I normally wouldn't post anything like this but I figure i'd share because it's fun to retell.
I have been dating an amazing girl for a while now...she is petite (5 3" maybe) but amazingly beautiful, perfect body (she spends a lot of time running and at the gym) great personality ect... I was shy at first about getting her into ballbusting...but after a while of dating I figured  it's not THAT weird of a thing to like and if she didn't at least try then how much could she really like me... She isn't really the type that would seem to like ballbusting (I have been with girls who quite obviously enjoyed inflicting pain). She actually seems to like being manhandled over doing the dominating but she still loves to do a lot of fake out kicks and punches at the groin when im messing with her. One of the hottest things I remember her saying was once when I was tickling her she said "do you value your balls? If you do you should stop!"

Anyway, I brought up ballbusting and at first she didn't seem to enjoy it and I really had to bug her to do to it but one she realized I liked it, we almost can't get into bed without her doing something to my balls. She tried a few kicks here and there but never anything strong...I don't think she likes that at all. She only really grabs. 

I noticed at first, she would grab my balls and squeeze and it wouldn't bother me too much. I always figured it wasn't a good self defense move and that when push came to shove, if I really wanted to I could escape it. Sure, after a few seconds it got REALLY bad, but before those few seconds came i'd be able to swing away at the grabber. Then she found another method. She started grabbing my balls at the top of the sack and pulling down on them, yanking them away from my body. This REALL hurt. She brought me to my knees a few times using this. Just the other day we were play wrestling and grabbed her boobs and started squeezing. She went for my balls and because of how low they were hanging, she quickly got her hand above them and yanked them down away from my body hard and fast. I was shocked at how bad this hurt. I was used to the pain coming on slowly and me kind of slowly giving in to her. This time it hurt so much right away that all I could do was beg her to let go. She didn't at first and I fell down on my side grabbing her arm pleading for her to let go. She finally did and then said something like "aww, did the little girl hurt your big balls? Want me to rub them to make them better?". 

I have to say though, I never thought that a girl really could control a guy with a ball grab, but I don't even think she went full strength and right off the bat I was begging for her to let go. Maybe in a fight situation with the adrenaline flowing it would be different but then again she also could have twisted/dug her nails in and I probably would have been done for. I recovered almost immediately, I was only in any real pain maybe 10 seconds after but during that time I really couldn't do much. Me and her always argue as to whether or not a kick/punch/grab to the balls from a girl could take a guy out of a fight so now she thinks she was right. Looking forwards to doing some more experiments though! 

just goes to show how even a girl who you thought didn't seem to be a bber could still be everything you wanted. 

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are u 2 still together,any new good busts from her
It'd be quite a bit harder to wrap your hand around the top of a guys sack in a fight, I think a kick or knee is a better way to go
Can't argue with that. I'd imagine getting a grip like that would be made all the harder depending on what kind of pants the guy would be wearing.

Jeremy Horn said:
It'd be quite a bit harder to wrap your hand around the top of a guys sack in a fight, I think a kick or knee is a better way to go

Hey everyone. We are still dating and a lot of busting has went on since then. She's completely ok with my desires and not a sexual encounter goes by where she doesn't give them a good grab/pull/squeeze. It's a great turn on, but there was something missing. She admitted she didn't really get aroused from doing it (though she said it was funny to see my face) and although she isn't annoyed or anything by it, you could just tell she was just doing it to please me. It was hard to get her to do any kicks or anything like that but mainly because of making too much noise (thin walls in the apartment). 


anyway, all that changed relatively recently. First time was after our anniversary. She threw me down to the bed and said something to the effect "your balls are mine now". Suddenly she grabbed my ballsack around the top above my nuts with her finger and thumb and yanked down super fast and hard. I never had her do such a hard/fast grab before and I felt like my eyes popped out. It was as if my nuts were about to be ripped off. I let out a yelp and rolled onto my side with her on top of me trying to roll me back over. Here's where it got really great. Normally after a hit/squeeze that makes me curl up, she'll push my hands away and try to fondle the boys back to health. This time, she acted very sweet and said "aww, let me see them i'll make them feel better". I reluctantly opened my legs and moved my hands only to have her throw a barrage of  punches pokes and slaps at them forcing me to curl up again clutching my aching nuts. I could tell she was REALLY getting into it!


