Questions: Why do you want your balls busted? What makes it worth putting them on the line ? What's makes you want to take another kick even though you fear it? What makes it ok? What If you lost one, what would you do? Would you keep doing it if you had only one?
Thoughts? :)

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"It is not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase." That Melinda is why. Like riding a roller coaster. It is a thrill, the rush of it all. I would not want to lose a ball. I don't want to be hurt. If busting is a playful fun place - then it is worth playing. Of coure I have the sexy high heels thing too, so we are talking full arousal. And I want intimate relations after it all. I am wounded and need attention. I want to get off. It is a sexual playful fun place to expore my fetish. I need a special gal too. Any gal hoping to put me in a hospital is not for me.

Lol well that's a good thing isn't it?

It is a kinky pleasure full of tease, fear, and lust. Oh and getting off is worth the thrill ride. And the heels... I crave it. A very good thing Melinda...

I have never been kicked in the nuts but i have selfbusted at a pretty good force thousands of times. I would be so happy to put my young balls on the line to be able to take a kick from a beautiful girl

Awesome response and it is was supposed to be hard to answer. I appreciate the honesty. So in this state that you are not thinking correctly, that overpowering lust, is that because of the pain that you are in or is it because of her putting you in that pain? Is it safe to assume she has some sort of sexual power over you that you can't resist? I can easily coax my husband as well, and it has earned him his fair share of ball shattering bustings. It's interesting the way you put it, it's similer to how I feel when I'm busting; I'm not thinking correctly, it's all emotions and passion with reason on its coat tails trying to hang on. I have gone really hard, too hard in fact and left his balls swollen and really bruised up, the type that take weeks to go away. The first time I did it I was really worried because I had caused real damage. It scared him a lot, but it still wasn't enough to ask me to stop. That is very sexy caseo
There hade been a couple of relationship-defining kicks. It is not something they happens often because let's face it, it's dangerous. It's a full force, no holds bared, nut shattering kick with lethal intent. Why? Because he asked.
"How hard do you think you can kick me?" He asked
I told him I don't know and if wanted to find out. The answer was of course yes. We threw caution to the wind, and he really found out that day what I was capable off. It was a moment of madness that didn't end in disaster. It was scary for both and equally exciting. I just kept asking if he was sure, because if I do it, it's real this time, like I'm really going to try and hurt you for real. I kicked him so hard it made my foot hurt. I thought we were going to the hosptial that night. The bruises took weeks to go away. The swelling didn't take as long but it still took days. He was off limit for awhile during that time. He said that it was one of the most painful things he every felt, he couldn't sit down without his nuts hurting. After he healed up I still didn't bust him for awhile because I felt bad, more so because it felt so good to hold nothing back. I thought that kick was honestly the last one. A month later he starts in again by slapping my ass really hard. Game on right? I think about that moment, and It was really special, one that will never be forgotten by winter one of us. I know people will think OMG your sick, but it was a decision we both made regardless of the consequences. Like I said a moment of madness, it doesn't happen often, actually it has only happens twice to be percise. Best part about it though is I can actually say I have almost neutered my husband ;)

That is just so sweet!  My gal likes to do that before i go on business trips, she enjoys knowing that my nuts are killing me while I am stuffed into a too small chair on a plane for 4 to 8 hours.  

If I was seriously worried about injury, I would never ride my motorcycle. Worse than that, I rarely wear a helmet. Statistically speaking, this is FAR more dangerous.. I think right now, my wife is more worried about injury than I am. I can take a lot more than she dishes out, I know she's holding back big time. If she let loose, I might change my mind though!!

Basically - I'm not planning any more kids and engage in fairly moderate busting with my partner.

She pushes my limits but doesn't go (too far) past them.

In all honesty I didn't expect to like it in real life - I thought reality wouldn't live up to fantasy - after all it's increadibly painful! I think the bits of my brain dealing with pain and pleasure are mixed up some how. It's still very painful but having an attractive woman causing such an intense sensation in your genitals just drives me wild.

I guess the shortest answer i can give is that this is why I don't risk it!  I want to keep both of mine.

I think there's a pretty clear boundary between being busted and going to the point where one seriously risks injury.

Yes, technically even one kick is "risky", because it's always possible something could go wrong but this risk is remote.  Balls are sensitive yet resilient.  You have to kick and knee and hit them many times in a short span in order to put the testicles at risk. 

In other words, you have to take a man to his limit and then past it, well past it, before you get into dangerous territory.

So, simple answer: I don't go there.  :)

I love full-force busting, and I've been kicked in the balls - hard - as many as 30 times in a session.  But at that point I knew I was done.  My balls were tender and sore (in a good way) and safe and doing fine, but I knew it was a good time to stop.  

You just have to be smart and know your limits.  So I don't see a lot of risk involved when I get busted.  It's more that I feel physically vulnerable when being busted, and the woman has a lot of physical power over me, but that's a good thing.  I know I'll be fine afterward.

Even when i was kid and just have started masturbating i fantashized about idea of woman tying me up and violently jerking me off after i came.Every guy knows how painful that would be plus the moment you came you kind off instantly lose all sexual desire which means its pure torture and rape.When i got internet i was looking for such kind of clips,besides normal porn and its surprising how just a few clips of this type even exist which are real pain torture.I slowly entered femdom world and i loved all kinds femdom which contained physical torture.I dont really like verbal humiliation,to be insulted and such but i am aroused by idea of women enjoying violently delivering me pain and damaging me,practically raping me and hurting me in all kinds of way like psychopath.But its not only physical pain i like,i also like clips of man drinking/eating all kinds of female body fluids.
When it comes to practising it in real life,moderate face slapping/kicking and ballbusting trigger both pain and pleasure whereas being hit in the ither parts of the body is mostly pain at the moment,especially if it is kind of hit which makes you lose your breath then its really uncomfortable.
I think i dont really like pain,the main idea for me is women torturing me,especially if she doesnt care for me and loves doing it.But my femdom fetish evolved and i started liking all kinds of it,i already mentioned toilet type one.Some rare types of femdom i dont like is verbal humilation,strap on,cuckold,being feminized.
When it comes to ballbusting there is also the idea that woman is doing harm to your health by sterilisng you and lowering your T levels.I only practise light and moderate ballbusting with my gf and sometimes when we are finished i kind of regret for doing it because i want kids in future.Even if you lose one testicle and regret ballbusting,its still easy to restore fetish like with any activity that makes you feel high and develope addiction.
i hope i would not continue to think with my dick and take care for the second one to stay healthy.I wrote all this to say that its very hard to answer why one loves ballbusting or any other femdom fetish.Some femdom fetishes share domination aspect,some humiliation,some pain.You can think you like only one aspect of it at the beginning but easily hook up on others too later.



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