I've been seeing my girlfriend Francesca for a while now, and while she isn't into ballbusting in the strictest sense, she does have a strong love of big balls and enjoys getting rough with them. Usually she doesn't like to get too rough, but likes to do things like squeeze them in her hands during sex or give them a slap and watch them swing heavily back and forth. The other day, however, she got much rougher than usual, and (needless to say) we both enjoyed it very much.
We were at her place, lying on her bed. We had just taken a shower together, and felt the heat from each others' bodies as we lay there--my arm around her waist and hers along my thigh. Still in our towels, we had been lying there for awhile before I got up to stretch my legs. I left my towel on the bed and as I walked across the room I saw Francesca beckon to me to come over. I walked to her and bent down to kiss her. As our lips met, however, I felt her hands on my balls. I felt each of her palms close around one of my balls and she began to squeeze. I made a sign that I liked it, and she began punching my balls--telling me she wanted to see my "pompelmi" (grapefruit) swinging back and forth. I was very pleasantly surprised, and spread my legs further as she proceeded to use my big balls as a speed-bag for quite a while--sinking her fists into my balls and seeing them swing back and then forward heavily again and again. Needless to say, by the end I had some very sore balls but we were both very, very happy.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'd love to hear any of your comments!


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Comment by Antonio Pazzi on October 4, 2010 at 9:59pm
Naw, I'm not going anywhere. :)
If she does get into the swing of it, though, I'll keep this blog updated with the latest exploits. Provided, of course, that anyone is interested....
Comment by CC on October 3, 2010 at 7:51pm
Goodbye Antonio, hello Antoinette!

Comment by greeneyedsusan on October 3, 2010 at 7:44pm
I think once Francesca really gets the swing of this, we'll be seeing less and less of Antonio in these parts.
Comment by Antonio Pazzi on October 2, 2010 at 3:54pm
@Tina: Hahaha she's using a bit of hyperbole when she calls them grapefruit; I don't think I would be able to walk if they were like grapefruit. I'm fine with peaches lol. Pomplumossa is Portuguese, right?

@Colleen: She's played with them roughly before, but this was the first time she really "busted" them. She seemed to really like it ,so we'll definitely try it again in the future. She's started slapping my bulge when I'm least expecting it as well.
Comment by Tina on October 2, 2010 at 8:30am
pamplumossa, they're getting bigger : D


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