Since early last week, my girlfriend Francesca has been a bit under the weather and has had a case of what the French call les cafards. I figured that she could use some cheering up so I went out and bought her a rather elegant négligée--thinking that it would be nice for her to feel sexy even though she stuck in bed. She liked it quite a bit, and this Friday, as she was feeling better, she came over to my place with a present.
The present turned out to be a rather small pair of briefs which she insisted I try on immediately. The fit wasn't exactly ideal, and the briefs didn't quite cover everything up. Francesca was determined to get everything to fit, however, and did her utmost to cram my balls into the briefs. First she tried pushing my balls gently back into them, and after a few failed attempts she started to get rather frustrated. After that, she tried gripping them gruffly in both hands and tried to negotiate them into the briefs from the sides. Her grip got tighter and tighter over time and eventually she was squeezing them as she tried to maneuver them in. Despite her best efforts, however, my balls still kept spilling out of the briefs as soon as she took her hands off them.
Next, she tried shoving them in--slapping them, pushing them, and sometimes punching them into the tight pouch of fabric. No dice. Finally she gave it one more go; she grabbed my balls roughly from the bottom with one hand, and with the other she stretched the briefs open. Squeezing my balls, she shoved them upwards into the briefs and quickly stretched the fabric around them. Still no luck--as soon as she took her hands of of them, they fell back out. Frustrated, she slapped my balls really, really hard with the back of her hand. As I bent over in pain, she seemed to remember that they were my balls and started apologizing (giggling at the same time, though). Giving up (but by no means defeated), Francesca finally suggested that I take the briefs off....
Thanks for taking the time to read this! I'd welcome any comments!
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