If i've done an interview it must be time for another and if not it's overdue. So ask away.

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I'm having to dredge this up from my memory. Our fights began, like all fights between siblings, over something silly, like wanting a book the other was reading or the remote control or whatever. They inevitably led to a lot of grappling and struggling and rolling around. Kneeing him in his nuts was an accident at first. I had not intended it and was quite frightened when he was suddenly in pain. Then I realised that this gave me control and that he actually seemed to enjoy it. So, to come to your question, we would end up rolling around, and bringing my knees into play was a natural tactic. He tried to block me of course, to prolong the fun, so my blows were not as hard or as painful, which led to me learning to apply more or less pressure, to torment him a bit before landing the knee hard, or hold my knee in place after landing it. At least, that is how I remember it. It was always a process of learning from experience and, of course, realising what it was that was giving him pleasure as well as pain. And giving me pleasure too. 

How old you were when it started and when it stopped it , who was older ?

During that kind of kneejob was he hard and can u tell more...

I was, say, 14 when it started. He's a couple of years older than me. It lasted until he went to university. But we still have an occasional busting session when we get together.

Did he get hard? Yes, definitely. No doubt about it. 

So cool you give him bb fetish, is he into it with girlfrends also or just with you. When he let you bust him openly without playfight first time

Things changed when he came back from uni. Shall we say that rolling around on top of each other was difficult for us as adults. So that was when the playfighting stopped and we just busted.

His wife isn't into it, which is disappointing for him.

How hard those knees were when u compare now as adult with your hardest busts in bb sessions with other guys?

What was worst , most painful bust you did to bro ?

The hardest bust was when he was back home for the summer from uni and had a hot date that evening. He was feeling really horny and in the mood for a bust, so I obliged. I had not by then learned enough to control the power of my kicks - which is why I still don't like kicking and prefer knees and hands to have more control. Anyway, I gave him a few gentle ones and then let rip with a massive kick. I knew something was different immediately, because he didn't moan or groan or double over or sink to his knees. He just went straight down and curled up. I was worried because I had not seen him like that before. When I went to see if he was OK, he was shaking. Later he announced that he had called off the date.

Did he start crying from that kick? How long was he down for? How did he act after it? Was he shy to ask for the next session, or was he nervous about it after that? Did you laugh at him?

No, I did not laugh at him. I have never laughed after busting a guy. I always admire them for the pain they can take. 

He had tears in his eyes by the time I knelt down beside him, so pretty much straightaway I suppose.

I didn't time him, but he must have been down for at least a quarter of an hour, although he did try to get up a couple of times. 

Like I said, he didn't go out on his date, so he must have felt that he wasn't up to it that evening. Otherwise, he was very quiet. Maybe he was worried that he had been damaged.

I didn't notice any thing different when we busted after that. I like to think he realised how much pain he could take and that made him proud and confident.

It must be some pain that stops young guy meet hot girl (and he is in bb )

Is it most painful kick that you give to anyone, how hard it was now when u compare after you have a lot of bb experience.

Did he comment anything in next days, like was he swollen, bruise how long he was sore, did you comment anything in next days like tease and did he met that girl latter :)

Strangely enough, we never talked about bb, just did it. Maybe we sensed it was something we should not be doing and not something to add to, even to each other.

I don't think it was the pain that stopped him going on his date. More a case of concern about being able to perform.

And what was most pleasurable playfight for him like a lot knee grinding like it is kneejob at least for short in similar situation i guess he could take more hard knees



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