Hello boys, Melinda here. I have a few questions that I want to ask, and seeing how guys don't have interviews here, (understandable considering the woman to men ratio here) I figure I would start one for you guys, because I have questions sometimes and I want answers. So this one is your guys to answer any questions I have, and maybe some other ladies might have some general questions as well. Please refrain from smart ass answers and bullshit.

Ok first question. After your done getting your balls busted, what do you feel like? My husband is very docile after I bust his balls, he is more romantically intiment then sexually. He seems to be cuddly and more interested in just talking to me. He always goes out of his way to help me, and pretty much waits on my every need. The more and harder I bust his balls, the better the response I get form him. Now am I just luckily or do any of you boys get like that after a good busting?

Question 2. How do you honestly feel about ballbusitng in a relationship, long term. Knowing that it would become an active lifestyle more or less? 10 years of busting my husbands balls for the reasons that I do eventually changed the entire structure of our relationship. We are closer now then we have ever been. Do you think you would be able too?

Look forward to the responses and the chance to grill you guys. ;) later

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So Chris, if your never truly done then when do you know to stop? Or do you just want it regardless of the pain your in? And what do think it would take to make You "done"? What appeals to you about A long term BB engagement and what would be your ideal ball busting relationship?

Can you tell us more about that bust that dropped you in just one kick?

Mmm well that was a delicious little story,

Amazing story.  You should do a blog post with all the details.

Hello, Christ W, how the girls reaction when you paid them to bust you.

do you think they get used to BB, and do lot of busting?

So you would be willing to let a lady make you cry or pass out ? What if she wanted to, told you straight up she wanted to bust your balls until you actually cry, how would you respond?
Yes actually it does very much :) it turns me on to take him to that limit. I never made him pass out, Though I have brought him close to it. It's probably one of the most intense, erotic things we have ever done. I can make him cry but it isn't easy. There are a couple things that you need for this to work. First the woman has to be able to commit to hurting him enough to bring him to cry. That in itself is a major stepping stone. That means you have to willing to take him above his pain threshold on purpose, and its kind of hard to do. The man has be willing to take that pain and trust in the woman to stop before he is seriously Injured, and yes you can make a guy cry without actually injuring him. That isn't a small order either. That is why trust is important in BB. He knows and trusts that I will hurt him as bad as i say I will. He also knows that I won't hurt more then I say I will.
That's truly the sexiest thing I ever heard and I really love that too :-)

I never made him pass out, 

Does this appeal to you as well? This has happened a few times to me, but actually mostly not 'during sessions' (though it's happened a couple times during sessions). The most memorable time was just from a spontaneous bust (I passed out from a single kick... to be fair, she did play soccer for my university).

Lol yes, I love the thought of making him pass out, I have gotten close but I think I really want to savior doing that one. He will pass out one day, I just don't know how I want to do it. I'm a little curios, how did that feel? I'm did you just black out, what pain did you feel before you passed out? If it was good enough to make you pass out I want to know about t ;)

Sure! I wrote briefly about it, but basically the story happened like this. It was my freshman year in college (last year), and I was flirting with this girl (who was a senior at the time) at a house party. She was ridiculously attractive (tall, blonde, athletic), but she also played for the girls soccer team at our university.

At some point, while we got up to walk to another room, I made a teasing joke at her expense, and she decided she wasn't having it, so she told me to apologize (I deliberately gave her an open shot just to taunt her) or she'd kick me in the balls. I said nope and told her to go right ahead (figured I'd be able to take it, coming from a background where I had been busted a lot).

I dropped to my knees immediately - it was by far the most painful bust I'd experienced to that point (maybe ever, tbh). I was pretty sure that the boys were actually damaged, and it felt like there was a deadweight tugging at my stomach. I looked up at her, and the last thing I remembered before blacking out was her putting her finger to my head and tipping me over (it wasn't totally unusual for people to just be laying around passed out at this house party, after all :D ).

Overall, 10/10 experience, would put 'em on the line again :P

 After your done getting your balls busted, what do you feel like?

It depends on the circumstances. Sometimes I can be very 'docile' - especially if it's a particularly hard bust and in an unexpected situation (if I'm unprepared and just get casually kneed/kicked; e.g., I've pissed a girl off). Especially if it was semi-public, or if I'm not actually busting buddies with the girl, this is hugely embarrassing, and, provided I can even get off the ground, I'll be pretty docile.

But that's very different from getting busted in other circumstances. If I'm 'on-edge', either because it's a busting session or my busting partner is a big tease, I'll probably be more sexually assertive during busting (though that, predictably, oftentimes leads to more/harsher busting). At a certain point, I've always "broken" (under enough... *ahem*, pressure, if you understand my meaning, a girl can get me to be 'docile'), but, up to that, busting can just get me more aggressive.

How do you honestly feel about ballbusitng in a relationship, long term. Knowing that it would become an active lifestyle more or less?

My only long-term busting buddies were solely busting buddies (no other attachments) with the exception of my sister. It has definitely changed the structure of that relationship, and it becomes a regular dynamic of how we relate (she wants me to do something? Well, there's the carrot and the stick approach...).



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