What is your favourite underwear to get busted in? 

My two favourites are Saxx (since it aligns everything to make kicks more accurate) and BN3TH (which makes grabs easy and shows off the targets).

Would love to hear what others prefer and if anyone has any suggestions for new ones to check out.

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Tight stuff really does amplify the pain. I'll check out RBX thx!

Compression Shorts work by far the best

Compression shorts work great!

My GF loves to kick and knee with jockstraps worn.  If it's going to be especially hard BB, then a soft cup.

Ever try it without a cup?

sure. all the time.  but she kicks so hard I'm not good for more than a few without at least a soft cup. 

tbh (and I know this is my opinion) but I think that's kinda the point?  For her to be able to drop you pretty easily~

wow lol. She is a keeper



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