But it only gets better. The other night I was with her and I pinned her down on the bed and told her I wanted to make love to her. She said "aw, that's too bad because i'm in a playful mood tonight". I said "how so?" and she reached down and grabbed my balls and squeezed extremely hard. I grabbed her wrist trying to pull it away but it was no use. I quickly curled up and surrendered. I was so happy, SHE was the only who actually wanted to do the ballbusting! The whole night she was slapping, grabbing, poking, flicking my nuts and playing with my cock just teasing me. she'd jerk my cock off and then punch my nuts when I least expected it. I then asked her to kick me and shockingly she agreed and seemed happy to do it. I stood there staring at her AMAZING legs (she's really big on fitness especially running and has the PERFECT body). I was admiring this perfect little 5'3" bombshell in front of me wearing nothing but a t shirt with no bra and just a pair of sexy panties when before I could even tell her I was ready she threw a fast hard kick up to my nuts. I felt her smooth leg make contact and I doubled over. It wasn't too hard, I asked her to do it again this time aiming it up. she threw a few really fast fake out kicks that looked like they would have really hurt and then followed through with a really hard one. I felt her smooth, unbelievably sexy leg and the top of her foot fly up between my legs and slam my left testicle into my body. I went down to my knees, maybe just a little bit from the pain (although it was nowhere near as her vice grip grabs) but probably mostly from just being so turned on and excited at the sight of my little beautiful sexy blond petite girlfriend looking down at me as I doubled over after having her crush my nuts with her foot. She had many other little sexy things that she did that night as well. she was laying on her back with her knees bent and I was leaning over he legs making out with her with my naked balls dangling down on the top of her foot. the shot up a light kick. I flinched and she said "oops, sorry that was an accident". then a second later she did it again and said "that one wasn't!". I even had to tell her to be easy when grabbing above my sack and yanking down because she was doing it so hard and fast I was worried she would do it unexpectedly and injure me. she had a comment like "oh, so you're balls aren't invincible afterall? What are you afraid i'll rip them off?"   I could tell she was really enjoying herself and for whatever reason, she really wanted to play rough with my balls that night. I'm hoping I will be treated to more nights like this in the future!

sounds very similar to my gf
I also forgot to add this story. This was one of my favorites and was before the events in the last two but after the events in the first. I was watching a movie with her and I was starting to feel kind of frisky. She was too. At one point I jokingly (gently) rammed my fist into her crotch and she got a little mad and said it hurt. The waited till my legs were opened and fired back with one of her own. I yelped a bit and closed my legs and she said "see, it hurts more for you...although mine was probably a bit harder". A little while later, we decided to sneak to the bathroom for some fun (we were at her parents place and there was a glass door that they could see through if they decided to wake up/walk around). It was a tight space, and i know how she likes to be dominated so I got behind her and grabbed her from behind. I started fondling her breats and breathing in her ear and then I started to pull down her khaki capris exposing her perfect ass in a thong. I had her pants down around her thighs and I pulled my pants down and started rubbing my rock hard cock on the back of her ass. I made a comment like "now i'm in control". she must have wanted to prove a point because then suddenly I felt her hand slap back in between my legs, smash my balls and grab a hold of them. She began pulling and squeezing real hard and within a second she had me pushed back to the wall. She turned around while simultaneously changing her grip all while still applying constant pressure with the other hand and then really gave me a good squeeze and pull that brought me right down to my knees. It only took her maybe 5 or 6 seconds from the time her hand made contact with my dangling bits to the time she had me on my knees begging her to let go. She did and I kneeled there holding me balls for a few seconds. We then went back to making out (and other things) with me balls aching the whole time...I think she was happy she proved her point.
Nice stories! You're lucky!



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