A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
I had something interesting that I wanted to share with you all.
I am a proud, feminist ballbuster, but I do take my boyfriend's testicular health very seriously. Whenever he goes for a checkup, I always tell him to ask the doctor to check his testicles very carefully. He is not comfortable openly talking about ballbusting with the doctor, so I just tell him to say that he has been hit in the testicles by accident recently, to explain why he wants a little extra attention in that area. Of course, as we all know, these are resilient little organs, and he has always come back with a medical thumbs up: his manhood is happy and healthy. :)
Recently, he also started going to an acupuncturist. He has Chinese heritage, and has been interested in exploring that more anyway, but he also has started to get a little bit of back pain and has found that the acupuncture helps alot with it (he has to be pretty vigilant about that kind of thiing, because his mom has had bad back problems and it's something that he needs to keep an eye on).
His acupuncturist was talking alot about holistic health, so my boyfriend asked him about reproductive health. I don't understand exactly how Chinese medicine measures and evaluates that sort of thing - it has to do with non-Western modalities and chi. But he got an evaluation and apparently this time his testicles didn't just get a thumbs-up - they got a HUGE two-thumbs up. Apparently, his "vital energy" in this area is very powerful!
Just for context - my boyfriend and I have been together for years. I have been an active ballbuster for that entire time. This means that his testicles have been kneed, kicked, slapped, etc. literally THOUSANDS of times. It is true that 95% of the time I keep it pretty light and playful, but the other 5% can get pretty rough.
I just thought that this would be of interest to the community. Among males (NOT members of this community, but in general) there is a lot of irrational fear about testicular damage. Obvioiusly, I understand that damage is possible (that's why I make him talk to his doctor about it) but I think that for most males this worry is hugely exaggerated beyond what is reasonable. In my boyfriend's case, both Western medicine and Chinese medicine prove that his testicles are completely happy and healthy - actually SUPER-healthy! And that's with me constantly using them as my own personal stress-balls. If anything, I honestly wonder if all the busting has actually been GOOD for them!
Anyway, I know you cant generalize too much from one example, but I thought this would be interesting for some of you.
Well he needs a semen analysis to really see if his testicles are functioning properly and blood test to check testosterone. Just visually checking/feeling wont tell you much. And lets not even get into chinese medicine, it has no relevance here and I say that as a Chinese woman.
A lot of the worry is acute damage to the testicles as well meaning rupture or torsion not only prolonged damage. So men/women play safe and don't tie/restrain the balls, women don't toe kick, and dont twist them.
I bust my buddy full force for a while now and he's been getting busted hard for over 10 years.
exactly this. i’d be curious to know, if you’re willing to share, what the result of that 10 years of damage was.
Definitely agree visual/physical exam is pretty useless unless something major is wrong....and as far as holistic medicine if you buy into that I've got oceanfront property in Idaho to sell you.
You can't determine much anything without checking testosterone levels, sperm samples, +/- an ultrasound as well. It's a fact that trauma affects sperm counts, testicular volume, causes hydroceles/varicoceles, etc. For many people these things return to normal over time without trauma, for some they never will.
On the flip, I’ve practiced regular busting for two years. Fairly hard stuff. Balls looked and felt fine (according to urologist), but analysis showed a volume of 3mil sperm on ejaculation, vs 15-250mil normal. It’s low enough that I’d need IVF to conceive, and even that may not work.
But had you analysed the sperm volume on ejaculation BEFORE your regular busting? And if so, were the results better? Because you can't conclude anything from a lone data. For all we know, you could have always had a low sperm count and it could be misassociated with the damages from your hits, although it is true that infertility does seem a plausible result of ballbusting.
you raise a valid point. i hadn’t gotten tested prior. but, getting a test was prompted by a change in semen color from white to clear following a particularly tramatic 20 second squeeze that damaged a cord for a month and made me permanently more sensitive on the right. it seems most likely to have been caused by busting.
Gotta train em not to hurt the cords of blood and nerves on the back of the testicle. I have taken super hard squeezes and girls standing with their full weight on my balls (150 pounds is my record so far!) for 30 secs to a min or 2 at a time with no problems. But I also position the foot of the woman before she steps on my balls or at the very least I have trained them well on how to do it to properly to cause a LOT OF PAIN but no perm damage. Gotta spread the weight evenly between both balls though. 150 pounds on just 1 ball = hospital visit really quickly
First of all Rebecca told he go to doctor for routine check up and ask to examine his balls extra because of accidental hard hit so there is big possibility they did some analysis and/or ultrasound maybe. Like others said sperm count and level of testosterone can not now without analysis but if you have low testosterone for some time man would feel some changes, like having a problems with hard on if nothing else. Sperm count you can not now without test or trying to make a baby :)
I did detailed exam and my sperm count is low , just 5% but testosterone is high and ultrasound show everything is ok.
I did not check sperm never before so i can not be sure it was the same before i start hard bb but it is high probability it is from hard bb for long time. After i found out about it 10 y ago i pay attention about this topic online and I concluded hard bb affect fertility in most cases.
I realise, I am a tad late to the party. However, there is something I should like to interject, if I may. The sperm ducts are fragile. As such, they can be easily damaged. Even light blows, ones that do not hurt (although, I can not imagine such!) can cause scar tissue to form on the inside of a testis. Over time, this causes a reduction in sperm production. Especially, 'quality' sperm cells. This is why, it is so crucial to examine the testes after a blow (or blows) to the 'boys'. One is looking for swelling or discolouration. It is the swelling that does the damage. In the past, I worked as a paramedic and saw a fair number of male genital injuries. Fortunately, not too many were severe. However, I did encounter a few catastrophic ones. They are the ones that, stay with you. For whatever it may be worth; I should strongly counsel against squeezing the male gonads.
So, you mean that a rough squeeze on the testicles could do permanent damage to my bf? Can you explain it more for me, please? Thank you
Testicles are very resilient. It is unlikely that you do permanent damage to your bf. April is not really into this fetish. I’m actually not sure why she is a member of this website. She likes to give worst case scenario results.
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