loves it. It ends up being primal for a lack of a better word haha but too hot for me and I can't last for very long haha. For me though, it's that forcefulness and the way she likes it that makes me kind of feel like I'm restoring my place as the man in the relationship. Wow, sorry for thinking out loud...wasn't planning on sharing so much when I started writing!
How do you honestly feel about ballbusitng in a relationship, long term. Knowing that it would become an active lifestyle more or less? 10 years of busting my husbands balls for the reasons that I do eventually changed the entire structure of our relationship. We are closer now then we have ever been. Do you think you would be able too?
For probably 7-8 months, my gf was not into it. It took time to ease her into it but I am so glad I did. I love it and can't imagine a long term relationship without it. In my short time on these forums, I have realized that while busting made us closer, it also required a certain level of intimacy before it could happen.
More questions coming at you guys. Tell me boys, do you think ballbusitng affects how you get turned on? I speak from experience when I say that busting my husband for 10 years has had a unforeseen side effect. His hard on. To make my husband as hard as a rock, requires ballbusitng now. If I don't bust his balls, it requires A LOT of stimualation to get him compleatly aroused, and then there is no guarantee that he will stay hard. When I am busting him he gets super hard and he stays hard. He literary needs his balls busted to have sex.
Wow, what a great question. I never considered this. I don't mean any offense to you or your husband with anything I say, but I would hope that my mind/body don't necessitate busting to get hard. Like I kinda just described, busting (cbusting too) is an added element to sex for me and I wouldn't want it to become the norm. I don't know if you're looking to change this in your husband, and you've probably already tried, but any prolonged "dry spell" always kind of resets things for me.
Men what turns you on the most about ballbusitng, is it the pain? The person causing the pain?
Haha I guess I've alreayd answered this but in short, it's the mental stuff, the power/control dynamic, the intimacy.
Do you guys ever have second thoughts while your having your balls busted? And finally have you ever continued a session even if you weren't sure that she had caused some kind o damage or you suspected damage?
Oh yes. I don't really like being busted if it feels staged or even if I have to hint at it. I love it when she does it on her own accord but sometimes I will put myself in situations or positions where my nuts are an easy vulnerable target. And I distinctly remember a time when she took the opportunity and nailed me hard. I remember regretting opening my legs that time. There have also been a couple of times when we have wrestled and she grabs me by the nuts and squeezes...admittedly I'm not very good at wrestling but I sometimes second guess why I don't defend my parts better.
To answer the second part of this question, to be honest, I don't think I let it get too far. Probably nowhere close to making me think real damage has been done. I can't even imagine how excruciating that would be.
Might I make a suggestion, and this goes for everyone. Think of a session like a steril sexual space that you can do anything in. Within that session you create a scene that can be whatever you want. Like you and your wife, good example, other couple could use that isn't something that they usually do.
Oooh! I have a good one and it's one that I'm quite proud of and would suggest that other people try! So this summer, a friend of my gf moved and during the move she found a box of old out-grown clothing and gave them to my gf. Well, this box sat in my gf's place untouched for a few months until I asked her why it was just sitting there. I was told that she had gone through it and had picked out the pieces she liked and everything that was left in the box were things she didn't want and were going to be donated. I kept that in mind until a few weeks ago just after Thanksgiving when we planned to go on a short vacation. Unbeknowngst to her, I packed a couple silly items from this box (a couple spaghetti strap style tank tops and some shorts) and hid them from her until one night in our hotel room, I let her discover what I had brought. She was like "why are these here" and I challenged her to a wrestling match where the goal was to strip the other person naked. So yes, I did end up wearing an article of women's clothing but it ended up being the hottest wrestling match we've ever had. She had never wrestled me so fiercely before and my nuts took probably the biggest beating they've ever had. She normally only ever grabs them when we're wrestling but that night, she used knees, grabs, squeezes, and slaps, it was phenomenal! I think her and I would both agree that that night was the highlight in recent months. So to everyone, I recommend putting some thought into surprising your partner. Don't be afraid to look like a fool or go outside your comfort zone. It'll spice things up and make for some memorable times!
