Basically, we thought it would be fun to make an instagram account and share some photos and videos. We made an account and it gave the option to suggest friends. So obviously we said no, and denied Instagram access to our list of contacts.

To register, you need to put your phonenumber for security so you can recover your account if you forget the password. At least, that is what they tell you.

What they do not tell you is that they put your phonenumber in their database. So all your friends and family members who use instagram and do give permission to share their contacts, get the suggestion to add your new account. 

So basically, my aunt sent me a message asking me why I was kicking Vincent in the nuts on instagram. 


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Hi Scarlett,

And I agree that this instance sucks, but hey, look on the bright side!  You can tell Auny Pesto that you were kicking Vincent in the nuts because you love him, and internet gold. 8^P

But yes, in a nut shell, all of this internet crap is designed to link up everything you do to you, and to share it with who all knows. It's a complete shitstorm.

ps- for me, would you please ask Aunty if she has ever wanted to kick Uncle Fussybutt in the man bits?  

       And if that is a no, then how about for science, cuz ya know, science!

Oh shit!!!!!!

OMG that sucks! What a misuse of customer trust!

Most fetish sites have at least a few threads teaching basic computer security,

how to stay (reasonably) anonomous on the net and how to Back Up your

collection. Maybe we should have an area where our members can learn

more about these things? I'm sure many would benefit from it...

S&V, you must tell us what happens with this!

You both have my sympathy.


OMG that sucks. Please update how this situation turns out. Hopefully your aunt is the only one who saw it and doesn't tell everyone else. 

Same thing happened with my alt/fetish second account on fb.  Despite being very careful using an email specifically set up for it and going nowhere near any friends they started popping up as people i may know etc... dark times.

Sorry to hear, Scarlett and Vincent. It's tough having a secret like the one most of us here share. Hope all goes well with your aunt
Oh my god thats so embarrassing! Probably moreso for him rather than you though.

Happened to me when my friend decided to do a picture search on my computer. I didn’t download any myself but I didn’t know that the web browsers downloads pictures and stores them to speed up future searches. I was mortified but played it off that someone sent me links to those pictures for a laugh.

What did you say to her? Is the Instagram account still up?

This gave me flashbacks of my teenage years!!!

Considering the lengths I go to in order to keep my fetish private I am completely sympathetic to this. While I admit I chuckled it was more of that awkward nervous laugh like watching youtube fails, I would be so embarrassed and have had a few close calls myself. Since I keep this private out of a concern how family and friends would respond to knowing I am incredibly curious to hear how your conversation goes with your aunt.
I don't know if you're looking for any thoughts from people here on the forum, and again I've not had this personally happen so its just me thinking out loud but I would definitely steer clear of a convoluted story and just come clean. Letting her know that this was something intimate between you two that you never intended to share with family and friends and to ask her to please respect your privacy would be the way I would go. Probing questions would be like asking questions about your sex life and I have no idea what relationship you have with your aunt but I know I wouldn't have that conversation with mine. Hope all works out well and so sorry this happened to you guys, if you are willing to share I'd love to hear what happened next.
Crap! Sorry to hear! Hope this doesn't scare you away from making more videos, I truly love your videos!

Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, that would suck! We all gonna get caught up one day 

To be honest, that was a concern of mine with this site, and other sites, for like ever. All of these connected sites is a TERRIBLE idea, especially with how Facebook has basically sold literally every aspect of everything ever shared. I bet Instagram and the rest do the same. No offense to anyone here, but I don't want anything about "this side" coming in contact with the rest of life.

I hope this doesn't go over terribly for you  :(



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