Richard's Blog (4)

A Bet at Hooters

Ashley hated her job. She hated the skimpy uniform, and her stupid perverted manager Derek. If rent wasn't stupidly high, and she didn't have student loans up to her eyeballs she wouldn't be anywhere near this place, but here she was stuck making ends meet working at Hooters.

The worst part was how Derek encouraged the customers to "get a little handsy" if it meant extra tips. Ashley had gotten away with a few nut taps on some customers that got a little too excited, but she…


Added by Richard on January 24, 2023 at 6:26am — 1 Comment

Comic Con ballbusting

Me & my friends went to a Comic-Con in Phoenix, Arizona. My friends and I are standing in line to get in the main lobby  of the building. 

I'm chatting with my buddy, and then he bumps me on the shoulder and points behind me. I look over and there's a Silk suit cosplayer standing right behind me with her back to us, chatting with her friends. 

After I see the Silk cosplayer my friend was pointing to I then turn back to my buddy and start chatting…


Added by Richard on October 13, 2021 at 4:35pm — 4 Comments

Strip club

Last night I went to the strip club and I paid a stripper to kick me in the balls. After two kicks and I was down for the count. She just sat there while I was on the floor holding my nuts in pain. Im still sore and still feeling the effects

Added by Richard on July 1, 2019 at 3:45am — 5 Comments

Ballbusting at strip club

What  position should I or someone be in or any suggestions to get kicked in, punched or kneed in the balls?

Added by Richard on May 21, 2019 at 2:15am — 1 Comment


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