Me & my friends went to a Comic-Con in Phoenix, Arizona. My friends and I are standing in line to get in the main lobby  of the building. 

I'm chatting with my buddy, and then he bumps me on the shoulder and points behind me. I look over and there's a Silk suit cosplayer standing right behind me with her back to us, chatting with her friends. 

After I see the Silk cosplayer my friend was pointing to I then turn back to my buddy and start chatting again. 

Suddenly, he reaches past me and plants a loud slap on her butt-cheek. I look back over to see what just happened. The girl cosplaying as Silk turns around and locks eyes with me. I can feel her furious glare burning through me. 

I start to say, "That wasn't..". Her knee shoots up and she knees the crap out of my balls, just about as loud as the butt slap. 

I think I blacked out for a second, because now I'm on my knees, face down on the floor, squirming in agony. 

As i'm on the floor on my knees she says

"Let that teach you a lesson why you don't slap random girls' asses", 

I can barely breathe, my balls are throbbing. 

One of my friends try to help me up to both feet.

As my friend is helping me up Silk cosplayer kicks directly in the ball once she sees me standing.

Tears are running down my face, while I can't get a sound out of my mouth and can barely still breathe from the knee. 

The line starts to move and my friends  just leave me on the floor as they head into the comic-con

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Comment by Jane Tanskii on October 17, 2021 at 6:23pm

you lucky she was kind enough to only kick you

Comment by Richard on October 17, 2021 at 9:27am

Sucks but it really happen. I was pissed my friends left me.

Comment by playfight on October 16, 2021 at 11:53pm

i kind of hope it is real story but hardly it is

if it is you had a bb experience of your life and realize your friends are assholes

Comment by Jane Tanskii on October 16, 2021 at 8:47am

i kind of hope this isnt a real story... if it is your friends are kind of assholes..

first they harassed a random girl than they just left you and went on their way 

i liked the cosplayer though


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