Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ

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Myth Busters: BALLBUSTERS Edition... I'M IN !!! hahaa

"a nutprint is a momentary individual work of art."...

mmmm...pure poetry, vulneraballs ;) and sooo true.

Well I saw this video where a gorgeous yet evil girl kicks, knees, and harrrd-grinds

the poor guy' sooo bad that his balls are glowing deep red and his cock is blue and

purple, complete with a cut she left him as a parting gift haha--so imagine how THAT

guy felt by the end...and for days or weeks after :P It does shake me up a bit when

I hear stories of hardcore bb damage or even the possibility of him passing out from

prolonged and almighty nuttsqueezing... but would I do it all again? hellfuckingyeah!

if he is LETTING ME, whyyy not. You're right, Pinballs--the high is just too great :D

This comment is why I got out of bed today, Mallory :) Maybe today, I'll meet someone like you lol.

Awww, thanks Web...and good luck hahaa :)

If it's done right, it feels like bumping your head really hard on a marble yard gnome. Your body tingles, your head is spinning and if you were to stand up too quickly you feel like you would pass out. But only if it's done just right. My wife is the best! No more banging my big head on marble yard gnomes for me. Funny how the two heads are connected isn't it?

awesome that you and wifey share bb, BOS!

glad you got to retire the garden gnomes :D

Hey Mallory! New to this site! I love the question, and I think the pic (on this page) really captures what we feel, when you land that kick deliciously perfect!( I'm assuming that the pic shows the 2nd or 3ed kick)

I've always described the pain as "Lightning & Thunder"!

The first wave(lightning) is INSTANT, and completely overwhelming; but only lasts a second or two! That's the problem; we are given about 5-10 seconds of respit, before the thunder! Just enough time to get mad, & think you can do something. Right about the time you try; the thunder hits! It feels like someone reached up through your balls, grabbed your stomach & intestines, and is trying to rip them out!

Followed by the inevitable drop to his knees, cupping, coughing, & moaning!

BUT; enough of what WE feel, Mallory! I wanna know what YOU feel! What goes through YOUR mind, as your hands rise up and grab me by the shoulders, lean-in like we're gonna kiss, and then WHAM! Your knee ends my world! SO; what goes through YOUR mind just before your knee hits, AS your knee hits, and after, as you watch me sink to the floor! (assuming you are merciful enough to LET me drop to the floor! ;-)

Knees are my fav, too; but I also love a good, hard grab! What goes through your mind as your hand slips under his (my) sac, your fingers gently wrap around the balls, and then you squeeze, like you're juicing a lemon? Do you allow him (me) to drop to his knees; or do you pull up, keeping him on his feet, for even MORE pain?(pleasure)

I don't know, I've never kneed you Franky :D

I know in my case its an ache that is so intense it makes you sick to your stomach and no one likes that feeling.  My strength is gone instantly too...not to mention the pycological pain of being hit in the nuts by a female.  If you laughs its double.

Well, I am sure a lot of people have a lot of excuses regarding why certain things don't hurt.  Being a guy, I get teased because when I tell a woman it does not hurt me, they always want to make excuses for or as to why it does not instead of just understanding it just don't.


To me, if feels like a massage and it relaxes me.



Brian, are you saying that a kick in the balls doesn't hurt you?

My pain tolerance is not as high as that, but otherwise I think I've had experiences a lot like yours.  A kick in the balls does make my balls hurt, but nowhere near as much as (many, not all) girls think it will, so they are reluctant to kick (or knee or hit or squeeze) my balls as hard as I wish they would because they are afraid of hurting me -- even though I know it will be fine and tell them so.

If I've learned one thing from this website it's this: guys have really widely varying responses to being hit in the balls.  Some guys are in agonizing pain and drop to the ground and can't get up.  Other guys feel it, and it may hurt but they can handle it (and even like it!) and the pain is not a big special deal.  It sounds like you're in the second group, and so am I.  

Lucky for me I had a nice experience with a pro domme who was not at all reluctant to kick me hard.  She started out softer but when she saw that I could handle it she kicked much harder which was great.  That made me feel it -- pain, but the good kind, and manageable.  It was really nice.  

To answer Mallory's original question, the sensation I feel depends on how I'm hit.

A quick "slap" impact (like a slap with a hand or a quick snap kick) gives me a strong sensation that's not quite pain.  It's close, but it's more like I feel my central nervous system light up - a mix of pleasure, pain, and euphoria.  It's an unusual (but good) feeling and I could see how some guys might find it a little overwhelming (and maybe drop to the floor and roll around because of it) but if you just inhabit the moment and let it happen, it actually feels kind of good and you realize the pain isn't that strong, and the euphoric feeling is quite wonderful.

A "hard crunch" impact (like a knee) gives an immediate psychological feeling of "OMG she just kneed my balls and she's strong!".  But the physical feeling takes a few seconds to register, and it's more of an achy feeling in the balls and lower body.  I do not experience the pangs that extend further, or the nausea that some people have described.  It's just achy for me.  I like that though, of course.  :)

And then some hard kicks are inbetween the slappy and crunchy feelings, where I get a little of each sensation, and perhaps more of a sharp pain in the balls that lasts about 5 seconds, maybe 10.

Maybe it's just me, but when I am struck in the balls the pain does not last a long time.  "Max" pain is about 5 seconds.  Easing off for about another 5 after that, and then it's just a gentle ache.  This is even when the initial pain is strong.  I may not be typical though.

For me it seems to vary from occasion to occasion, this is one of the things i love about bb- you can't really predict how it's going to go. Different techinques deffinately give different results. Squeeze seem to build in intensity quickly, all my strength seems to go and my mind is reeling, i can't really focus on anything. With a solid kick or knee, it does depend on wether it is expected or not, if it was expected it tends to be a "now i need to asess the damage and cope" sometimes it's ok enough to stay stood, sometimes it needs time doubled up, at this point it feels like my balls themselves hurt right up into my stomach and straightening up hurts more. If it's unexpected i've usually found the effect more dramatic, the shock and trying to process "she just kneed me in the nuts", the pain doesn't come on straight the way but when it hits there is nothing much going through my mind than "oh god my balls". regardless i get a feeling of vunerability and humility, especially if she has disabled me for a while and finds it funny.



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