As most of you know, KITG survives by donation only. This website is owned by Ning, who charges us a huge yearly fee to keep us online. Every year in July, we ask that members donate to keep the site going. The fee is due around late August and is about a thousand dollars, depending on the specifics. With 7000 members here, we should be able to cover that easily. But, the reality is not everyone wants to donate and every year we just barely make it. Sad, but true.  

This year, we have a new problem. As you may have noticed, there was no Donation Period. KITG was created five years ago by Dvhour, my site partner/friend. I helped him first behind the scenes, from the beginning, until I took on the role of Site Admin a few months in. We both have contributed and collaborated on ideas for the site and it has evolved nicely over the years. As the years have passed, DV has had less and less time to give to the site, due to work projects and family obligations. I will always have love for my friend, but the reality is that I have been carrying the site for the past two to three years. He checks in behind the scenes once in a while, but I believe in showing a presence and have done so nearly every single day. Lately though, I have been been wrapped up in several job and family situations, including being the caregiver to a very sick family member. This is taking up all of my time and some days I have no internet access (which is why videos were piling up to be approved). DV is aware of my situation, but as I've said, he is rarely here. He is not the bad guy; sometimes life gets in the way.  

Here's the deal: DV is the one who handles the Donation Period every year; all notices from Ning go to him because he is the Site Creator. I have been reminding him many, many times since June that we need to get this going. We haven't spoken much lately, so I leave him messages and sometimes catch him on g-chat, where he has assured me several times that he would take care of this. As I told him, I've been doing 90% of the work, so all I ask is that he do the Donations. Again, he assured me he would. But, here we are quickly approaching the end of August.and I have heard nothing from him since August 3rd. So dear members, I felt it was time that I be straightforward with all of you and tell you the truth: I do not know what is going to happen to KITG. I do not know how much time we have left online. I don't have specifics on deadlines, I only know that our fee is usually due by the end of August. If Ning does not receive its payment, I have no idea how long it will be before they take us offline.  

I wanted you to know that I tried...and tried...and tried, but it is out of my hands now. If this is indeed the end, and with every day that passes, it's looking more and more like it is, I want to go out with truth. Dvhour laid out the foundation, and I think I fleshed out the basics and gave this place a personality. Yeah, admittedly at times that personality was borderline bitchy, but gottdamn it's hard to keep this shit going day to day, dealing with 7,000 different member personalities, enforcing the rules, keeping the troublemakers out, going through loads of new material and member applications But I thank DV for trusting me enough to run the site.  

The fun part was decorating the homepage and chatting with my beloved Chatmonsters :) I've met some really cool peeps here and even had an adventure or two (meow ;) I've learned a lot from you and I thank you sincerely for your candor. I shared a lot with you too, and THAT is what I am most proud of, that DV and I created a place where we all could feel comfortable and BE FREE to talk and share and express ourselves in a fun and friendly community who share a love of this wonderful fetish. All the time and energy, all the blood, sweat and was all worth it to have shared this with you.  

Someone here once told me that I was the heart and soul of this place. From the heart and soul, I thank him...and you.

May you all find your bb Nirvana.

~ Namaste ~ ♥ Mallory

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FIVE DAYS LEFT to save the site!! Thanks Comrade--and all who are trying. It ain't over yet : )

yes, ab so fukin lutely yes.  we are just about there. 


I haven't been on that much this year, but KITG is always worth my money. So of course you have my donation plus some. :)

Awww, muchisimas gracias Señor Nate y Señorita Katrute :)

I know its been mentioned the last few years to do some sort of counter so we have a sense of the amount remaining.  it might be easier for some of us with erratic pay periods to contribute more if its an ongoing thing. Of course 3 bucks is no big deal but that's why I mentioned the counter first... itd be ashame to lose the site over 50-100 bucks if that's what we're down to.  (A side note, I clicked on donate & it said my card could not be used, i'll try it through paypal tomorrow since I know funds are available).  With a 110 donations id hope itd be getting close, can u give us a rough idea how much of a gap we need to close over the next couple days?

I sent out a site-wide email Tuesday morning, explaining the situation. Anyway, DV's computer 

was in the shop and it's not like he could do KITG biz at work :) It's been immmmensely frustrating

trying to get an answer from him, but he sent word y'day that he got his compu back and was able

to update the list. No mention of a total, just that we'd talk today. I know y'all think I'm bs'ing about

not knowing, but it's the truth--and as I said, beyond frustrating. It's in his name since he's the Site

Creator, so yeah I wish I knew cuz I hate the waiting--plus, we're on totally different schedules...

he's going to work right now and I'm just getting home hahaa. Blah blah...let's stay positive :D

Oh I don't think you are BS-ing at all. I trust ya, I'm sry I missed the Tuesday message, I didn't realize only D knew the total. I was more or less looking for a total cuz of how much I do like this site and wanted to know just how deep to dig in order to be really helpful. I'd be awesome to think absolutely everyone would donate $3 but I'm a wee bit cynical about that level of financial participation in any community. Realistically it just seems more likely that the same 150-200 members will donate between 5-20 bucks (or whatever is necessary) and that's the way it'll always be. If that's what it takes to be able to see some of this content like the future Joe & Kat vids, drawings by Knave or Fox & Wolf, or the always entertaining/hot real experiences of Greeneyed Susan or the infamous Mal... I'd happily pay for that alone not to mention all of the other contributions on here. I happily donated double last year and will again this year but I just wondered about the total so I could help since I love the site and what ya do, but for my part I don't have any mistrust of ya, just the irrational fantasy & unhealthy desire to be a recepient of your kicks ;)

If something is normal - usually is boring ;-) like relationship withouth any fetishes ^.^

I was on wiki today and this was hanging out at the top:

DEAR WIKIPEDIA READERS: Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong here. We survive on donations averaging about $15. Now is the time we ask. If everyone reading this right now gave $3, our fundraiser would be done within an hour. Yep, that’s about the price of buying a programmer a coffee. We’re a small non-profit with costs of a top 5 website: servers, staff and programs. Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park where we can all go to think and learn. If Wikipedia is useful to you, take one minute to make a tax-deductible donation to keep it online and ad-free another year. Thank you.

So, even wiki asks for donations!  Those of you who don't like it here, might as well just be quiet.  Those of you who actively complain or are opposed might as well just leave.  I'm not trying to stir the pot and I know its another 9 months before we go through it again, but I just wanted to show it's not just us.  If wiki gets to do it, so can we.

Hi all,

This is Psymon with The Ballbust Show from Brainwash Productions. I'm sorry it's come to this.

I've emailed and messaged those in charge in the past, but I'd like to put the offer out there again to buy this site out, as others have suggested. I've been involved in various parts of the community for over 20 years. It would be the least I can do - it would of course remain as is, with improvements, and remain 100% free.

If anyone involved in decision making is interested, please e-mail me at Thanks.

I never knew we were supposed to donate!! Where is the funding request?!?!



As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.

  1. Dvhour (Site Owner)
  2. Square initials TR
  3. PayPal initials DH
  4. PayPal initials ZC
  5. PayPal initials TD
  6. PayPal initials PJ
  7. PayPal Smoo
  8. PayPal initials MB
  9. PayPal 2swollen
  10. PayPal init' SdB
  11. PayPal initials JK
  12. PayPal initials NM
  13. PayPal initials ES
  14. PayPal initials BB
  15. PayPal initials EJ
  16. PayPal JK (again)
  17. PayPal PJ (again)
  18. PayPal initials DG
  19. PayPal initials JR
  20. PayPal initials SS
  21. PayPal initials EZ


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