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smallball mcghee's Discussions

Anyone got any ballbusting games?

Started Dec 29, 2021 0 Replies

Pick a set number of cards (say 10).Hearts = kicks Diamonds = knees Spades = punches Clubs = squeezeEach card is the total number of hits (number of hard squeezes or seconds for squeezes).. face…Continue

How many times have you tried quitting?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Lexeme Mar 9, 2021. 3 Replies

Ive been into ballbusting since I was around 13, and I think from day one its always been a fetish Ive tried to get rid of, but 13 years later here I am still. When did you finally learn to accept…Continue

How to introduce ballbusting to girlfriend?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mrs Dominatrix Sep 25, 2020. 5 Replies

I have been way too embarrassed to bring it up. Feel like its something I need to be happy. Any ideas?how did you do it?Continue

How much worse does getting actually busted hurt than self busting?

Started this discussion. Last reply by skyhigh Dec 6, 2019. 6 Replies

Ive only selfbusted but I cant imagine my balls getting any more destroyed, moreso due to the total of number of hits they take. Im sure a kick hurts alot more than an apple in a sock howeverContinue


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smallball mcghee posted a discussion

Anyone got any ballbusting games?

Pick a set number of cards (say 10).Hearts = kicks Diamonds = knees Spades = punches Clubs = squeezeEach card is the total number of hits (number of hard squeezes or seconds for squeezes).. face cards can have separate rules but for ease jack = 11, queen = 12, king = 13. You can choose which way the ace goes.If you can make it through all 10 rounds you win (you just got busted, thats the prize). If you have to quit, your partner gets a reward (massage, present)See More
Dec 29, 2021
Lexeme replied to smallball mcghee's discussion How many times have you tried quitting?
"When I was a kid being a masochist was by default a mental illness. The DSM-V removed most if not all of that completely in 2013. I hope eventually attitudes in kink communities can catch up with this. I always accepted BB, been into it at least…"
Mar 9, 2021
volcan51 replied to smallball mcghee's discussion How many times have you tried quitting?
"If it make you feel better some marketing dude analyzed cultural codes on US and get that the code word for sex is violence.  Going deeper why to feel desire for violence with your couple? infinite reasons, but in a general terms at least on…"
Mar 8, 2021
smallball mcghee posted a discussion

How many times have you tried quitting?

Ive been into ballbusting since I was around 13, and I think from day one its always been a fetish Ive tried to get rid of, but 13 years later here I am still. When did you finally learn to accept this is part of you rather than trying to suppress it?See More
Mar 7, 2021
Mrs Dominatrix replied to smallball mcghee's discussion How to introduce ballbusting to girlfriend?
"Era un día de primavera y habíamos salido del colegio. Luego, fuí a la casa demi novio. Yo tenia puesto la ropa del colegio que consistia en una minifalda de color gris con una camisa de color blanco y una corbata de color…"
Sep 25, 2020
2swollen replied to smallball mcghee's discussion How to introduce ballbusting to girlfriend?
"I have generally waited until your having a fun conversation and asking each other questions about the other, then ask her if she has ever kicked a guy in the nuts. If the answer is yes, well, ask her to tell you about it, and then ask her if she…"
Sep 20, 2020
Jenoo replied to smallball mcghee's discussion How to introduce ballbusting to girlfriend?
"I did it a few times. If the relationship is matured enough you have to talk about your fetishes, desires, fantasies. If you know that she is playful or dominant it will be easy."
Sep 19, 2020
Chefda replied to smallball mcghee's discussion How to introduce ballbusting to girlfriend?
"^This. "
Sep 18, 2020
t mac replied to smallball mcghee's discussion How to introduce ballbusting to girlfriend?
"Ask her if she has any fetishes and start the conversation that way. Then when you tell her about your fetishes, tell her it's something that turns you on and that you would like to try it."
Sep 18, 2020
smallball mcghee posted a discussion

How to introduce ballbusting to girlfriend?

I have been way too embarrassed to bring it up. Feel like its something I need to be happy. Any ideas?how did you do it?See More
Sep 18, 2020
Rich replied to smallball mcghee's discussion What is the longest your balls have hurt after a busting?
"Oof, yup that's the spot which causes that involuntary jolt/spasm, when the fingers press against it as they're being rolled around under pressure It's pretty much impossible to "train" that reaction out, and is a dead…"
Feb 1, 2020
bbandstuff replied to smallball mcghee's discussion What is the longest your balls have hurt after a busting?
"Nope - she was punching and squeezing me through my shorts while we were waiting for an uber, and the last squeeze just hurt a shite ton and I screamed no stop stop, and that’s what happened. Hot in hindsight, but I’m not hoping for that…"
Feb 1, 2020
Rich replied to smallball mcghee's discussion What is the longest your balls have hurt after a busting?
"Ouch, was the epidydimus specifically targeted during the squeeze? That's the really sensitive spot "hidden" spot on the upper backside of each nut"
Feb 1, 2020
bbandstuff replied to smallball mcghee's discussion What is the longest your balls have hurt after a busting?
"Twenty second squeeze got me just right, caused my epidydimus to swell, and had me sore for two weeks noticeably and tender / super sensitive for a month. Saw a doctor just before the noticeable pain started to die out, but around then even just…"
Feb 1, 2020
Ryan moorehouse replied to smallball mcghee's discussion What is the longest your balls have hurt after a busting?
"Handcuffs + Blindfold + Unrelenting kicks = Owww  "
Feb 1, 2020
Smoo replied to smallball mcghee's discussion What is the longest your balls have hurt after a busting?
"Most of my sessions have been in the afternoon/evening and usually my balls are still sore when I go to sleep.  I know it's a good session when they are still ever so slightly tender the next day, but so far that's been the extent."
Jan 29, 2020

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Google. My balls being hurt drew me to the site. I love the pain
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
6 years. Hit myself when I was a kid playing baseball and have been hooked ever since. it felt good
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
Only self busts. I havent got a girl yet :(
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
aroused/weak. Feels good
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
I would love a nice kick right now
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
no :(. I would love that to happen to me
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
Lilly Long legz. Found a video on youtube and my balls were never the same
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
sneaker kick, boot kick, heavy shoe kick, pointy shoe kick, barefoot kick, back heel kick, shin kick, quick hard knee, knee hard & hold

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