Antonio Pazzi's Blog (2)

Ballbusting in Briefs

Since early last week, my girlfriend Francesca has been a bit under the weather and has had a case of what the French call les cafards. I figured that she could use some cheering up so I went out and bought her a rather elegant négligée--thinking that it would be nice for her to feel sexy even though she stuck in bed. She liked it quite a bit, and this Friday, as she was feeling better, she came over to my place with a present.

The present turned… Continue

Added by Antonio Pazzi on October 10, 2010 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

Speed-Bag Balls

I've been seeing my girlfriend Francesca for a while now, and while she isn't into ballbusting in the strictest sense, she does have a strong love of big balls and enjoys getting rough with them. Usually she doesn't like to get too rough, but likes to do things like squeeze them in her hands during sex or give them a slap and watch them swing heavily back and forth. The other day, however, she got much rougher than usual, and (needless to say) we both enjoyed it very much.

We were at… Continue

Added by Antonio Pazzi on September 26, 2010 at 11:58pm — 5 Comments

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