Sorry for such a long post!! I kinda got carried away!
Your motivations and take on this are very similar to mine. I also have a wife, who'd rather me be rougher with her than I am comfortable with, and I guess she's learned that being rough with me brings out that beast, LOL..
Having 4 kids has made our vacations and stuff like that much harder to do and have alone time with her for fun recreational stuff..
As for a sexual fantasy, mine are pretty far out of the realms of possible, LOL.. Best left to not reality.
The whole kidnapped by amazons, forced to breed with them, by roughly handling my balls is near the top, with the final act being to have the queen force me, and right as I climax, she crushes my manhood, ensuring that she's the last one to breed with me.. As part of my fantasy, the joke is on her though, because I have the ability to grow it all back!
Another fantasy, that would not be possible in life, because I'm happily married, and want to be faithful to my wife, is to have two women smashing me, and punching, kicking, holding me while the other knees me. All senually done though, not angry Domme screeching.. They take turns forcing me to pleasure them orally, and with my fingers, while they punch, bite, and knee, and squeeze me. Then, again, (interesting pattern here) the final act, I am now allowed to actually enter one of them, and right as I am climaxing, the other one kicks me from behind hard.. This one can end up being a hit that also runs into the lady I am on top of as well, that makes us both collapse in pain while still connected together..
LOL, Like I said, neither of those is possible..
I'd be happy enough for a full kick from my wife, I don't know how to get her to do it though, like you pointed out above, I don't want to just come out and tell her to kick me, because that will be me telling her to do it, and won't be as much of a turn on as if she WANTS to do it on her own. Like, it would have been awesome to have found out she secretly wanted to all along, but it doesn't seem to be the case. She will knee me, she will squeeze me, but It seem only because she knows it's what I like.. I want her to LIKE it, and WANT to do it, makes it more fun for me..
Again, busting for me, needs to be something that turns her on sexually for it to be enjoyable for me. Just finding it funny, or a way to manipulate, or whatever isn't nearly as interesting to me.
Hey man, I'm glad there's someone else out there that I can relate with haha! Thanks for sharing your fantasies...that second one sounds awesome!!!
With regards to your wife, I imagine it would be difficult having kids around and stuff, but I've found success by teasing her with a little bust of my own on her. Like, whatever she might be doing, I'll pretend to innocently walk by but as I pass her, I'll give her a light little smack in the crotch. Now I realize that some folks here aren't into cb at all so this won't work, but I personally think it's so hot. Anyways, if she ignores me or doesn't give me a good reaction, I'll pass her again and giver another smack in her lady parts. She either starts to get annoyed or gets playful and will try to retaliate in some form and I will avoid whatever she tries...usually she'll try to punch me or something but it's pretty easy to dodge her or run away hahah. Either way, I'm just trying to get her to the point where she tries to retaliate and fails. Now I know she'll try to get back at me at some point, and this is how some of the best non-expected busts have happened. I can smack her on a Saturday morning while she's making breakfast (and I LOVE it when I get her from behind!) and it could be 10 hours later when I'm helping her with the dishes after dinner when out of nowhere I might turn to her so she can pass me a plate but instead she knees me in the nuts. It's so much fun! :D
So ya maybe give it a shot. I hope it works for you. Obviously this doesn't give you any control or say as to whether you get kicked or something entirely different but for me, it matters more that I didn't have to say a single word and she did it out of her own volition. And keep in mind that my girl was not at all into busting at all for a long time so I think there's hope for you! I guess it boils down to some basic reasoning: if I can bust her, then she can bust me. I'm pretty confident that in her mind, that's her thought process so if you think your wife's thought process would be similar, then I think you're golden.
Now I can't wait for my girl to get back from her long ass business trip tomorrow. I know what I'll be doing when she starts unpacking on Sunday ;) Good luck, I'd be curious to know how this goes for you if you try it!
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