I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Actually, it's all very exciting from start to finish. Sometimes it takes a little while to drop them, but it eventually all adds up and they go down. Once they go down that first time, they seem to go down easier.

Oh definitely, the pain builds up for sure.

A guy might be able to hold out a while at first, but keep those knees and kicks coming and you'll take him past his limit.  Every guy has one.

Ballbusting is a fun challenge for both people.  For the guy, he tries his best to handle the pain and keep going, and for the woman she (often) wants to put him down on the floor in helpless pain, at least eventually. 

So it's a playful thing where she wants to overpower him, he tries (kind of) to resist... but they both know it's inevitable: in ballbusting the woman always conquers.  The only question is how do you want to get there, fast or slow, light or hard, but the destination is always the same - the guy on his knees, very humbled in glorious body-controlling testicle pain, and the empowered woman smiling and happy and victorious.  :)

There is something really compelling about the fact that if you bust me, the best I can hope to do is maybe withstand it for a little while, but if you want me on my knees, maybe I can delay it a little but otherwise there's really nothing I can do about it.  If you want me down then that's where I am going.  That's very sexy female power.

I never really realized that during our sessions, but you're absolutely right, my final goal is to cause him to drop to his knees or on the floor. They always do eventually, even at medium level.

That is awesome.  :)

And there is something so beautifully intense about a woman when her goal is to do just what you described.  For us guys it's exciting and a little scary (in a good way) when you look at us and we know you want to kick our balls hard (or often) enough to put us down on our knees.

it really is sexy when you think about all that.

@ Lil Suzy

Thank you!

It's sexy for me when I know you're thinking about it too.  Funny how ballbusting can be as compelling on a mental level as it is physical.

@ Harold, 

Lets hope the Internet and sites like KITG educates them better on that fact.

Back @ Tender Boy 

Sorry I meant to ask you this earlier.  In the more serious situations (scuffles) where you had to put a guy down with a ballbust, you said yes and it works.  I am curious, were the guys drunk? 

I ask because it's often the drunk guys who act badly enough to deserve a hard ballbust in the first place, and I also get the sense that his being drunk also makes the bust even more effective.

No, not all the guys were under the influence of booze. Some of them were super buzzed, but no one was totally inebriated. They were under enough influence to act bad with no inhibitions.

OK, so they had been drinking but they were not totally drunk.  Unfortunately some people get angry/hostile when they drink.  Sounds like these guys.

I also think that a buzzed/drunk guy is more vulnerable to a solid ballbust.  It's easier to get an accurate hit on his balls (he's slower) and once you score that hit, he's likely to just focus on his pain and stop bothering you.  Generally speaking, that is.  Not a sure thing.

As far as ballbusting for self-defense goes, sometimes all you need is to "redirect" an angry guy with some force, and make him think about something other than you, like the pain in his balls.  Really beating him up is not needed (and probably difficult anyway).  One good kick in the balls and he'll be mad but focused on that instead of whatever silly drunken thing got him to threaten you in the first place.  Drunk guys are pretty illogical anyway. 

I think it's great that you handled yourself so well in these situations.  :)

Oh I meant to ask you specifically - has there ever been a situation where you busted a guy's balls and you wanted him to go down (either a self-defense situation or maybe a consensual one where you were going harder) and he did not go down?  I ask because it seems like you're 100% successful when you want the owner of the busted testicles to be truly incapacitated which is... pretty awesome.

And buzzed/drunk guys loose inhibitions too, they're not in a stupor. No, pretty much even if he didn't go down, he was quite stunned and wasn't moving all that well (doubled over, balls in hands). I'm not 100% accurate, no one is. The guys i know quite well, know me very well and they're able to avoid me or anticipate what's coming, but not always, LOL.

Yes, no one is 100% accurate.  Even a skilled buster misses the target sometimes.  :)

We men like to think our manly genitals are so huge that no one could possibly ever miss them, but it's just not true, LOL.

Was any guy able to remain standing after an accurate bust from you?  A hard one, I mean, where you wanted him down.  I couldn't tell if your example of the guy standing but stunned was because he was (sort of) able to handle it without collapsing, or if your knee didn't quite hit his testicles fully.

I don't mean to put you on the spot so I apologize if that's how I sound. I am curious about this because you have experience giving "necessary" ballbusts and it's really interesting to learn what that's like, when (1) the guy mostly is not expecting it, and (2) he's not playing along, so if he doubles over or drops to the floor it's really because he's unable to do anything else and the ballbust was really effective.

So these busts are interesting to me, even though the playful kind is more fun.  :)    Thanks!

There have been many times guys didn't drop, maybe it was because I wasn't as brutal to where i was giving it my all. Just add fear or anger to the energy level of that kick or knee...this will cause him to realize how tender he really is.



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